Ch. 12 Problem Solving Flashcards
Identifying there is a problem
Problem Identification
The importance of focusing on the right information
Problem Representation
Problems with clear paths to their solutions. ex math problems and anagrams
well structured problems
There is no clear, readily available path to solution. ex. finding an apartment, writing a book.
III-structured problems
Problem space. ex. The universe of all possible action that can be applied to solving a problem.
Computer Simulations
Sequences of operations that may be used recursively (repeated over and over) and guaranteed to find a solution.
Useful rule of thumb based on experience. ex. list all possible words starting with “q” put “u”
Humans use heuristic
Analyze the problem by viewing the end (the goal to be sought) and then try to decrease the distance between the current position in the problem space and the end goal is that space.
Means-ends analysis
Start at the beginning and try to solve the problem from the start to finish. ex. math problems
working forward
The problem solver starts at the end and tries to look backward from there.
Working backwards
The problem solver generates a list of alternatives ways of action, not necessarily in systematic way, and then notices in turn whether each course of action will work.
Generate a test
Two problems are isomorphic in their formal structure is the same, and only their content differs
well structured problems
A major determinant of the relative ease of solving a problem is how the problem is represented.
Problem of problem representation
Do not have well-defined problem spaces, and provlem solvers have difficulty construction appropriate mental representation for modeling these problems and their solutions
Ill- structured problems
A distinctive and sometimes seemingly sudden understanding of a strategy that aids in solving the problem.
Often an insight involves re conceptualizing a problem or strategy that aids in solving
Encoding is the process by which two problems are compared and similarities between them are determined
Analogical encoding
The Early-Generalist List
Insightful problem solving can be distinguished from non-insightful problem solving in two ways.
The Neo-Gestaltist View
Putting the problem aside for a while so it can be processed subconsciously
Solving earlier problems helps to solve a later problem
Positive Transfer
(The jugs of water transfer problem)
Negative Transfer
Experts have an intensive knowledge that they use to organize, represent, and interpret information in their environment.