Ch. 34 Flashcards
Shock is a complex pathophysiologic process that often results in MODS and death. All types of shock involve ineffective tissue perfusion and acute circulatory failure.
shock syndrome is a pathway involving a variety of pathologic processes that may be categorized in four stages: initial, compensatory, progressive, and refractory
Progression through each stage varies with the patient’s prior condition, duration of initiating event, response to therapy, and correction of the underlying cause
Shock can be classified as hypovolemic, cardiogenic, or distributive, depending on the pathophysiologic cause and hemodynamic profile.
Hypovolemic shock results from a loss of circulating or intravascular volume. Cardiogenic shock results from the impaired ability of the heart to pump.
Septic shock is the result of the host’s dysregulated response to microorganisms entering the body. Anaphylactic shock is the result of a severe antibody antigen reaction. Neurogenic shock is the result of the loss of sympathetic tone.
Description and Etiology - SHOCK SYNDROME
occurs from inadequate fluid volume in the intravascular space. The lack of adequate circulating volume leads to decreased tissue perfusion and initiation of the general shock response.
most commonly occurring form of shock can result from absolute or relative hypovolemia
Absolute hypovolemia occurs when there is a loss of fluid from the intravascular space.
can result from an external loss of fluid from the body or from internal shifting of fluid from the intravascular space to the extravascular space.
Fluid shifts can be due to a loss of intravascular integrity, increased capillary membrane permeability, or decreased colloidal osmotic pressure. Relative hypovolemia occurs when vasodilation produces an increase in vascular capacitance relative to circulating volume
Description and Etiology - HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK
clinical manifestations of hypovolemic shock depend on the severity of fluid loss and the patient’s ability to compensate for it
Assessment of the hemodynamic parameters of a patient in hypovolemic shock varies by stage but commonly reveals a decreased CO and cardiac index (CI). Loss of circulating volume leads to a decrease in venous return to the heart, which results in a decrease in the preload of the right and left ventricles.
decline in the CVP or right atrial pressure (RAP) and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP).
Vasoconstriction of the arterial system results in an increase in the afterload of the heart, as evidenced by an increase in the SVR. This vasoconstriction may produce inaccurate systolic and diastolic blood pressure values when measured by arterial catheter or noninvasive oscillometry. MAP is more accurate in this low-flow state.
Assessment and Diagnosis - HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK
The major goals of therapy for a patient in hypovolemic shock are to correct the cause of the hypovolemia, restore tissue perfusion, and prevent complications. This approach includes identifying and stopping the source of fluid loss, administering fluid to replace circulating volume, and administering vasopressor therapy to maintain tissue perfusion until volume is restored.
Fluid administration can be accomplished with use of a crystalloid solution, a colloid solution, blood products, or a combination of fluids.
Limited or hypotensive (systolic blood pressure 60 to 80 mm Hg or MAP 40 to 60 mm Hg) volume resuscitation in patients with uncontrolled hemorrhage has been shown to lessen bleeding and improve survival.
type and amount of solutions used for fluid resuscitation and the rate of administration influence immune function; inflammatory mediator release; coagulation; and the incidence of cardiac, pulmonary, renal, and GI complications.
Medical management - HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK
Prevention of hypovolemic shock is one of the primary responsibilities of the nurse in the critical care unit. Preventive measures include the identification of patients at risk and frequent assessment of the patient’s fluid balance. Accurate monitoring of intake and output and daily weights are essential components of preventive nursing care. Early identification and treatment result in decreased mortality.
requires continuous evaluation of intravascular volume, tissue perfusion, and response to therapy.
include minimizing fluid loss, administering volume replacement and vasopressor agents (if needed), assessing response to therapy, providing comfort and emotional support, and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications.
minimize fluid loss include limiting blood sampling, observing lines for accidental disconnection, and applying direct pressure to bleeding sites
facilitate the administration of volume replacement include insertion of large-bore peripheral intravenous catheters and rapid administration of prescribed fluids
adequate tissue perfusion and for clinical manifestations of fluid overload or complications related to fluid and blood product administration is essential for preventing further problems.
monitor the patient for organ failure, which may occur for up to several days after resuscitation.
