Burns Flashcards
Skin provides func crucial to human survival: maintains body temp, barrier to evaporative loss, participates metabolic activity by vit D production, first line against for preventing microbes from entering the body, protects against environment - allows us to feel sensation touch, pressure, pain and makes us stop, skin is the first line of dense
Epidermis: protective outer layer; first layer of skin
Dermis: 2nd layer; most of the inner workings of the skin; sweat, sebacous gland, hair follicles, nerves, caps, sensory fibers that detect pain, touch and temp
Hypodermis: 3rd layer; contains fat, smooth muscle; acts as heat insulator, shock absorber and nutrient deposit
Anatomy of the skin
Can vary in way present
Major probs: fluid volume issues
Intravascular fluid volume deficit due to loss of fluids from the intravascular space to the extravascular space results in
Patho of a burn
Increased blood viscosity
Increased afterload
Decreased peripheral and capillary flow
Multiple organ systems are affected
Intravascular fluid volume deficit due to loss of fluids from the intravascular space to the extravascular space results in
If most fluid is not in with components of blood, what remains in arteries and veins: concentrated; blood viscosity increases - goes to syrup like
When does: very hard for heart to overcome extra weight of the increased viscosity of the blood to open the aortic valve to get it out
Increased blood viscosity
Creating more resistance of the heart pumping = afterload
Increased afterload
Too thick to get into little spaces
O2 exchange and ventilation in alveoli - affected by sludgy blood
Decreased peripheral and capillary flow
Severe burn injuries: induces unique complex response: releases stress hormones, pro-inflammatory mediators, immediate response puts pt in hypometabolic state - lasts 3-4 days then goes back to normal state - stress mediators (catecolemines/glucocorticoids/cytokines) - released into sys causing lots of systemic responses
Interplay between all organs - all things going on - stress reaction or trying to compensate for it - all actions accumulate and lead to metabolic and inflammatory overdrive that causes white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue which releases energy and induces liposis which affects the liver which causes it to fail and not allow it to metabolize the accumulating substances and develops hematomeglia; in turn hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia - become insulin resistent - worsens hypermetabolic drive and inflammatory response
If do not get whole pathologic process addressed - pt will go from multiple organ dysfunc to multiple organ failure which leads to death - CNS sys not forgiving; heart gives out - if not addressed and not stop natural pathologic processes - pt will die
Multiple organ systems are affected
heart goes into hyperdynamic overdrive increasing circulation and blood flow
Increasing oxygenation and deliver nutrients to damaged areas
Increased stress esp from catecolemines causes change in organ func and metabolic demands
Protein degraded into deliverable energy for hepatic func
O2 delivery decreased
Leads to AKI and stress signals from kidneys
Develops mucosal atrophy to absorb nutrients but also by doing so enables bacteria to be translocated: increased risk of infection
Immediately after injury, the burn wound can be divided into three zones: - diff from staging of wound - determine what areas salvageable and what areas will die off based on the damage
Zone of coagulation:
Zone of stasis or zone of ischemia:
Zone of hyperemia:
Zones of injury
Is the central portion with the most damage. Because it’s usually the site of greatest heat transfer happens, leading to irreversible skin death - area more browny, red; high likelihood of getting tissue back is low; zone where know irreversible skin death
Zone of coagulation:
Characterized by decreased perfusion (why white - more pale color because not perfused by blood) that is potentially salvageable; white colored; is salvageable if can manage edema and promote perfusion to this zone - will heal
Zone of stasis or zone of ischemia:
The outermost region of the wound characterized by increased inflammatory vasodilation. Pinky part; most inflammatory response and vasodilation - why pinker/redder
Zone of hyperemia:
All burns cause tissue destruction due to energy transfer - diff causes associated with diff physiologic and pathophysiologic responses
Difficult to assess the full extent of the injury
Lightning has both the properties of an AC and DC signal.
