Ch. 4 Attention Flashcards
Attending to one thing while ignoring others
Selective Attention
Paying attention to more than one thing at a time
Divided Attention
Presenting difficult stimuli to the left and right ear. Participants must focus on the message in one ear and repeat what they are hearing out loud.
Dichotic Listening
Early Selection Model that filters message before incoming information is analyzed for meaning
Broadbent’s Filter Model
Occurs when people are unaware of clearly visible stimuli if they aren’t directing their attention to them
Inattentional Blindness
Difficulty in detecting changes in scenes
Change Blindness
An effect that makes It is harder to name colors of the words than colors of the shapes
Stroop effect
Rate of learning slows as amount of learning increases
Negative Acceleration Curve
_______Model explains that an attended message can be separated from unattended message early in the information-processing system
Intermediate Selection Model
How much information a person can handle at any given moment
Processing Capacity Theory of Attention
When there is a low load of stimuli, attention capacity is available for processing otherwise irrelevant stimuli.
High load stimuli, there is less attention capacity available for otherwise irrelevant stimuli.
Load Theory of Attention
Shifting attention from one place to another by moving the eyes
Overt Attention
Attention without eye movements
Covert Attention
Lesions in some areas of the visual cortex, patients claim to be blind in that region.