Nursing management - HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK
result of failure of the heart to effectively pump blood forward.
can occur with dysfunction of the right or the left ventricle, or both.
lack of adequate pumping function leads to decreased tissue perfusion and circulatory failure with an ST segment myocardial infarction (MI), and it is the leading cause of death of patients hospitalized with MI.
can result from problems affecting the muscular function or the mechanical function of the heart or the cardiac rhythm.
can occur with ST segment elevation or non ST segment elevation MI
damage to the myocardium may occur after one massive MI (usually of the anterior wall), or it may be cumulative as a result of several smaller MIs or a small MI in a patient with preexisting ventricular dysfunction
Cardiomyopathy may cause cardiogenic shock as left ventricular function becomes unable to maintain adequate CO.
problems affecting the mechanical function of the heart to fill and eject adequately include severe valvular disease; acute papillary muscle, chordal, or septal rupture; cardiac tamponade; and massive pulmonary embolus
Description and Etiology - CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
Various clinical manifestations occur in patients in cardiogenic shock depending on etiologic factors, the patient’s underlying medical status, and the severity of the shock state.
Although some clinical manifestations are caused by failure of the heart as a pump, many are related to the overall shock response include systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg, MAP less than 65 mm Hg, or an acute drop in systolic or mean blood pressure of 30 mm Hg or more; decreased sensorium; cool, pale, moist skin; and urine output of less than 30 mL/h.
The patient also may complain of chest pain. Tachycardia develops to compensate for the decrease in CO.
A weak, thready pulse develops, and diminished S1 and S2 heart sounds may occur as a result of the decreased contractility. The respiratory rate increases to improve oxygenation. ABG values at this point indicate respiratory alkalosis, decrease in urine sodium level and an increase in urine osmolality and specific gravity as the kidneys start to conserve sodium and water. Serum B-type natriuretic peptide levels are likely to be elevated
the left ventricle fails, auscultation of the lungs may disclose crackles and rhonchi, indicating the development of pulmonary edema
Jugular venous distention is evident with right-sided failure.
Assessment of the hemodynamic parameters of a patient in cardiogenic shock reveals decreased CO with CI less than 2.2 L/min/m2 in the presence of an elevated PAOP
Increased filling pressures are necessary to rule out hypovolemia as the cause of circulatory failure.
increase in PAOP reflects an increase in the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and left ventricular end-diastolic volume resulting from decreased SV.
Compensatory vasoconstriction typically results in an increase in the afterload of the heart, as evidenced by an increase in the SVR, unless inflammation produces vasodilation and a normal or decreased SVR. Echocardiography confirms the diagnosis of cardiogenic shock, provides noninvasive estimates of PAOP and ejection fraction, and often clarifies etiologic factors
Myocardial ischemia progresses, as evidenced by continued increases in heart rate, dysrhythmias, and chest pain. Pulmonary function deteriorates, which leads to respiratory distress. ABG values during this phase reveal respiratory and metabolic acidosis and hypoxemia,
Renal failure occurs, as exhibited by the development of anuria and increases in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels. Cerebral hypoperfusion manifests as a decreasing level of consciousness
Assessment and Diagnosis - CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
The major goals of therapy are to treat the underlying cause, enhance the effectiveness of the pump, and improve tissue perfusion. This approach includes identifying and treating the etiologic factors of heart failure and administering pharmacologic agents or using mechanical devices to enhance CO. Inotropic agents are used to increase contractility and maintain adequate blood pressure and tissue perfusion.37 Dobutamine is the inotrope of choice.
A vasopressor, preferably norepinephrine, may be necessary to maintain blood pressure when hypotension is severe
Diuretics may be used for preload reduction.Antidysrhythmic agents should be used to suppress or control dysrhythmias that can affect CO. Intubation and mechanical ventilation are usually necessary to support oxygenation
The cause of pump failure should be identified as quickly as possible so that measures can be taken to correct the problem if possible.
The cause of pump failure should be identified as quickly as possible so that measures can be taken to correct the problem if possible.