Several Causes of burns can be exposure from:
Hot flame/hot grease - immediate deep burn
Steam - disappear and wound more superficial because disappears in the air
Steam, scalds, contact with heat, or fire
Acidic agents: Cause coagulation necrosis; come in and look dry
Alkali agents: Cause colliquative necrosis - tissue transformed into liquid, viscous mass; tissue looks wet - like vaseline with tissue in it
Depends on source
Unique: do not appear immediately - can be days/months/years
Depends on source, amount of radiation
Exposure to industrial equipment, equipment used for medical treatment
Can have strange radiation
Have radiation therapy from cancer
Multiple x-rays - long interventional radiology/cardiology procedure - images throughout whole procedure
Radiation burn and see on back/chest
Most big enough where have entry and exit
Takes path of least resistance - may go from hand to feet
Entirely diff - deep tissue damage that is greater than see on visible skin - more damage under skin that do not see
Tissue damage correlated with the electrical field stream and resistance of the tissue
Direct Current (DC):
Alternating current (AC):
Everything that runs off a battery, plugs in to the wall with an AC adapter, or uses a USB cable for power relies on DC
DC causes a single convulsion or contraction, usually propelling the person away from the electrical source - thrown away
Exposure to electrical current - not very long
Direct Current (DC):
AC is used to deliver power to delivered to houses, office buildings - lines coming in
Causes tense up and Maintain contract with the source until the source is cut off
May present with only superficial burns, but many devastating injuries if there is prolonged contact or muscle tetany.
cardiac or respiratory arrest; vfib; seizures - see any involuntary muscle movements
Can also have highly destructive thermal burns - huge heat source rather than electrical source
Alternating current (AC):
Skin may be intact except for entry and exit wounds (always present - electrical current takes the most direct path and takes everything it goes through), but the current path damages underlying tissue (fat, muscle, nerves), vasculature, muscle, and organs - be in surveillance for those types of injuries
Severe acid-base imbalances
Aware of muscle break down: Rhabdomyolysis (releases myoglobin into vasculature which is then kidneys trying get rid of causing this) → myoglobinuria → AKI: look at urine color (brown-tinged) and if output is affected
All underlying soft tissue damage can cause edema - assessing pt - assess for compartment - underlying structures compromised
Difficult to assess the full extent of the injury
It has polarity and always travels in a single direction (DC). However, the voltage of lightning is not constant, it has variable amplitude.
Lightning has both the properties of an AC and DC signal.
In addition to determine cause; determine depth and size
1st degree burns:
2nd degree burns
A full-thickness (third-degree) burn
Fourth-degree burn
Superficial thickness (first degree)
Partial or intermediate thickness (second degree)
Full thickness (third degree)
Fourth degree
Depth of injury
Does not vary too much when present
Redden skin
Typ not as swollen
Burns that affect the uppermost layer of the skin (epidermis only) are classed as superficial (first-degree) burns; the skin becomes red/pink and the pain experienced is limited in duration.
Common causes include sunburns and minor steam burns
1st degree burns:
Vary in way present: blisters - ready to pop; more than red - blisters popped - look wet - serosangenous fluid from fluid shift; whitened area on skin
2 categories
Where nice and pink
Result of extended contact with liquids/solids or intense radiation injury; longer exposures to heat source
Superficial partial-thickness burns involves
Deep partial-thickness
2nd degree burns
all the epidermis and part of the underlying dermis.
Appearance: light to bright red or mottled appearance; may appear wet and weeping, may contain bullae/blisters, are extremely painful and sensitive to air currents. These burns blanch painfully - push on them go to white and then color returns painfully
Common Causes include brief contact with flames, hot liquid, or exposure to dilute chemicals
Microvessels injured resulting in leaking of plasma into the interstitial space - causes the blisters; despite loss entire basal layer - burn takes longer than 1st degree to heal
Heal: 7-21 days
Some minimal scarring
Gen do not require surgery to fix
Superficial partial-thickness burns involves
Deeper in tissue
involves the entire epidermal layer and deeper layers of the dermis - throughout whole dermis
Appearance: red with patchy white areas that blanch with pressure. The appearance of the deep-dermal wound changes over time. Dermal necrosis and surface coagulated protein turn the wound from white to yellow. - not lot plasma leaking; no blisters; change in appearance with time as body tries to heal: go from white to yellow
Long time to heal
Can heal with no intervention at all - to do so need adequate perfusion to the site and must make sure not get infected - if either happens - lose perfusion to area/infection - can turn second degree burn to third degree because of depth of damage
Do require surgery and skin grafting
May require a skin substitute or surgical excision and grafting for wound closure.
