Ch 22 Flashcards
Describe Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I I
Bismarck was dismissed
Wilhelm built a needle fleet to rival the British Navy
Germany was eager to flex its muscles expand and demonstrate its strength to the older established nations of Europe.
Which three nations formed the triple alliance? What three nations formed the triple Entante?
Germany Austria-Hungary and Italy
England France and Russia
What event to sparked the beginning of World War I in 1914?
The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo by a Serbian revolutionist
Why did England declare war on Germany?
Germany disregarded the English request to leave Belgium neutral. Instead Germany marched through Belgium to attack Paris France. They called the 1939 treaty showing their neutrality a “scrap of paper”
What did Winston Churchhill do to prepare the British fleet for work?
He built friendly relations with Germany and modernized an expanded the British Navy and developed the Navy’s first Air Force
What group became known as the Allied powers? The Central Powers?
Allies were England, France and Russia
Central Powers were Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy
Why did Italy refuse to aid the triple alliance? What role did Italy end up playing in the war?
The triple alliance was attacking not defending themselves so Italy decided to remain neutral. Eventually Italy ended up being on the side of the allies.
Identify these things
Modernism Revolutionary nationalism Victor Emmanuelle the second Rome Pressure Kaiser Era of Bismarck
Who led Prussia in the unification of Germany?
Auto von Bismarck
Name some important battles on the Western front. What was the most important naval battle of the war?
The battle of the Marne Battle of Ypres Battle of Verdune The battle of Somme The battle of Jutland – the most important naval battle of World War I.
What took place in Russia in February 1917? In October 1917?
The Russian Revolution in February 1917
The Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917
What did the armistice on the Eastern front allowed Germany to do?
Allowed Germany to concentrate it’s forces and fighting the Western front
Who was Lawrence of Arabia? Who captured Jerusalem for the allies and when?
British Colonel TE Lawrence. He led Arab revolts against Turkish rule in the Arabian Peninsula
British troops under General Allenby captured Jerusalem in December 1917.
Give three important reasons why the United States was drawn to the Allied cause.
Without the Allies winning, the US would not get a return on their money for what they had loaned the Allies
There was a growing pro English and anti-German sentiment.
German Tierney over its own people and other people of Western Europe was incompatible with American ideals of dignity and rights of mankind
What tragedy cause the United States to demand of the termination of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare?
The sinking of the Lusitania
When did America declare war on Germany? How did American aid insure an Allied victory
April 6, 1917
American manpower, weapons, economic resources, and food supplies insured an Allied victory
When was an armistice signed by Germany? Where was it signed question
November 11, 1918 in a railcar in France
What US President wanted to establish a league of Nations? What were the specified aims of the league?
Woodrow Wilson
To guarantee international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security
What were the three main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?
German territorial losses, demilitarization of Germany,
reparation an admission of guilt by Germany
How did the peace of Paris affect the nations involved? What new nations were created?
All of the Central Powers were forced to give up land.
Austria and Hungary became separate nations.
The following nations were enlarged: Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Greece, and Romania
New nations that were created were: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Czechoslovakia
What was the only World War I Victor not to join the League of Nations?
Identify these things
Trenches Western front Paul von Hindenburg Vladimir Lenin Submarines Zimmerman note Doughboys Ferdinand Foch Airplanes Zepplins "Big Four"
How did Russia get its name?
It was named after Vikings:the Russus. Land of Rus.
What title did Ivan the Terrible take? What new class of people did he create in Russia?
Who founded the Romanov dynasty? How long did it last?
Michael Romanov
300 years ending in 1917
What does our strongly desire to that Russia become westernized? What port city did he build on the Baltic Sea?
Peter the Great (1689-1725)
St. Petersburg
What czar set up the Russian secret police?
Czar Nicholas I
Which Czar was known as the Czar liberator? Why? How did he die?
Alexander I I
He was known as liberator because in 1861 he supposedly “freed” the serfs.
He was assassinated in 1881
What did Carl Marx believed about history? What did he want people to believe about democracy?
He said history is a record of class struggle between the wealthy and the poor and blamed private property as the source of the conflict.
He wanted them to believe that the bourgeoisie middle class and wealthier capitalists got rich off the back of the labor of the poor. He said representative government in capitalist countries was just a “committee of the bourgeoisie”
Why did Mark suppose capitalism? What economic system did he favor in stead? How did you describe the rise of the perfect communist state?
He said capitalism had ppl who owned companies and got rich(er) as a result of poor people laboring for them.
He favored socialism. Government ownership and control of everything. This would happen when the “proletariat” would overthrow the bourgeoisie who controlled the government.
He said in communism the state would wither away and there would come into being a stateless, classless, perfect condition, beyond Socialism :Communism. Man would no longer feel the need for religion which he thought of as the “opiate of the people.”
What did Marx call religion? Explain. How did he misunderstand Christianity?
The “opiate of the people”. He thought ppl were addicted to something that just made them feel good to endure the present, but that their hope in the future was futile.
Christianity does help a person get through hard times, but the hope in the future is REAL hope of being with the Savior who died for us. And a relationship with Christ is the only true way to be happy.
What are Marxist to most famous works? Briefly describe each
The Communist manifesto. This pamphlet laid out a program for Communist Revolution with the following measures: the abolition of private property,
the redistribution of wealth through heavy progressive income taxes,
a centralized Federal Bank,
government control of all means of communication and transportation,
government ownership of all means of production and I’ll natural resources,
the abolition of unemployment through social welfare programs,
the redistribution of the population from cities in earlier is in vice versa,
and mandatory state-sponsored and state-supported education.
Das Kapital
It is a theoretical foundation for coming last ideology.
He applied Darwin’s idea of evolution to political theories trying to give them a “scientific” basis. He argued that if a man is the product of biological evolution, communism was the ultimate product of social evolution I wish the human race would achieve perfection.
Where did the first complete triumph of marks as ideas come? What had paved the way for the acceptance of communism there?
Centuries of autocratic extremism had pave the way for revolutionary extremism leading to communism
Identify these things
Slavs Kiev Vladimir the Saint Mongols Moscow Ivan III Russian Orthodox Church Catherine the great Alexander III Bourgeoisie Proletariat Communism Friedrich Engels First International
Describe Russia at the time of czar Nicholas I I
He ruled as he pleased well other countries are adopting modern ideas about politics and progressively making a prison democracy the basis of their men’s. Russia was still in the middle ages and most Russians live like funeral service. Resistance to this are began to grow.
How did czar Nicholas II lose prestige?
In the rest so Japanese war Russia lost by trying to expand too far.
In the October revolt those are crushed and uprising of Russian workers who demanded reform.
Describe the effects of World War I on Russia
The war effort was being handled by incompetent people in the world went badly for Russia. Economy tanked, crops failed, millions starved. Food riots erupted in 1917. Soldiers sent to break up the crowds joined them in the uprising themselves.
Who led the Bolshevik Revolution? How did he encourage unrest in Russia?
Vladimir Lenin
He spread propaganda and created a Bolshevik Parliamentary force known as the red guards to stir up trouble.
What kind of state did Lenin establish? What type of government did the bolsheviks overthrow?
Communist Totalitarian State
The Bolsheviks overthrew not the czar but a basically democratic government that was trying to protect individual freedom. They did this to force, violence, and the power of persuasion.
How did Lennon force communism on the Russian people?
He created a secret police organization called the Cheka to bring Russian people under communism by arrest, torture, or death.
List five major changes Lenin made to establish his communist regime.
The government seized all land.
The government nationalized all banks and major industries.
The government forced all workers to join communist – controlled trade unions and denied them the right to strike.
The government rationed all food and consumer goods and suppressed private trade.
The government confiscated all church lands.
How did the communists use education?
Linen knew that by controlling the minds of students he could raise up a generation of loyal communists. Communist principles were drilled into the heads of students who were taught that capitalism and religion are evil.
When did Lenin create the Soviet union and why?
December 1922
Creating the USSR was done to bring all of the non-Russian nationalities under one centralized communist regime.
What to chief rivals struggled for power after linens death? Who won the struggle and what became of his rival?
Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin one and deposed Trotsky in 1927. Trotsky fled to Mexico and was murdered in 1940 by a communist assassin.
How did Stalin deal with opposition?
He crushed it. He did not tolerate any.
What was the result of Stalin’s forced collectivization of Russian agriculture?
All the crops were to be yielded to the Soviet government for distribution. Russian farmers resented the confiscation of their lands, and many burned their crops rather than surrender them. Coming as troops and police crushed all opposition. Millions of peasants were driven from their lands and killed or exiled to Siberia.
Identify these things
October manifesto Provisional government Bolsheviks Cheka White Russians Red Russians Third international New economic policy Kremlin Five year plan Great Purge