Medical Management - CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
Prevention of cardiogenic shock is one of the primary responsibilities of the nurse in the critical care unit. Preventive measures include the identification of patients at risk, facilitation of early reperfusion therapy for acute MI, and frequent assessment and management of the patient’s cardiopulmonary status.
include limiting myocardial oxygen demand, enhancing myocardial oxygen supply, maintaining adequate tissue perfusion, providing comfort and emotional support, and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications
Measures to limit myocardial oxygen demand include administering analgesics, sedatives, and agents to control afterload and dysrhythmias; positioning the patient for comfort; limiting activities; providing a calm and quiet environment and offering support to reduce anxiety; and teaching the patient about the condition. Measures to enhance myocardial oxygen supply include administering supplemental oxygen, monitoring the patient’s respiratory status, administering prescribed medications, and managing device therapy.
Effective nursing management of cardiogenic shock requires precise monitoring and management of heart rate, preload, afterload, and contractility.
through accurate measurement of hemodynamic variables and controlled administration of fluids and inotropic and vasoactive agents.
Dysrhythmias are common and require immediate recognition and treatment.
require mechanical device therapy (IABP, VAD, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenator) need to be observed frequently for complications.
Complications of mechanical circulatory assist devices include infection, bleeding, thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, embolus, stroke, device malfunction, circulatory compromise of a cannulated extremity, and sepsis.
Nursing Management - CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
type of distributive shock, is the result of an immediate hypersensitivity reaction. It is a life-threatening event that requires prompt intervention. The severe and systemic response leads to decreased tissue perfusion and initiation of the general shock response
is a systemic reaction caused by an immunologic antibody antigen response or nonimmunologic activation of mast cells and basophils.
reactions can be IgE-mediated or non IgE-mediated responses.
reaction triggers the release of bio-chemical mediators from the mast cells and basophils and initiates the cascade of events that precipitates anaphylactic shock. Some immunologic anaphylactic reactions are non IgE-mediated. These can be IgG mediated, occur as a result of direct activation of the mast cells, or be mediated by activation of the complement system.
Nonimmunologic direct activation of the mast cells and basophils may occur with exercise or exposure to cold, heat, sunlight, ethanol, or medications.
Description and Etiology - ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK
is a severe systemic reaction that can affect multiple organ systems. Various clinical manifestations occur in a patient in anaphylactic shock, depending on the extent of multi-system involvement.
usually start to appear within minutes of exposure to the antigen, but they may not occur for hours
Symptoms may also reappear after a 1- to 72-hour window of resolution in what is termed a biphasic reaction.
These late-phase reactions may be similar to the initial anaphylactic response, milder, or more severe. In protracted anaphylaxis, symptoms may last 32 hours.
cutaneous effects may appear first and include pruritus, generalized erythema, urticaria, and angioedema.
may appear restless, uneasy, apprehensive, and anxious and may complain of being warm. Respiratory effects include the development of laryngeal edema, bronchoconstriction, and mucous plugs.
inspiratory stridor, hoarseness, a sensation of fullness or a lump in the throat, and dysphagia. Bronchoconstriction causes dyspnea, wheezing, and chest tightness. GI and genitourinary (GU) manifestations, which may develop as a result of smooth muscle contraction, include vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain
Hypotension and reflex tachycardia may develop quickly in response to massive vasodilation and rapid loss of circulating volume. Jugular veins appear flat as right ventricular end-diastolic volume is decreased. The eventual outcome is circulatory failure and ineffective tissue perfusion. The patient’s level of consciousness may deteriorate to unresponsiveness.
decreased CO and CI.
decrease in preload
Vasodilation of the arterial system results in a decrease in the afterload of the heart, as evidenced by a decrease in the SVR.
Assessment and Diagnosis - ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK
Treatment of anaphylactic shock requires an immediate and direct approach to prevent death. The goals of therapy are to remove the offending antigen, reverse the effects of the biochemical mediators, and promote adequate tissue perfusion.
Reversal of the effects of the biochemical mediators involves the preservation and support of the patient’s airway, ventilation, and circulation. This is accomplished through oxygen therapy, intubation, mechanical ventilation, and administration of medications and fluids.
Epinephrine is the first-line treatment of choice for anaphylaxis and should be administered when initial signs and symptoms occur.
promotes bronchodilation, vasoconstriction, and increased myocardial contractility and inhibits further release of biochemical mediators.
