Ch. 3 Vocab Flashcards
these are secreted from the uterus and cause the lining of uterus to thicken in preparation for the fertilized ovum
known as the period of the zygote; the newly created zygote begins cell division as it travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus
germinal period
begins around 72 hours after fertilization when the organism consists of 16-32 cells
cell differentiation
a hallow ball formed of about 60-70 celled; happens by 4 days
the blastocyst burrows into the wall of the uterus; begins around day 6 and is completed by day 11
the principal organ of exchange between the mother and developing organism
period where all the organs and major body systems form
embryotic period
mass of cells that composes and develops into all of the major organs in the body
embryonic disk
the upper layer of the embryonic disk that forms the skin, nails, hair, teeth, sensory organs, and the nervous system
the lower layer of the embryonic disk that forms the digestive system, liver, lungs, pancreas, salivary glands, and respiratory system
the middle layer of the embryonic disk that will later become muscles, skeleton, circulatory system, and internal organs
about 22 days after conception, the endoderm folds to form this, which will develop into the central nervous system
neural tube
period from ninth week to birth; fetus grows rapidly and its organs become more complex and begin to function
fetal period
the organism located in the uterus
a fine down-like hair that covers the fetus’s body and is gradually replaced by human hair; the first hair to appear
a greasy material that protects the fetal skin from abrasions, chapping, and hardening that can occur with exposure to amniotic fluid
vernix caseosa
the age at which advanced medical care permits a preterm newborn to survive outside the womb; begins about 22 weeks after conception
age of viability
a set of services provided to improve pregnancy outcomes and engage the expectant mother, family members, and friends in health care decisions
prenatal care
an agent that causes damage to prenatal development, such as a disease, drug, or other environmental factors
this field attempts to find the causes of birth defects so that they may be avoided
periods during prenatal development in which an embryo is more susceptible to damage from exposure to teratogens
critical periods
the amount of exposure to a teratogen influences its effects
varying in susceptibility to particular teratogens based on the genetic makeup of both the organism and mother, as well as the quality of the prenatal environment
individual differences