Ch 13 - Motivation, Personalities And Leadership Flashcards
Motor Programmes
Skills / An action that is performed without conscious thought but we have to consciously initiate it
“Auto-pilot for humans’
These actions are stored in the long term memory (procedural memory (semantic/Episodic)
And the major advantage is that these actions leave more capacity to perform other actions
Jen Rasmussen’s Behaviours - SRK Model - S
S - Skill based behaviour (motor programmes - simple/routine)
Disadvantage; Action slip - fail to monitor programme, and environmental capture - habit or routine can be a major source of error - failure to check correct outcome
To avoid - constantly monitor motor programmes and use check lists diligently
Jen Rasmussen’s Behaviours - SRK Model - R
R- Rule Based Behaviour - Routine and procedure required, needs to be consciously auctioned
Short term or working memory
Performing a skill and it isn’t working/ producing the correct outcome, you slip into rule based behaviour to correct the mistakes /outcome
Problem - can be distracted / interrupted which leads to a departure from the rules - not using them properly, can also use the wrong set of rules for procedure (incorrect procedure rules)
Jen Rasmussen’s Behaviours - SRK Model - K
K - Knowledge based behaviour - No rules apply anymore, no previous knowledge or rules for it so you use your cognitive knowledge to over come the problem (based on past experience/knowledge and applying it to this situation)
Problems; insufficient knowledge/past experience, complacency, confirmation bias, frequency bias - used before for different problem doesn’t mean it will work for this one.
Factors Affecting Behaviours
Complacency - Unjustified confidence
Conformity - What everyone else does and not wanting to upset everyone
Compliance - Complying with a wish or demand
Obedience - submission to another’s authority
(C an’t, C lub, C ats, O penly)
Ability, Status and Role
You judge team members by ability status and role
Perceived ability: Ones effectiveness/capability
Norm; What we think is normal behaviour for the role/position
Role: The function and behaviour associated with a particular role
Status: You position within the hierarchy
Situational Awareness
When reality = perception
Can be impacted by; fatigue (communication will break down)
Lack of SA can lead to cognitive stress, quicker actions and then mistakes consequently.
Loss of SA; Confusion, a feeling of strangeness (gut feeling), not reacting to points when you should be
To keep SA; Scan, cross check, communicate, reduce pace or workload, maintain vigilance and arousal, check realist against your own hypothesis, check lists, read manuals
The difference between what a person can do and what a person will do
The reason a person will act in a certain way
Factors effecting levels of motivation; Goals (are they achievable- SMART), work ethos, boredom, feedback (+/-)
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Motvaiton)
Physiological needs need to be met first and then you can work up the pyramid.
Esteem needs - Approval of colleagues
Most are psychological and social
Stable characteristics associated with an individual that don’t really change.
Affected by;
- Past Experience
- Up bringing
- Childhood Environment
- Hereditary
(P ersonalities, U nder, C ar, H oods)
Self Concept and Self Ideal
Self Concept is how you see yourself
Self Ideal is how you want to be
When concept is close to ideal, person tends to be happy, outgoing, organised
When they are far away from each other, person tends to be angry, withdrawn, awkward
Hans Eysenck - Assessing Personalities
Clockwise; Unstable, Extroverted, Stable, Introverted
Best for a pilot; Stable Extrovert (EASA - reality; Stable Introvert)
Dangerous for a pilot; Unstable Extrovert
The most reliable test is a questionnaire
Interactive Style for Personalities
Clockwise; Goal directed +, Person Directed +, Goal directed -, Person Directed -
Pilot ideal; Goal directed (G+), Person Directed (P+)
Learnt predispositions to a target; could be an object, person, outcome/situation
People have lots of attitudes for lots of things
Behaviour is made up of; personality and attitudes
Behaviour = Personality + Attitudes
Behaviour changes on a daily basis
6 Dangerous Behaviours for Aviation
1 - Anti-Authoritarian
2 - Impulsiveness (unstable extrovert)
3 - Sense of invulnerability (denial)
4 - Excessive self esteem (pride, conceit, arrogant, macho)
5 - Resignation - Don’t voice opinions, make decisions - passive
6 - Complacency - Unjustified self confidence
(A n, I mpulsive, S enior, E xec, R epulses, C ollegues)
Members have common goals and common ideals
Can be very persuasive
Decisions made by a group are usually better than individual decisions
Factors Effecting Group Decisions
Complacency Conformity Compliance Obedience Persuasion
Can’t Club Cats Openly Periodically
Improving Group Decisions
View differences in opinions as helpful, not a hinderance
Try not to argue, discuss, and think logically
Don’t change mind to conform
Group Think and Risky Shift
“We-ness” - quiet ideas that risk upsetting a group don’t get voiced which can be quite dangerous
Comes about when there is too much group cohesion which is negative and very dangerous
Risky shift - is when groups make riskier decisions that maybe the individuals would have made themselves
Good Leader Qualities
Listen Motivate Lead by example Excellent communicators Good decision makers Explains decisions Deal with stress well Excellent role behaviour
Good followers respect decision unless hazardous or dangerous. They are confident and able to voice their opinions and they don’t become ego involved
The Three Authority Gradients in the Cockpit
Autocratic - far too steep gradient (sen. capt and junior FO). The captain usually authoritarian and does all the work himself - becoming overloaded. FO can then scape goat
Laisser Faire - Far too shallow where there could be a reversion of authority. Becomes a self centred cockpit where each to their own, no communication, which is very dangerous
Synergistic - Best authority gradient - Optimum, good leader good follower, explains decisions, delegates accordingly, communicates, trusts you to do your job, briefs you well