Rapid volume replacement with crystalloid or colloid solutions is also used for patients with hypotension.
Several medications are used as second-line or third-line adjunctive therapy but are not to be used as substitutes for epinephrine. Inhaled beta-adrenergic agents are used to treat bronchospasm unresponsive to epinephrine. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), 1 to 2 mg/kg (25 to 50 mg) given by a slow intravenous push, is used to block histamine response. Ranitidine or cimetidine given in conjunction with diphenhydramine has been found helpful to control cutaneous reactions. Corticosteroids are not effective in the immediate treatment of acute anaphylaxis but may be given with the goal of preventing a prolonged or delayed reaction.
Medical Management - ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK
Prevention of anaphylactic shock is one of the primary responsibilities of the nurse in the critical care unit. Preventive measures include the identification of patients at risk and cautious assessment of the patient’s response to the administration of medications, blood, and blood products.
Complete and accurate history of the patient’s allergies is an essential component of preventive nursing care. In addition to a list of the allergies, a detailed description of the type of response for each allergy should be obtained. include administering epinephrine, facilitating ventilation, administering volume replacement, providing comfort and emotional support, maintaining surveillance for recurrent reactions, and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications.
Measures to facilitate ventilation include positioning the patient to assist with breathing and instructing the patient to breathe slowly and deeply. Airway protection through prompt administration of prescribed medications is essential. Measures to facilitate the administration of volume replacement include inserting large-bore peripheral intravenous catheters and rapidly administering prescribed fluids. Measures to promote comfort include administering medications to relieve itching and applying warm soaks to skin. Observing the patient for clinical manifestations of a delayed or recurrent reaction is critical. Patient education about how to avoid the precipitating allergen is essential for preventing future episodes of anaphylaxis. Education about how to recognize and respond to a future episode including self-administration of epinephrine is essential to prevent a future life-threatening event.
Nursing Management - ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK
Another type of distributive shock, is the result of the loss or suppression of sympathetic tone. The lack of sympathetic tone leads to decreased tissue perfusion and initiation of the general shock response most uncommon form of shock.
can be caused by anything that disrupts the SNS
problem can occur as the result of interrupted impulse transmission or blockage of sympathetic outflow from the vasomotor center in the brain. The most common cause is spinal cord injury (SCI)
Description and Etiology - NEUROGENIC SHOCK
hypotension, bradycardia, and warm, dry skin. The decreased blood pressure results from massive peripheral vasodilation. The decreased heart rate is caused by inhibition of the baroreceptor response and unopposed parasympathetic control of the heart.
The warm, dry skin occurs as a consequence of pooling of blood in the extremities and loss of vasomotor control in surface vessels of the skin that control heat loss.
reveals a decreased CO and CI. Venous vasodilation leads to a decrease in preload, a decline, and PAOP.
Vasodilation of the arterial system causes a decrease in the afterload of the heart, as evidenced by a decrease in the SVR.
Assessment and Diagnosis - NEUROGENIC SHOCK
The goals of therapy are to treat or remove the cause, prevent cardiovascular instability, and promote optimal tissue perfusion.
Cardiovascular instability can result from hypovolemia, bradycardia, and hypothermia. Specific treatments are aimed at preventing or correcting these problems as they occur.
Hypovolemia is treated with careful fluid resuscitation.Vasopressors are used as necessary to maintain blood pressure and organ perfusion.
Bradycardia associated with neurogenic shock rarely requires specific treatment, but atropine, intravenous infusion of a beta-adrenergic agent, or electrical pacing can be used when necessary. Hypothermia is treated with warming measures and environmental temperature regulation.
Medical Management - NEUROGENIC SHOCK
Prevention of neurogenic shock
This includes the identification of patients at risk and constant assessment of the neurologic status.
include treating hypovolemia and maintaining tissue perfusion, maintaining normothermia, monitoring for and treating dysrhythmias, providing comfort and emotional support, and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications.
Venous pooling in the lower extremities promotes the formation of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can result in a pulmonary embolism.
Prophylactic measures include monitoring of passive range-of-motion exercises, application of sequential pneumatic stockings, and administration of prescribed anticoagulation therapy.