Partial-thickness injuries can become full-thickness injuries if they become infected, if blood supply is diminished, or if further trauma occurs to the site.
The treatment of choice is surgical excision and skin grafting.
Deep partial-thickness
Usually see third degree, second degree, sometimes first degree
Depending on source: open flame - see consequence of that - charred skin, smoky residue until cleaned up
Looks wet; deeper
See just adipose layer of dermis layer
involves the destruction of all the layers of the skin down (epidermis, dermis, subdermis, subQ tissue, hair follicle, sweat glands, adipose tissue, nerve endings, pressure sensation cells - all gone) to and including the subcutaneous fat and is poorly vascularized.
Full-thickness burns usually are painless and insensitive to palpation/pain.
Most not have 3rd degree - most on edge of this is 2nd degree that is very painful
Because all the epithelial elements are destroyed, the wound does not heal by re-epithelialization. - cannot heal; does not have any mechanism to heal
A full-thickness burn appears pale white or charred, red or brown, and leathery. The surface of the burn may be dry, and if the skin is broken, fat may be exposed. - does not look like healthy tissue
Skin does break - see underlying adipose tissue that does look wet
Wound closure for larger ones - surgery - skin grafting
Smaller - close on own
Full-thickness wounds require skin grafting for closure.
These patients are at VERY high risk for infections, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, alterations in thermoregulation, and metabolic disturbances.
Very ill
Require a lot of treatment
A full-thickness (third-degree) burn
Get into deeper tissue
Burn affects bone and muscle
involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle or bone, is often blackened, and frequently leads to loss of the burned part.
Fourth-degree burn
Does not blister
Does not scar
Superficial thickness (first degree)
Superficial partial thickness burns do not require surgery but may scar and be more painful
Deep partial thickness burns require surgery and form more scars and are less painful
Blisters and weeps
With increasing depth, increased risk of infection and scarring
Partial or intermediate thickness (second degree)
Insensate to light touch and pin prick
Small areas will heal with substantial scar or contracture
Large areas require skin grafting
High risk of infection
Full thickness (third degree)
Involves muscle or bone
Leads to loss of of the burned part
Fourth degree
Sev diff to estimate total burn surface area - one most commonly used - rule of 9s
Anterior chest - 18%; posterior chest - 18% - divided = 9% = whole torso if ant and post = 36%; whole arm = 9% - if divided in half 4.5% - front of the forearm,etc is 2.25%; legs 18% each - divide as each - 9% for whole anterior and posterior - if just one 4.5%
Helps determine fluid resuscitation
The extent of the burn is the percent of TBSA burned. Fluid resuscitation for patients with full and partial-thickness burns is calculated from the percent of TBSA burned
The most common methods are the Rule of Nines and the Lund and Browder Chart
The Rule of Nines divides the TBSA into areas comprising 9% or multiples of 9% except for the perineum which is equal to 1%
This is strictly an estimate and most useful for adults and children > 10 yrs
To measure the extent of irregular burns, the percentage of burned surface can be estimated by considering the palm of the pts hand = 1% of the total body surface and then estimating the TBSA burned in reference to the palm - roughly size of hand = 1%
Size of injury
Can occur in presence/absence of cutaneous injuries
Imp rule these out - high mortality with these
3 diff types
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Upper airway injury:
lower airway injury:
Inhalation injury
Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas
Come from fires; from household appliances
Dangerous: occupies one of the four oxygen receptor sites on the RBC - if one of our four sites from carbon monoxide - oxygen carrying capacity reduced- causing hypoxemia/hypoxia
Shortage of oxygen in tissue level worsened: because now each RBC not have 4 because has 3 - tissue perfusion drastically reduced
Clinical manifestations
