Ch 18 Flashcards
How much power did the popes have over medieval French kings?
The French king had such power over the Roman church in France he was practically a national pope
What idea was taking hold in France on the eve of the Protestant Reformation?
The king was the same as the state government and that the state was the same as the church
Who were the Huguenots, how are they treated, and about how many novels in France or Huguenots by the mid 1500s?
they were treated badly politically hostile
about half the nobles in France were Huguenots by the mid 1500s
This queen mother attempted to rule for her young son’s from 1559 to 1589. What kind of ruler was she?
Catherine de Medicis
Ruthless unscrupulous and tyrannical
These many civil wars were fought in France in the last 40 years of the 16th century. Name two protestant leaders. What family led the Catholic forces?
Nine civil wars
Admiral Gaspard de Coligny
Henry of Bourbon
Guise Family
How many Huguenots were killed in the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre?
How did Henry of Navarre escape death?
He vowed to change his faith from Protestant to Catholic
He was the first protestant king of France
Henry of Navarre, Henry IV
These are the provisions of the edict of Nantes
Huguenots could live in any towns or districts of France they chose, but could practice their worship only in specifically designated towns where Protestantism had previously been the prevailing form of worship.
They were forbidden to practice or teach the religion or to publicly instruct children in it anywhere outside the designated territories specifically forbidden was the practice of the Huguenot religion at the King’s court or anywhere in Paris or in a zone surrounding the city.
They were not discriminated against for school, health, or public office.
They got 100 fortified cities w/armies.
She attempted to real France after the assassination of Henry IV. Who really control the government?
Marie de Medicis
Cardinal Richelieu helped her and took over.
What did the Huguenots lose in the piece of Alais
Fortified towns and armies
No these people and things
John Calvin Synod Edict of January politiques Rosny
How old is Louis the 14th when his father died? Who ruled for him while he was a child?
Less than 5
Mazarin -Young cardinal groomed by Cardinal Richelieu
Describe the importance of France during the reign of Louis XIV
France had the largest population at 21 million people who were industrious working the country’s soil and managing international commerce. France was very prosperous and flourished in philosophy, science and art. It was one of the most important nations in Europe. Whatever happened in France would influence the world.
Louis XIV was known for this.
He was called this.
His display of pomp and splendor. LOTS of servants and he made everything an event.
He was known as the Sun King because he chose the sun as the symbol of his reign.
Define absolutism.
What statement expressed Louis XIV’s belief in absolutism?
How did he demonstrate this belief?
Unlimited ruled by one man
L’etat c’est moi - “I am the state.”
He put his government on a religious foundation and claimed that is absolute power was by divine right
Describe the Palace of Versaiiles.
What was the purpose of all it’s splendor?
If palace built 10 miles from Paris. A great work of architecture in the modern age. It housed many government offices and had a hall of mirrors, tapestry, chandeliers, and frequent formal occasions.
It kept the nobles/aristocracy occupied.
Describe how Louis XIV changed to the military system in France
King Louis made himself the top of the military so that anyone in the armed forces would fight only for the king. The French government took charge of recruiting and training troops and increased the size of the French army from 100,000 to 400,000 men. It was highly organized. The organization and size of the military gave France confidence to fight in wars.
Upon whom did the tax burden in France fall and why?
The peasants because nobility refused to pay taxes.
Name the terms of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
1All Huguenot church buildings were to be destroyed.
2No public or private Huguenot worship services were to be allowed.
3Ministers who would not convert to Catholicism had to leave the country within 10 days or be put to death.
4Children born to Huguenot parents were to be baptized by Catholic priests and raised as Catholics. 5Huguenots (except ministers) were forbidden to leave the country.
When did the Age of Enlightenment begin in France?
What was it like?
Who were some of its chief thinkers?