Nursing Management - NEUROGENIC SHOCK
Sepsis is a life-threatening clinical syndrome caused by an infection and dysregulated physiologic systemic response. The host response results in perfusion abnormalities with organ dysfunction (sepsis) and eventually circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities (septic shock)
Septic shock differs from sepsis in that the complications are more severe, and the risk of patient mortality is greater
The primary mechanisms of this type of shock are maldistribution of blood flow to the tissues, hypovolemia, and myocardial dysfunction
Description and Etiology - SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK
is a complex systemic response that is initiated when a microorganism enters the body and stimulates the inflammatory/immune system.
both the invading organism and the injured tissue release intracellular proteins activating neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, and platelets, as well as numerous plasma enzyme cascades (complement, kinin/kallikrein, coagulation, and fibrinolytic factors). When this reaction is localized, infection is contained and eradicated. However, when the magnitude of the infectious insult is great or the patient is physiologically unable to generate an effective host response, containment fails. The result is a systemic release of the pathogen, activated cells, and mediators, including cytokines, which initiate a chain of complex interactions leading to an uncontrolled, dysregulated response.
systemic activation, various physiologic and pathophysiologic events occur that affect clotting, the distribution of blood flow to the tissues and organs, capillary membrane permeability, and the metabolic state of the body.
systemic imbalance between cellular oxygen supply, demand, and consumption develops that results in cellular hypoxia, damage, hibernation, and death.
Hallmarks of sepsis are endothelial damage and coagulation
Tissue factor is released from endothelial cells and monocytes in response to stimulation by inflammatory cytokines.
Release of tissue factor initiates the coagulation cascade, producing widespread microvascular thrombosis and further stimulation of the systemic inflammatory pathways.
Diffuse endothelial damage impairs endogenous anticlotting mechanisms. Mediator-induced suppression of fibrinolysis slows clot breakdown. The result can be DIC with eventual consumption of coagulation factors, bleeding, and hemorrhage.
Significant alterations in cardiovascular hemodynamics are caused by the activation of inflammatory cytokines and endothelial damage. Ventricular contractility is impaired.
Microcirculatory failure is a key feature of this distributive shock.
Even if global hemodynamics are restored, occult hypoperfusion secondary to microcirculatory impairment may persist.
Activation of the central nervous system and endocrine system also occurs as part of the response to invading microorganisms.
The resulting gut injury propagates the inflammatory response.66Several metabolic alterations occur as a result of central nervous system, endocrine system, and cytokine activation.
The cytokines also stimulate the use of fats for energy production (lipolysis).
Metabolic derangements in sepsis and septic shock include an inability of the cells to use oxygen even if blood flow is adequate.
These complex and interrelated pathophysiologic changes produce a pathologic imbalance between cellular oxygen demand and cellular oxygen supply and consumption.
The dysregulated systemic inflammatory response associated with sepsis and septic shock results in cell death via both ischemic necrosis and, to a large degree, apoptosis.
Apoptosis is a programmed cell death or cellular suicide
If unabated, this situation ultimately results in MODS and death.
depends on timely recognition.
use of the Sequential (Sepsis-related) Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score to facilitate early identification of patients. The SOFA score is a mortality prediction tool that is based on the degree of dysfunction of six different organ systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, hepatic, coagulation,
renal, and neurologic). The score is calculated on admission and
every 24 hours until discharge.
The two most common organs to demonstrate dysfunction in sepsis are the cardiovascular system and the lungs.
During the initial stage, massive vasodilation occurs in the venous and arterial beds. Dilation of the venous system leads to a decrease in venous return to the heart, which results in a decrease in the preload of the right and left ventricles. This is evidenced by a decline in RAP and PAOP. Dilation of the arterial system results in a decrease in the afterload of the
heart, as evidenced by a decrease in the SVR.
Skin becomes pink, warm, and flushed as a result of the massive vasodilation. Myocardial contractility is decreased, heart rate increases in response to increased SNS, metabolic, and adrenal gland stimulation. If circulating volume and preload are adequate, this results in a normal-to-high CO and CI despite impaired contractility.
