Ch. 1 Reading Flashcards
Sensitivity to the appropriate time to eliminate or modify practices and adopt innovations is key to maintaining quality, cost-effective care delivery
Willingness to step outside of traditional structures and roles is the first step in making necessary changes
Flexibility and adaptation to change are essential to maintaining personal and organizational balance and to surviving in today’s health care environment
Critical care evolved from the recognition that the needs of patients with acute, life-threatening illness or injury could be better met if the patients were organized in distinct areas of the hospital
first specialty ICU: respiratory
From the 1990s to the present, critical care has consistently demonstrated signifi cantly decreased hospital lengths of stay, overall hospital costs, and better patient outcomes
Hx of critical care
In the hospital units established for patients needing such specialized care, nurses assumed many functions and responsibilities formerly reserved for physicians, and they assumed a new authority by virtue of their knowledge and expertise.
Critical care nursing
importance is placed on the continuum of care, with an efficient and as seamless as possible transition of care from one setting to another
PCU: considered the best environment for patients who do not need intensive monitoring with highly technologic monitoring. The patients are less complex, are more stable, have a decreased need for physiologic monitoring, and have more self-care capabilities.
Contemporary critical care
Expanded-role nursing positions
Advanced practice nurses
Critical care nursing roles
Nurse care coor-dinators work closely with the care providers to ensure appropriate, timely care and services and to promote continuity of care from one setting to another.
The specific types of expanded-role nursing positions are determined by patient needs and individual organizational resources.
Expanded-role nursing positions
CNSs serve in specialty roles that use their clinical, teaching, research, leadership, and consultative abilities. They work in direct clinical roles and systems or administrative roles and in various other settings in the health care system. CNSs work closely with all members of the health care team, mentor staff, lead quality teams, and consult on complex patients. They are instrumental in ensuring that care is evidence based and that safety programs are in place. CNSs may be organized by specialty or by function,
NPs and ACNPs manage direct clinical care of a group of patients and have various levels of prescriptive authority, depending on the state and practice area in which they work. They also provide care consistency, interact with families, plan for patient discharge, and provide teaching to patients, families, and other members of the health care team.
Advanced practice nurses
Professional organizations support critical care practitioners by providing numerous resources and networks.
Critical care professional accountability
The increasingly complex and changing health care system presents many challenges to creating an EBP.
When there is not research evidence to support a practice, nursing uses critical thinking and clinical judgment on which to base a practice decision.
Dx and patient care management
Concept maps
Evidence-based nursing practice
It is crucial that nurses document their observations, diagnosis of patient conditions, and interventions that they carry out to address these issues. Nurses use their knowledge, critical thinking, and ability to link physiologic data with patient symptomology to diagnose actual or potential health problems.
International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP): “provides a structured and defined vocabulary as well as classification for nursing and a framework into which existing vocabularies and classifications can be cross-mapped to enable comparison of nursing data.” 3 elements: (1) nursing phenomena, sometimes referred to as nursing diagnosis; (2) nursing interventions; and (3) nursing outcomes.
Dx and patient care management
It is an excellent tool for knowledge management and synthesis to make clinical decisions.
Concept maps
Patient-centered critical care
Cultural care
Holistic critical care nursing
For this reason, the priority for care is using technology and treatments necessary for maintaining stability in the physiologic functioning of the patient.
The critical care nurse must be able to deliver high-quality care skillfully, using all appropriate technologies, while incorporating psychosocial and other holistic approaches as appropriate to the patient and his or her condition.
Holistic care focuses on human integrity and stresses that the body, the mind, and the spirit are interdependent and inseparable. All aspects need to be considered in planning and delivering care.
importance of establishing individualized care that recognizes the uniqueness of each patient’s preferences, condition, and physiologic and psychosocial status.
special consideration must be given to determining the unique interventions that can positively affect each person and help the patient progress toward the desired outcomes.
It is incumbent on health care professionals to ensure that these issues are minimized and that patients and families are well informed and feel safe and included in all aspects required decisions about their treatments and care. Humanizing the critical care unit is an imperative.
Patient-centered critical care
Cultural diversity is defined as “the awareness of the presence of differences among members of a social group or units.”
Cultural and linguistic competency is defined as “the capacity for individuals and organizations to work and communicate effectively in cross-cultural situations” and must be supported with policies, procedures, and dedicated resources. If this competency is not present, miscommunication, lack of understanding regarding health information, and treatments may negatively affect outcomes.
Cultural competence is one way to ensure that individual differences related to culture are incorporated into the plan of care.
Cultural care
Complementary therapies offer patients, families, and health care providers additional options to assist with healing and recovery.
Alternative denotes that a specific therapy is an option or alternative to what is considered conventional treatment of a condition or state. The term complementary was proposed to describe therapies that can be used to complement or support conventional treatments.