Vague sx
Early signs: Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, tachycardia (try compensate for lower O2 on RBC), tachypnea, confusion, and lightheadedness - end organ perfusion type sx - not perfused
Severe cases/long exposures: myocardial ischemia - cardiac dysfunctions, CNS comps - reduced oxygen/hypoxemia
As carbon monoxide levels rise - go from vague sx to completely unresponsive and complete pulm failure and die
Later signs (higher carbon monoxide levels): Decreased end-organ perfusion. Heart: myocardial ischemia & cardiac dysfunction. CNS: decreased LOC, unconsciousness, coma, unresponsiveness. Respiratory: respiratory failure
Treatment: High-flow oxygen administered at 100% through a tight-fitting nonrebreathing mask (noncompliant/cannot or upper airway injury then intubate) or endotracheal intubation (high flow oxygen this way)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Burns to upper respiratory tract
Burns (injuries from heat or chemicals) of the upper respiratory tract include burns involving the pharynx, larynx, glottis, trachea, and larger bronchi
Can also have necrosis - typ from chemicals
Can get blisters in upper airway; classic burns, blisters, sloughing tissue - all affects upper airway and ability to get O2 into lungs
Usually confined here
Heat damage - severe enough to cause this at any time
Imp be vigilant
Initial assessment: Assessment: Extent of injury to the face and neck, assess for presence of blisters on or redness of the posterior pharynx, signs of singed nasal hair - breathing in hot air, draw blood and look for increased HbCO (oxyhemoglobin) levels, increased rate and decreased depth of breathing - quality of breathing, talk: hoarseness (not normal - epiglottis starting to get obstructed because of edema) and stridor (lose diameter at bronchus level - if bronchial tube constricted - air not getting in and out effectively), increased amount of sputum (look for black specks to see if trapped in there), and circumstances of the burn event
Frequent airway assessment during the hospital stay is essential in this population as Supraglottic edema may be delayed until fluid resuscitation begins and third spacing occurs. - may not be enough circulating volume to produce edema - may present ok then after 4-18 hrs after fluid resuscitation - face swollen and pharynx closed to pt and cannot move - cannot intubate at that point
Clinical Manifestations: hoarseness, stridor, audible airflow turbulence (squeking when trying to get air in and out), and the production of carbonaceous sputum.
Treatment: Early intubation - before airway goes down - easier when no edema present
After airway secured then minimize edema, maintain pulmonary hygiene, treat bronchospasms with meds, help edema: elevating HOB with 30 degrees so goes downwards; Deep breathing, coughing; in chair; mobilize; suction - careful - esp with this injury - can cause damage and bleeding easily
Upper airway injury:
Chemical injuries to the mucosal surfaces
Not seen as often; heat/chemical dissipates in upper airway
When seen, very sick and high death rate
lower airway injury:
Airway Management
Focus is to save life, minimize disability, and prepare for definitive care
Respiratory Management
Emergency burn management
Very imp
If not recognize and treat airway issue - die
All patients with major burns or suspected inhalation injury are initially administered 100% oxygen = regardless oxygen saturation - via nonrebreather or high flow nasal cannula
Assess for s/s of impaired oxygenation/oxygen deprivation such as tachypnea, agitation, anxiety
Assess for upper airway obstruction
Hoarseness - talk; glottal level; edema/burns on glottis
Stridor - at the main bronchus
Wheezing - at the main bronchus
Partial obstruction of air getting into lungs
Look for overt swelling in face, lungs, lips, tongue; need to be able see in each of them
Look for signs of burning - signs of soot in them - look for burns - suspect burns or compromise - not wait - intubate early - once edema happens - impossible to visualize and get into pharynx/lower to visualize vocal cords
Early intubation may be lifesaving and is key in a patient who has an inhalation injury, because it may be impossible to perform this procedure later when edema has obstructed the larynx.