Full, bounding pulse develops.
ventilation-perfusion mismatching develops as a result of pulmonary vasoconstriction and the formation of pulmonary microemboli. Hypoxemia occurs, and the respiratory rate increases to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Crackles level of consciousness starts to change as a result of decreased cerebral perfusion, immune mediator activation, hyperthermia, and lactic acidosis.
The patient may appear disoriented, confused, combative, or lethargic.
ABG values initially reveal hypocarbia, hypoxemia, and metabolic acidosis.
Urine output decreases because of decreased perfusion of the kidneys. As impaired tissue perfusion develops, other clinical manifestations appear that indicate the development of MODS.
Serum lactate levels increase above 2 mmol/L because of anaerobic metabolism.
increase in immature neutrophils
Assessment and Diagnosis - SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK
The goals of treatment are to control the infection, reverse the pathophysiologic responses, and promote metabolic support. This approach includes identifying and treating the infection, supporting the cardiovascular system and enhancing tissue perfusion, limiting the systemic inflammatory response, restoring metabolic balance, and initiating nutrition therapy.
Dysfunction of the individual organ systems must be prevented.
Early treatment reduces mortality.
A patient in sepsis or septic shock requires immediate resuscitation of the hypoperfused state.
These treatments include administration of fluids, vasopressors, and possibly positive inotropic agents, initially given in the form of a protocolized, quantitative resuscitation to be implemented during the first 6 hours of treatment. This therapy includes aggressive fluid resuscitation to augment intravascular volume in the fluid-responsive patient. Crystalloids are the initial fluid of choice.
Vasopressors should be administered as necessary to maintain a MAP of at least 65 mm Hg.
reverse the massive peripheral vasodilation and increase SVR.Norepinephrine is recommended as the first-choice agent because of evidence of its superiority in reducing mortality rates and a higher risk of dysrhythmias when dopamine is used.
Epinephrine is recommended as an alternative agent if response to norepinephrine is poor.
Serum lactate values are used to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions to restore adequate tissue oxygenation.
Intubation and mechanical ventilatory support are usually required to optimize oxygenation and ventilation for a patient in sep-sis or septic shock.
Ventilator settings should include positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and be adjusted to provide the patient with a PaO2 greater than 70 mm Hg.
Prone positioning should be considered in a septic patient with ARDS requiring high levels of oxygen.
A key measure in the treatment of septic shock is the initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy to eradicate the cause of the infection. Antibiotic therapy should be started within 1 hour of recognition of sepsis without delay for cultures.
Intravascular devices that may be the source of the infection should be removed after establishment of alternative vascular access.
Intravenous hydrocortisone only for the patient in septic shock who remains hypotensive despite adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy is recommended in the current SSC guidelines.
Continuous infusion of intravenous insulin is recommended by SSC guidelines when blood glucose level exceeds 180 mg/dL with a goal blood glucose level of less than 180 mg/dL.
The initiation of nutrition therapy is critical in the management of a patient in sepsis or septic shock. The goal is to improve the patient’s overall nutrition status, enhance immune function, and promote wound healing. A daily caloric intake of 20 to 30 kcal/kg of usual body weight is recommended for critically ill patients. enteral route is strongly preferred.
Medical Management - SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK
Patient care management of the patient with sepsis focuses on infection prevention and transmission, early recognition and treatment of sepsis and septic shock, and supportive nursing care. Prevention of sepsis and septic shock is one of the primary responsibilities of the nurse in the critical care unit.
These measures include identification of patients at risk and reduction of their risk factors, including exposure to invading microorganisms.
Immunosuppression is common as sepsis progresses
Nursing interventions include early identification of sepsis syndrome; administering prescribed fluids, medications, and nutrition; providing comfort and emotional support; and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications.
Nursing Management - SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK
results from progressive physiologic failure of two or more separate organ systems in an acutely ill patient such that homeostasis cannot be maintained without intervention. MODS is the major cause of death in patients in critical care units.
Survivors of MODS may develop generalized polyneuropathy and a chronic form of pulmonary disease from ARDS, complicating recovery. These patients often require prolonged, expensive rehabilitation.
