Ch 3 - The Nervous System Flashcards
Nervous System
Bundles of Nerves
- Work electrically
- Electrical signals around the body
- Connected by synapses, chemical signals
- Whole system is electrochemical
Action Potential
Potential difference between synapses and nerves
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Pass info from sensory inputs to CNS
- Sensory Nerves (parts of the body -> CNS)
- Motor Nerves - Reflexes (quick) Body-> Brain -> Body via Motor Nerves -> reflex (very quick)
5 Senses:
- Sight
- Touch (biggest)
- Smell
- Hearing
- Taste (also big)
Sensory Threshold
Stimuli must be a certain strength for sensory receptors to pick up and acknowledge the stimulus
Increased Threshold - Decreased Sensitivity
Absolute Threshold
Threshold at which a receptor will act to a stimulus
Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
An increase or a decrease in a stimulus before we notice a change
Monitor the position, accelerations, movements of the body, velocities
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Made up of Brain and Spinal Chord
Analyses and perceives all information from the senses - Pain, temp, accelerations
Our senses get better to compensate or adapt for other senses
% of Information That Comes through Visual Preceptors
Autonomic Nervous Systems (ANS)
- Also known as Vegetative or Autonomous
Responsible for involuntary activity such as: HR, BR, Body Temp., BP
- General adaption syndrome - How we respond/act to stress (fight or flight)
- Responsible for Homeostasis - Highly self regulating