Airway Management
Emergency healthcare professionals
Remove all rings, watches, and jewelry - as becomes edematous - can cause tourniquet effect - decrease blood flow causing them to lose extremity; once swelling - hard to get off without cutting it off
Obtain large bore IV access
Obtain the history of the injury - Detailed hx of injury
Was the pt thrown?
The explosion of a water heater, propane gas, or grain elevator and other types of explosions often throw the patient some distance and may result in concomitant orthopedic, neurologic, and internal trauma. Worry about orthopedic/neurologic injuries; scan for internal trauma
Were chemicals involved? Get the name of the chemical.
Did the chemical come in direct contact or was it inhaled?
Get chemical packaging
Know if acid/base so know what care appropriate for chemical
How long was the exposure?
and how long the patient was exposed to smoke or superheated air.
A detailed patient history should include detailed trauma, the mechanism of injury, patient’s age, estimation of location and size of burn, type and amount of fluid already administered when get there - start fluid resuscitation for us because needs to start immediately, known allergies, status of tetanus immunization, and significant medical history
Focus is to save life, minimize disability, and prepare for definitive care
If has Circumferential, full-thickness burns to the chest wall can lead to restriction of chest wall - cannot have expansion and has decreased compliance of the lung
Pt not getting adequate TV - lungs not expanding all the way because chest wall will not move enough
Pt not intubated - slow, rapid respirations - when look at chest rise and fall - minimal; pt becomes intubated; intubated on scene - ventilator has high pressure because cannot get TV necessary
Decreased compliance requires higher ventilatory pressures to provide the patient with adequate tidal volumes.
Non-intubated pt.: Clinical manifestations of chest wall restriction include rapid, shallow respirations; poor chest wall excursion; and severe agitation.
Intubated pt.: Increasing peak airway pressure values
ABG: begin see ↑ PaCO 2. Lungs not expanding - not get adequate exhale then CO2 retained
If case need do Escharotomies (burn eschar incisions) may be needed immediately to increase compliance and for improved ventilation (with sedation); make scoring lines in eschar tissue and allows the chest wall to move; These incisions usually are made bilaterally along the anterior axillary lines and are connected by a transverse incision at the costal margin; once line drawn eschar and edema goes through it but only through dermis - necessary when immediate compliance issues identified; made with a scalpel; thin line; make wide - pts edema
Respiratory Management
Circulatory Management
Pathophysiology of Burn Shock
Kidney Management:
Gastrointestinal System Management:
Extremity Pulse Assessment:
Laboratory Assessment:
Wound Care:
Emergency management
Focuses on fluid resuscitation
Emergency HCP surveys The extent and depth of the burn are assessed - determine how much fluid necessary following the Parkland formula
The extent of TBSA of the burn is calculated for the estimation of fluid resuscitation requirements; the Parkland formula is the most widely used method of calculation.
According to the Parkland formula
Fluid resuscitation necessary to prevent burn shock as fluid is going from intravascular to extravascular place and can cause relative hypovolemia - can put in shock state
The rate of fluid administration is adjusted according to the individual’s response/assessment
Underresuscitation may result in inadequate cardiac output, leading to inadequate organ perfusion and the potential for wound conversion from a partial-thickness to full-thickness injury.
Overresuscitation may lead to moderate to severe pulmonary edema, to excessive wound edema causing a decrease in perfusion of unburned tissue in the distal portions of the extremities, or to edema inhibiting perfusion of the zone of stasis resulting in wound conversion.
Heart is part of this - watch ECG - high risk for electrolyte imbalance - may have cardiac rhythm issues - esp electrical burn pts
Circulatory Management
1st 8 hours: 50% of the calculated amount of fluid is administered
2nd 8 hours (hours 9-16): 25% is given
3rd 8 hours (hours 17-24): last 25% is given
According to the Parkland formula
cannot use skin assessment for this
Monitor urine output, heart rate, blood pressure, and level of consciousness.
Document intake and output is imperative to ensure that he or she is appropriately resuscitated. - IMP
The rate of fluid administration is adjusted according to the individual’s response/assessment
Very dangerous
Decreased CO - leads to end-organ perfusion issues - organs not perfused and see issues with those
Underresuscitation may result in inadequate cardiac output, leading to inadequate organ perfusion and the potential for wound conversion from a partial-thickness to full-thickness injury.