It was a blatant anti-Christianity that openly boasted rejection of the Bible and disbelief in the deity of Christ. It was quite miserable. The persecution of the Huguenots laid the foundation for the French Revolution and all the horrors that it brought to the French people. Chief thinkers were Voltair, Montesquieu,and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Modern government ideas became known but they left out the rights of man, government by consent, representative democracy and Christianity so that tyranny ruled and peoples rights were squashed or taken away.
Why have modern political ideas worked in England and America?
Because they were based on the foundation of Christianity.
Why could not unplug lady is not work in France?
What laid the foundation for the horrors of the French Revolution?
Their ideas were not based on Christianity.
The persecution of the Huguenots laid the foundation for the French Revolution.
Know these things and people
Bureaucracy intendant Bourgeoisie aristocracy Alsace and Lorraine League of Ausburg Treaty of Ryswick Old regime
What kind of king was Louis XV?
He was weak and selfish showing more interest in personal pleasure than in governing his country.
What was King Louis XV’s deathbed prophecy?
“Apres moi let deluge”. After me the deluge.
Name three estates of France and tell who belongs to each. Which estate included the largest percentage of the population?
The first estate was clergy.
The second estate was nobility.
The third estate was everyone else in France – from prosperous merchant to poor peasant.
The third estate included the largest population. 98% of ppl.
What group forced Louis XVI to call the estates general? How long had it been in active? What did the calling of the estates general initiate?
The French nobility
It had been in active for over 170 years
The French revolution was initiated
What action did the third estate take on June 17, 1789? How did Louis XVI respond?
They declared themselves to be the National Assembly the official representative body of all the people of France.
He ordered them out of the meeting hall and at Marie Antoinnette’s suggestion assembled 18,000 troops.
Who was the wife of Louis XVI?
Marie Antoinnette
Describe the storming of the Bastille.
The people of Paris stormed the Bastille and broke seven people out of prison there. Troops killed 98 people and in retaliation several government officials were murdered, their heads cut off, put on poles and paraded through the city.
What was the name of the French declaration of 1789? What became the sole going to Branson Western Europe?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
Know these people and things
Louis XVI
Tennis Court Oath
Bastille Day
August 4 Decrees
What was the French estates-General? How powerful was it? Who had the real political power in France as the modern age began?
A French version of Parliament
The king
Why did king Louis XVI and his family move to Paris?
He had rejected the August 4 Decrees. People were suspicious of him. Agitators raided bread stores and the Royal residence at Versailles. Louis caved to the pressure and moved to Paris so he could be watched.
What club want to the revolution to be even more extreme?
The Jacobin Club
What was France’s first written constitution called and what kind of monarchy didn’t give France?
The Constitution of 1791. It gave France a constitutional monarchy
Describe the Flight of Varennes
In June 1791 , Louis attempted to flee France, join the emigre nobles, and get help from foreign powers to restore the old monarchy. They were caught in the town of Varennes and returned to Paris.
This group sat on the right and the national assembly and this group set on the left
The right sat on the right and the left sat on the left side of the assembly
Name three prominent Jacobins.
John Paul Marat
Georges Jacques Danton
Maximilian Robespierre
This member of the Committee of Public Safety was the most influential man in government between 1793 in 1794
Maximilian Robespierre
What was the reign of terror? How many people were killed during this time?
A program instituted to suppress anti-revolutionary movements. It was led by Maximilian Robespierre. Thousands were suppressed many were guillotined including the queen, Marie Antoinnette. 40,000 people died and hundreds of thousands were arrested.
Describe how the revolutionaries tried to De-Christianize France.
They introduced a new calendar that removed Sundays, Easter, Christmas, and other religious holidays. They changed the dating history to not reflect to the birth of Christ. Months were named and weeks were 10 days long rather than seven. Men could not work well if not given one day out of seven to rest. it failed because it did not embrace biblical laws.
What lesson about war can the French revolution teach us?
It would be good not to have wars in the first place because they end up being very bloody and cost a lot of money. You cannot make people be intellectually, materially, or socially equal.
Know these places and people and things
Emigrea Civil Constitution of the Clergy Legislative assembly Napoleonic wars National convention Guillotine
How did Napoleon Bonaparte distinguish himself during the French Revolution?
He had been chosen to command an invasion of England. He decided not to do a direct invasion of England but instead to threaten India by invading Egypt.
Who declared Napoleon Emperor? The crowned him?
Pope Pius the VII
What took place at the battle of Trafalgar? Name the commander of the British Navy who died there.
The British Navy defeated the combined French and Spanish movies at the battle of Trafalgar
Lord Nelson, who some thought was the greatest naval hero the world has ever known died there
When napoleons empire was at its height, how much of Europe did he control?
Napoleon controlled virtually all of continental Europe from 1809 to 1811
What was the continental system? Why did it fail?
The Continental system forbade the importation of British goods into any European country under French influence.
You’re Europe could not get along without British imports. There was smuggling and dishonesty. It turned many Europeans against Napoleon’s regime.
What czar withdrew Russia from the continental system? How did Napoleon retaliate?
Czar Alexander I
Napoleon marched his grand Army into Russia intending to conquer that czar and make Russia part of his empire.
What has been called Napoleon’s worst enemy and why? How many men did Napoleon lose in his Russian campaign?
The Russian winter was Napoleon’s worst enemy.
300,000 men died in the Russian campaign
What battle is called the Battle of Nations? What is distinctive about it?
The battle of Leipzig
In October 1813, the combined forces of Europe defeated Napoleon’s new army. More troops fought in this battle than in any other battle of history until the 20th century.
Who became king of France after Napoleon was exiled?
Louis XVI’s brother Louis XVIII
Know these people and places
Josephine Marie Louise War of 1812 nationalism Elba Battle of Waterloo Duke of Wellington Saint Helena
What battle is called the Battle of Nations? What is distinctive about it?
The battle of Leipzig
In October 1813, the combined forces of Europe defeated Napoleon’s new army. More troops fought in this battle than in any other battle of history until the 20th century.
Who became king of France after Napoleon was exiled?
Louis XVI’s brother Louis XVIII
Know these people and places
Josephine Marie Louise War of 1812 nationalism Elba Battle of Waterloo Duke of Wellington Saint Helena
What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna and who are the key diplomats there?
The Congress of Vienna met to redraw the map of Europe.
Czar Alexander I of Russia,
Lord Castlereagh of Great Britain,
Talleyrand of France, and Prince von Metternich of Austria were the key diplomats.
Who is the most influential man at the Congress of Vienna and what was he called?
Prince von Metternich. He was called the Prince of Diplomats.
What geographical changes were made in Europe by the Congress of Vienna?
Old monarchies were reestablished.
The Austrian Netherlands (Belgium) became part of Holland creating a strong northern border. Savoie in northwest Italy was in large and Prussia, in Germany was given territory along the Rhine.
Name three monarchs who came to the throne after Napoleon and tell what kind of ruler each was.
Louis XVIII -took moderate course between monarchy and democracy. He kept peace w France, but didn’t please anyone.
Charles X - took a hard monarchy stance. The government became autocratic and unpopular w people. Legislature refused to support autocratic program. Charles dissolved the legislature, protests happened and people were killing each other. Charles fled to England.
Louis Napoleon -nephew of Napoleon, very popular to the point of ppl being ok w him dissolving legislature and ruling as a dictator. Popular, successful, and brought new territories into France. Bad at foreign policy.
Name the immediate cause of the Franco-Prussian war. When was it thought and who was chancellor pressure at the time?
The question of who would succeed to the Spanish throne.
It was fought from 1870-1871. The Chancellor of Prussia at the time was Otto von Bismarck.
Know these people and things and places
Age of Metternich Autocratic multiparty system July revolution July monarchy Second Republic June days Archduke Maximilian of Austria Third Republic