Ch 20 Flashcards
What did Thomas Aquinas do and how did the Roman church support his work?
He combined Aristotle’s ideas with Roman Catholic teachings. The Roman church gave his work official approval and forbade anyone to disagree with it.
Why were Aristotle’s ideas about physics wrong? Did his physics help man to subdue the earth?
Aristotle like other Greeks, attributed characteristics to the physical universe that only God possesses. Aristotle believed matter has always existed.
He produced nothing to help man fulfill God’s command to subdue the earth.
How did Francis Bacon explain the connection between the Protestant Reformation and modern science?
He said that at the same time as the church was being held accountable for not holding to the truth, the Reformation was exposing that and he was encouraging people to find the truth on their own, other bodies of knowledge should be discovered by regular people also like science.
Describe Copernicus’s view of the universe. How did it different from the excepted do you have his day?
He said the universe revolves around the sun this was in contrast to what everyone believed that the universe revolves around the earth Heliocentric versus geocentric
What laws did Kepler Discover?
The laws of planetary motion.
What convinced Galileo that Copernicus and Kepler were right? What laws did Galileo develop?
He viewed the sky through a telescope he built in 1610. His eyes and the reason told him that Aristotle had been wrong and that Copernicus and Kepler work correct.
Law of uniform acceleration
Laws of the pendulum
What is the language of science question
When was the name scientist coined and what we’re scientists called before that time?
Who contributed more to scientific progress than any other individual and what famous lie did he discover?
Isaac Newton
The law of universal gravitation
During the 17th century what group of people took the greatest interest in the work of the scientist?
The Puritans
What was the first permanent scientific Society in the modern age? When was it founded and where?
The Royal Society for the improvement of natural knowledge
It was formed in 1662 in London England under John Wilkins
For what is Albert Einstein especially remembered?
Stating the theories of relativity
Who is known as the father of anatomy and what did William Harvey describe?
Andreas Vesalius
William Harvey described the circulation of the blood in the human body.
Identify these things
Superstitions astrology scholasticism Aristotle physics Tycho Brahe Principia John Wilkins philosophical college French Academy of science Huguenots Jansenists Blaise Pascal
How did nature worship keep ancient people from developing science?
The belief in astrology, the confused idea that the stars, rather than the creator of the stars, will the destiny’s of men, confused men and they did not understand that the stars are controlled by natural forces and rationalize of nature established by God.
They were shipped nature itself as a God
What kind of student was Charles Darwin and in what subject was he notably deficient?
He was not a very good student. He was notably deficient in mathematics.
Describe the principle of uniformity. What opposite principal did the founders of modern science believe?
The present explains the past and you cannot know about the past without interpreting the present based on observations.
Modern scientists founders believed that the past meaning the Bible was the key meaning for the future
What did Darwin stay in Descent of Man?
“Man is descended from a hairy tailed quadruped probably arbor real and it’s habits and and inhabitants of the old world.”
Why did many people begin to except Darwins ideas question
He was a “scientist”. People did not want the Bible telling them how to live.
How does evolution threaten the quality of science?
Evolution is an attempt to separate science from its Christian heritage.
Scientists changed their course from mastering nature for the benefit of mankind to trying to prove Darwin’s ideas which really could not be proven
What is a scientists most important guidebook?
The Bible
Identify these things
HMS Beagle
Charles Layell
The Origin of Species
survival of the fittest
What set the stage for the industrial revolution? What years are called the age of industry?
The rise of modern science and the 16th and 17th centuries and the revival of biblical Christianity in England America and some European countries in the 18th century.
1760 to 1900 the industrial revolution
What is subsistence farming? What is the most critical material factor in determining how far a nation may advance?
Growing just enough food to feed their own families
Mastery of the food supply
List some of the inventions that increased agricultural production
Jethro Tull’s seed drill 1701
Mechanical reaper by Cyrus McCormick and 1831
Steel plow by John Deere in 1837
The combine that combined the reaper and thresher by 1900
Why did England take the lead in the industrial revolution in the 18th century?
England had an excellent system of rivers and harbors for transportation and water power, harbors ample supplies of coal and iron, the world’s largest non-fire being labor supply, a government rewarding private initiative and protected private property, capital for investment and the worlds largest navy and merchant Marine. It was populated by people inspired by the Protestant work ethic to work and improve itself.
Compare the domestic system of manufacturing with the factory system
The domestic system was people working in small private shops, usually within a Craftsmans home. Often entire families would manufacture products together. It was very hard work and took a lot of time.
People were hired to come together and produce manufactured goods in a systematic way for wages in a larger facility.
How did industrialism affect the size of cities?
Cities grew rapidly and they grew large. The population exploded
What happens in countries that grow in size and do not industrialize?
There are more people to feed and clothe without the resources needed to provide for all of them so people end up living in horrible conditions not faring much better than the cattle.
Identify these things
Industrial revolution technology Protestant work ethic Jethro Tull John Deere Cyrus McCormick real wages
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
England’s textile factories
Name the inventor of each of the following inventions: flying shuttle spinning Jenny water frame spinning mule power loom
Flying shuttle – John Kay-1738 Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves- 1764 Water frame –Richard Aekwright-1769 Spinning mule - Samuel Crompton-1779 Power loom- Edmund Cartwright - 1785
What device did Eli Whitney invented in what crop did it make king in the southern states
The cotton gin; cotton
What is the Bessemer process and what two men developed it?
It is s process for converting iron to steel using currents of air
Henry Bessemer and William Kelly
Name two famous canals that were dug in the 19th century
Eerie and Suez
Who invented the first practical steamship? What was it called?
Robert Fulton; the Clermont
Who opened the worlds first public steam powered rail road and when?
George Stephenson -Englishmsn-1825
How did Gottlieb Diamler and Rudolf diesel improved transportation?
Gottlieb Diamler invented the internal combustion engine 1886
Rudolf diesel invented the diesel engine
Who perfected the electric telegraph? Who laid the first successful trans-Atlantic telegraph cable?
Samuel Morse
Cyrus Field
Who has been called the greatest inventor in history? Name five of his inventions.
Thomas Alva Edison Phonograph motion picture projector mimeograph machine improved telephone system incandescent electric light bulb
When did the Wright brothers make their first successful flight and where?
December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk North Carolina
Who made the automobile affordable for most Americans?
Henry Ford
Who is the leader in the oil industry? Who is the leader in the steel industry? Describe the philanthropic endeavors of these men.
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Rockefeller gave money to start at the university of Chicago in 1891. He helped fund the restoration of Williamsburg Virginia to its 18th century appearance. He contributed $3 billion in contributions. Andrew Carnegie funded the Carnegie Institute of technology and the Carnegie Institute of Washington. He helped fund Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. He helped finance foundations of public libraries in the United States and England.
Identify these things
Enclosure movement James Watt Sir Humphrey Davy clipper ships transcontinental railroad Penny Postage System Alexander Graham Bell Model T philanthropy The Gospel of Wealth
List five major causes of industrialism in the 19th century.
Spiritual revival The rise of modern science Advances in agriculture Technological developments Rise of international trade
What philosophy did Adam Smith advocate in wealth of Nations? What did he call for an international scale?
Individual freedom in economics leads to the greatest good not only for the individual but for society as a whole.
Free trade
What country has enjoyed the greatest blessings of capitalism?
For what industry is each of the following cities noted Pittsburgh Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Cincinnati?
Pittsburgh – steel Minneapolis – flour mills Saint Paul – flour mills Chicago – meatpacking centers Cincinnati - meatpacking centers
When did modern big business begin?
19th century around 1889. Between 1865-1900.
Identify these things
Mercantile system