End up with pulm edema; wounds more edematous than should be and decreases area of the burn tissue which affects healing
Overresuscitation may lead to moderate to severe pulmonary edema, to excessive wound edema causing a decrease in perfusion of unburned tissue in the distal portions of the extremities, or to edema inhibiting perfusion of the zone of stasis resulting in wound conversion.
Purpose of fluid resuscitation - prevent this
Pathophysiology of burn - intravascular contents going to extravascular space - puts in hypovolemic state - once state get to end organ perfusion affected, call shock state
Pt may present in shock r/t intravascular volume loss, decreased tissue perfusion
This occurs as a result of direct injury to the capillaries and the release of vasoactive substances
The capillaries become more permeable, and proteins move out of the intravascular spaces into the interstitium; hypovolemia and edema result
Rate of fluid loss from intravascular spaces depends on:
The hemodynamic alterations:
Only thing that works is fluid resuscitation
Pathophysiology of Burn Shock
Burn size and depth
Intravascular pressures
Time elapsed since burn injury
Rate of fluid loss from intravascular spaces depends on:
↓ myocardial contractility and decreased cardiac output (due to a low preload) despite adequate volume resuscitation
↑ increased systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) - both compensatory mechanisms - both work for a short period of time - at the end - maladaptive. Increased PVR can lead to pulmonary edema.
The hemodynamic alterations:
Focused on fluid resuscitation
If fluid resuscitation is inadequate, AKI may occur. - can progress to acute kidney failure
Indwelling urinary catheter may be placed to monitor the effectiveness of fluid resuscitation.
A catheter may be necessary if the burn extends into the perineal area because of the presence or development of edema.
Kidney Management:
Require Ng or OG tube: to prevent abdominal distention, emesis, and potential aspiration.
Do receive prophylaxis with histamine blockers or sucralfate is initiated because patients with burns are prone to ileus. - high risk to develop ileus
Enteral nutrition Enteral feeds should be promptly initiated for patients with burns delivered via nasoduodenal or nasojejunal tube. - usually postpyloric feeding because if NG suctioning would have to be turned off
Gastrointestinal System Management:
Edema formation (will happen) may cause neurovascular ompromise to the extremities; frequent assessments are necessary to evaluate pulses, skin color, capillary refill, and ability on sensation.
Must do CMS
Pts who have circumferential burns at highest risk for vascular compromise - if not corrected - go from tingling and decreased sensation, to ischemia and necrosis = amputation
Arterial circulation is at greatest risk with circumferential burns. If not corrected, reduced arterial flow causes ischemia and necrosis.
The Doppler flow probe is one of the best ways to evaluate arterial pulses - hard feel with finger tips - let settle through so can feel pulse - usually get via doppler
An escharotomy may be required to restore arterial circulation and to allow for further swelling - go from Doppler to not being able to find; allows from extremity without squishing on underlying structures
Extremity Pulse Assessment:
Initial laboratory studies include baseline complete blood count, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, urinalysis, glucose, and blood screening - type and closs.
Need uranlysis
Inhalation injury warrants arterial blood gas measurements, HbCO level determination, cultures, alcohol and drug screens, and cyanide levels.
A baseline nutrition status: albumin and prealbumin
Burns: Creatine kinase, urinalysis, and urine myoglobin - are good indicators of rhabdomyolysis
Serum lactate: inflammatory marker indicating burn severity. - know baseline inflammatory markers
An ECG is obtained for all patients esp for those with electrical burns or preexisting heart disease. - issues with dysrhytmias so need baseline ECG
Laboratory Assessment:
Not big focus in emergency
After wounds have been assessed, topical antimicrobial therapy is not a priority during emergency care.
Wounds must be covered with clean, dry dressings or sheets.
EMS take Measures to prevent hypothermia and give live-saving Tetanus prophylaxis shot
Wound Care: