Ch 23 Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis Flashcards
MS is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that
damages the _____. Because of demyelination, axonal conduction is slowed or blocked, giving rise to a host of sensory, motor, and cognitive deficits. When inflammation subsides, some degree of recovery occurs, at least in the early stage of the disease.
myelin sheath of neurons in the CNS
In addition to stripping off myelin, inflammation may injure the underlying ___.
axon and may also injure nearby oligodendrocytes, the cells that make CNS myelin
What causes MS?
There is general agreement that MS develops in genetically vulnerable people following exposure to an environmental or microbial factor that initiates autoimmune activity.
There are four subtypes of MS:
relapsing-remitting (the most common form),
secondary progressive,
primary progressive, and
In patients with MS, drugs are employed to __(3)__. We have no drugs to cure MS.
(1) modify the disease process,
(2) treat acute relapses, and
(3) manage symptoms
Disease-modifying drugs can decrease the __(4)__. In addition, they may prevent permanent damage to axons.
frequency and severity of relapses,
reduce development of brain lesions,
decrease future disability, and
help maintain quality of life
There are two main groups of disease-modifying drugs:
immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
The ___—are safer than mitoxantrone (the only FDA-approved immunosuppressant for MS), and hence are generally preferred.
interferon beta, dimethyl fumarate, glatiramer acetate, natalizumab, fingolimod, and teriflunomide
All patients with ___ should receive an immunomodulator—interferon beta, dimethyl fumarate, glatiramer acetate, natalizumab, fingolimod, or teriflunomide—beginning as soon as possible after diagnosis and continuing indefinitely.
relapsing-remitting MS
Interferon beta and glatiramer are administered by ____ and dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, and teriflunomide are administered ___. Natalizumab is administered by ___.
selfinjection (IM or subQ)
IV infusion in a specialized center
Interferon beta is generally well tolerated, although side
effects—__(4)_—are relatively common.
flu-like reactions, liver injury, myelosuppression,
injection-site reactions
The most common side effect of dimethyl fumarate is ___; the most serious adverse effect is ___.
lymphopenia, with a resulting increase in the risk of infections
Dimethyl fumarate can decrease the body’s response to
live virus vaccines (patients should not receive live virus
vaccines when taking this drug)
Glatiramer is less well tolerated than interferon beta, and
requires ___.
more frequent injections
The most common side effects of glatiramer are ___, and the most disturbing side effect is brief but severe ___ after the injection. Unlike interferon beta, glatiramer
does not cause flu-like symptoms or myelosuppression.
injection site reactions (pain, erythema, pruritus, induration);
chest pain
___ binds with sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors on lymphocytes, and thereby keeps them sequestered in lymph nodes. As a result, fewer lymphocytes enter the brain, and hence axonal damage from inflammation is reduced.
Fingolimod (as fingolimod phosphate)
Although effective, fingolimod can cause a host of ___..
adverse effects
e.g., bradycardia, infection, macular edema, liver injury, fetal harm
Natalizumab can cause progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a severe CNS infection caused by reactivation of the JC virus. To reduce the risk of PML, natalizumab must __(3)__.
NOT be combined with other immunosuppressant drugs, must NOT be given to patients with HIV/AIDS and other conditions that compromise cell-mediated immunity, and must be used in accord with the TOUCH Prescribing Program
___ has a very long half-life of approximately
2.5 to 3 weeks and may be detectable in the serum as long as 2 years after cessation of therapy.
Teriflunomide can cause serious ___
birth defects if taken by pregnant women, and birth defects may occur if a woman is impregnated by a man who is taking teriflunomide.
Patients taking teriflunomide should not take___
as this combination has resulted in conditions that have
been fatal.
Patients taking teriflunomide should avoid ___.
live virus vaccines
___ is the only immunosuppressant currently
approved for MS.
Mitoxantrone suppresses immune function more strongly
than the immunomodulators, but is also more toxic. Accordingly, the drug is generally reserved for patients who ___
who are unresponsive to, or intolerant of, an immunomodulator.
In patients with MS,___ suppresses production
of immune system cells and thereby decreases autoimmune destruction of myelin.
The major side effects of mitoxantrone are __(3)__.
myelosuppression, cardiotoxicity, and fetal injury
The risk of cardiotoxicity from mitoxantrone increases
significantly if the lifetime cumulative dose exceeds ___.
140 mg/m2, and hence the total dose should not exceed this amount
A short course of high-dose ___ is the preferred treatment for an acute MS relapse. Intravenous gamma globulin is an option.
IV glucocorticoids (e.g., methylprednisolone)