Guided imagery
Animal-assisted therapy
Music therapy
Complementary and alternative therapy
used to decrease stress, pain, and anxiety. Additional benefits of guided imagery are (1) decreased side effects, (2) decreased length of stay, (3) reduced hospital costs, (4) enhanced sleep, and (5) increased patient satisfaction
Guided imagery
used to decrease stress, pain, and anxiety. Additional benefits of guided imagery are (1) decreased side effects, (2) decreased length of stay, (3) reduced hospital costs, (4) enhanced sleep, and (5) increased patient
Scientific evidence indicates that animal-assisted therapy results in positive patient outcomes in the areas of attention, mobility, and orientation. Other reports have shown improved communication and mood in patients
Animal-assisted therapy
Research has demonstrated music therapy effectiveness using music therapy in communication, overall physical rehabilitation, movement, motivation, support for patients and families, and an outlet for expression of feelings. One study reported that patients with mechanical ventilation who listened to music had reduced anxiety, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate. Results from another study demonstrated significant decreases in respiratory rate, heart rate, and self-reported anxiety and pain.
Music therapy
Criteria that can be used in the initial assessment include (1) clinical relevance, (2) integration with existing supplies and equipment, (3) cost, (4) scope of adoption, (5) required education for the changeover (if a replacement), and (6) safety. This type of process ensures consistency and the same standards regarding product selection across the organization.
Technology in critical care
Care management
Case management
Care management tools
Managing and tracking outcome variances
Interdisciplinary care management models and tools
is a system of integrated processes designed to enable, support, and coordinate patient care throughout the continuum of health care services.
Another term associated with this model of care is disease state management, which connotes the process of managing a population’s health over a lifetime. However, in disease state management, there is a focus on managing complex and chronic disease states such as diabetes or heart failure over the entire continuum.
Care management
is the process of overseeing the care of patients and organizing services in collaboration with the patient’s physician or primary health care provider.
Case manager oversees the care of the patient across the continuum of care.
Case management
EBP tools
Practice guideline
Order set
Care management tools
is a stepwise decision-making flowchart for a specific care process or processes.
is usually created by an expert panel and developed by a professional organization
Practice guideline
is a common tool in research studies.
Computerization of protocols assists providers in being more proactive regarding dangerous medication interactions, abnormal laboratory values, and other untoward effects that are preprogrammed into the computer.
consists of preprinted provider orders that are used to expedite the order process after a standard has been validated through analytic review of practice and research.
can also be used to represent an algorithm or protocol in order format.
Order set
Except for protocols, which are more rigid and research based, algorithms and guidelines can be used according to the practitioner’s discretion.
There must be a link between the care management system and the quality improvement program so that changes can be made as appropriate to positively affect the outcomes of care and services.
Managing and tracking outcome variances
Quality and safety issues
Quality and safety regulations
Quality and safety resources
Quality, safety, and regulatory issues in critical care
It is essential that care delivery processes that minimize the opportunity for errors are designed and that a “safety culture” rather than a “blame culture” is created.
The patient and family should be informed that the factors involved in the injury will be investigated so that steps can be taken to reduce or prevent the likelihood of similar injury to other patients.
Consider barcode medication administration procedures, multiple bedside testing devices, computerized medical records, bedside monitor-
ing, computerized physician order entry, and many other technologies now in development. Each can be a great assistance to the clinician, but each must be monitored for effectiveness and accuracy to ensure the best in outcomes as intended for specific use.
Quality and safety issues
The Joint Commission (TJC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations in the United States. Its goal is to evaluate these health care entities using their preestablished standards of performance to ensure that high levels of care are provided in these entities.
The Safe Medical Devices Act requires that hospitals report serious or potentially serious device-related injuries or illness of patients or employees to the manufacturer of the device and to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if a death has occurred. In addition, implantable devices must be documented and tracked.
The FDA requires that a drug company place a boxed warning on the labeling of a prescription drug or in literature describing it. This boxed warning (also known as a “black box warning”) signifies that medical studies indicate that the drug carries a significant risk of serious or life-threatening adverse effects. Examples include warfarin, celecoxib (Celebrex), rosiglitazone (Avandia), and ciprofloxacin (Cipro).
Quality and safety regulations
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to medication error prevention and safe medication use. It has numerous tools to assist care providers, including newsletters, education programs, safety alerts, consulting, patient education materials, and error-reporting systems.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is an interdisciplinary organization focused on quality that also offers many tools and resources, including educational materials, conferences, case studies, publications, white papers, and quality measure tools; their goal is that all health care providers and stake-holders are educated regarding quality, priorities, and outcomes.
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society is an interdisciplinary organization focused on patient safety and quality of care. This organization specifically focuses on integration of patient safety tools and practices to enhance communication, quality, efficiency, productivity, and clinical support systems. It is the only nursing national quality measurement program that provides hospitals with unit-level quality performance comparison reports.
The QSEN project established standards for educating RNs at the baccalaureate and master’s levels of academic education. In this model, knowledge, skills, and attitudes were created so that nurses would be able to continuously improve the quality and safety of the health care systems for which they work.
Quality and safety resources
There is an increasing amount of evidence that unhealthy work environments lead to medical errors, suboptimal safety monitoring, ineffective communication among health care providers, and increased conflict and stress among care providers.
An important first step is to assess the unit baseline work environment status.
Healthy work environment