Trauma patients are particularly vulnerable to developing MODS, because they often experience ischemia-reperfusion events resulting from hemorrhage, blunt trauma, or SNS-induced vasoconstriction.
high-risk patients include patients who have experienced infection, a shock episode, various ischemia-reperfusion events, acute pancreatitis, sepsis, burns, aspiration, multiple blood transfusions, or surgical complications.
65 years old or older are at increased risk because of their decreased organ reserve and comorbidities.
Sepses are common initiating events in the development of secondary MODS. When inflammation is not contained locally, consequences occur systemically that lead to organ dysfunction, including intense, uncontrolled activation of inflammatory cells; direct damage of vascular endothelium; disruption of immune cell function; persistent hypermetabolism; and maldistribution of circulatory volume to organ systems. Inflammation becomes a systemic, self-perpetuating process that is inadequately controlled and results in organ dysfunction.
During hypermetabolism, changes occur in cellular anabolic and catabolic function, resulting in autocatabolism.
Autocatabolism manifests as a severe decrease in lean body mass, severe weight loss, anergy, and increased CO and oxygen consumption (VO2) resulting from profound alterations in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Concurrently, GI, hepatic, and immunologic dysfunction may occur, which intensifies systemic inflammation. Clinical consequences may affect gut function, wound healing, muscle wasting, host response, respiratory function, and continued promotion of the hypermetabolic response.
Organ dysfunction is influenced by numerous factors, including organ host defense function, response time to the injury, metabolic requirements, organ vasculature response to vasoactive medications, organ sensitivity to damage, and physiologic reserve.
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Hepatobiliary Dysfunction
Pulmonary Dysfunction
Kidney Dysfunction
Cardiovascular and Hematologic System Dysfunction
With microcirculatory failure to the GI tract, the gut’s barrier function may be lost, which leads to bacterial translocation, sustained inflammation, endogenous endotoxemia, and MODS.
Hypoperfusion and shocklike states damage the normal GI mucosa barrier by decreasing mesenteric blood flow, leading to hypoperfusion of the villi, mucosal edema, ischemic necrosis, sloughing of the mucosa, and malabsorption.
The translocation of GI bacteria through a “leaky gut” into the systemic circulation initiates and perpetuates an inflammatory focus in a critically ill patient.
GI tract harbors organisms that present an inflammatory focus when carried from the gut via the intestinal lymphatics. After hemorrhagic shock, trauma, or a major burn injury, gut-released proinflammatory and tissue injurious factors may lead to ARDS, bone marrow failure, myocardial dysfunction, neutrophil activation, RBC injury, and endothelial cell activation and injury.
the oropharynx of a critically ill patient also becomes colonized with potentially pathogenic organisms from the GI tract
Pulmonary aspiration of colonized secretions presents an inflammatory focus that can contribute to concomitant pulmonary dysfunction.
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
The liver plays a vital role in host homeostasis related to the acute inflammatory response. The liver responds to sustained inflammation by selectively altering carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. Consequently, hepatic dysfunction threatens the patient’s survival. The liver normally controls the inflammatory response by several mechanisms.
Failure to detoxify gram-negative bacteria causes endotoxemia, perpetuates inflammation, and may lead to MODS. The liver also produces proteins and antiproteases to control the inflammatory response; however, hepatic dysfunction limits this response.
dysfunction may also occur with organ hypoperfusion, hemolysis, and hepatotoxic medications. Measurements of liver enzymes, bilirubin, ammonia, and liver-produced proteins should be carefully monitored.
liver and gallbladder are extremely vulnerable to ischemic injury from organ hypoperfusion
Anoxic and reperfusion injuries damage hepatocytes and the vascular endothelium.
Clinical manifestations of hepatic insufficiency are evident 1 to 2 days after the insult. Jaundice and transient elevations in serum transaminase and bilirubin levels occur.
Hyperbilirubinemia results from hepatocyte anoxic injury and an increased production of bilirubin from hemoglobin catabolism.
Hepatobiliary Dysfunction
lungs are common and early target organs for mediatorinduced injury and are usually the first organs affected.
ARDS is the pulmonary manifestation of MODS.
ARDS associated with MODS usually occurs 24 to 72 hours after the initial insult. Patients initially exhibit a low-grade fever, tachycardia, dyspnea, and mental confusion. With progression of ARDS dyspnea, hypoxemia, and the work of breathing increase, requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation. ARDS results in refractory hypoxemia caused by intrapulmonary shunting, decreased pulmonary compliance, and altered airway mechanics; there usually is radiographic evidence of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.
Pulmonary Dysfunction
AKI is a common manifestation of MODS. The kidney is highly vulnerable to hypoperfusion and reperfusion injury.
may demonstrate oliguria or anuria resulting from decreased renal perfusion and relative hypovolemia.
Kidney Dysfunction
myocardial depression; decreased RAP and SVR; and increased venous capacitance, CO, and heart rate.
compensatory mechanisms help maintain CO during the early phase of sepsis. An inability to increase CO in response to a low SVR may indicate myocardial failure or inadequate fluid resuscitation, and it is associated with increased mortality.
MODS progresses, heart failure develops.
The most common manifestations of hematologic dysfunction in sepsis or MODS are thrombocytopenia, coagulation abnormalities, and anemia. The most severe is coagulation system dysfunction manifesting as DIC.
Cardiovascular and Hematologic System Dysfunction
focus of management includes fluid resuscitation and hemodynamic support, prevention and treatment of infection, maintenance of tissue oxygenation, nutrition and metabolic support, comfort and emotional support, and preservation of individual organs.
Identification and Treatment of Infection
Maintenance of Tissue Oxygenation
Nutrition and Metabolic Support
ways to reduce mortality.
remove sources of infection or contamination may limit the inflammatory response and improve chances of recovery
Appropriate antibiotics are needed if the cause cannot be removed by surgical débridement or incision and draining
Identification and Treatment of Infection
Patients with MODS often develop supply-dependent oxygen consumption, in which VO2 becomes dependentWhen VO2 does not equal demand, a tissue oxygen debt develops, subjecting organs to failure
Hypoperfusion and resultant organ hypoxemia often occur in patients at high risk for MODS, subjecting essential organs to failure. Effective fluid resuscitation and early recognition of flow-dependent VO2 is essential, require hemodynamic monitoring, frequent measurements of VO2, and serum lactate levels to guide therapy.
Failure to maintain adequate oxygenation to vital organs results in organ dysfunction.
commonly manifest supply-dependent oxygen consumption and are unable to use oxygen appropriately despite normal delivery.
Interventions that decrease oxygen demand and increase oxygen delivery are essential. Sedation, mechanical ventilation, rest, and temperature and pain control may be able to decrease oxygen demand.
Oxygen delivery may be increased by maintaining normal hematocrit and PaO2 levels, using PEEP, increasing preload or myocardial contractility to enhance CO, or reducing afterload to increase CO.
Maintenance of Tissue Oxygenation
Hypermetabolism in MODS results in profound weight loss, cachexia, and loss of organ function.
Goal: the preservation of organ structure and function.
Enteral nutrition may exert a physiologic effect that downregulates the systemic immune response and reduces oxidative stress.
Enteral feedings are given distal to the pylorus to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration.
may limit bacterial translocation
the pharmacologic properties of enteral feeding formulas may limit inflammation for selected critical care populations.
Nutrition and Metabolic Support
Preventive measures include a multitude of assessment strategies to detect early organ manifestations of this syndrome. Patients who continue to experience sites of inflammation, septic foci, and inadequate tissue perfusion may be at higher risk.
The patient care management plan for a patient with MODS incorporates a variety of patient problems
Nursing interventions include preventing development of infection, facilitating oxygen delivery and limiting tissue oxygen demand, facilitating nutrition support, providing comfort and emotional support, and preventing and maintaining surveillance for complications.
Patients are assessed closely for inflammation and infection
Practices related to infection control with invasive hemodynamic monitoring, urinary catheters, endotracheal tubes, intracranial pressure monitoring devices, total parenteral nutrition, and wound care must be stringent to prevent further infection.
Measures to limit tissue oxygen consumption include administering analgesics and sedatives, positioning the patient for comfort, limiting activities, offering support to reduce anxiety, providing a calm and quiet environment, and educating the patient and family about the condition. Measures to enhance tissue oxygen supply include administering supplemental oxygen, monitoring the patient’s respiratory status, and administering prescribed fluids and medications.