Ch 19 Flashcards
Who is the longest ruling monarch in English history and what did she resolve when she discovered she might become queen?
Queen Victoria she reigned for 64 years. She resolved “I will be good”
Who was queen Victoria’s husband? Which prime minister had the greatest influence on her?
Prince Albert.
Benjamin Disraeli
What was the secret to Victorian England’s greatness?
The Bible
Whom did the Liberals represent any 1850?
The conservatives?
Who is the leader of the Liberals?
Of the conservative?
The middle class
Nobility and other wealthy people
William Gladstone
Benjamin Disraeli
What key issue has always prevented peace between England and Ireland? Explain
Ireland was Catholic and England was protestant
A 1641 massacre of protestant landlords by Irish Catholic peasants prompted Oliver Cromwell’s Puritan regime to come against the Catholic Irish in 1649. Cromwell lead 10,000 troops an Irish Catholic strongholds and killed 2000 men. These men didn’t have anything to do with the previous massacre. Tensions were very high.
Into what two sections is Ireland divided in the 20th century? What are they called today?
Irish Free State and Northeast Ulster
Ireland and Northern Ireland
Explain economic religious and patriotic factors of the expansion of the British Empire. What three words some of these factors?
Economic factors: British capitalism was growing and businessman wanted running trails to fuel their industries. They also want an open markets and investment opportunities that the empire made possible.
Religious factors: At first missionaries were denied access to new territories but eventually Englishmen strong in Christian beliefs promoted missions and the 19th century became the Great Century of Missions
Patriotic factors: Britons were proud of the Queen, their flag, their fleet and their empire. The people eagerly followed the growth and were fascinated by the stories of strange people, animals, geography, architecture, clothing and goods. They were proud of their country.
Three words: gold, God and glory.
Identify these things
Victorian Age
Oxford Movement
Act of Union
Catholic Emancipation Act
Who is called the “Father of Homeless Waifs” and why?
George Muller
He founded orphanages for the forsaken children of Bristol England. He helped thousands of orphans.
Who founded the Salvation Army and what was its purpose?
William Booth
The goal was to reach others for Christ and meet their physical needs.
Why was the YMCA founded and what do the letters stand for?
It was founded to do benevolent work and help boys coming to the city have temporary housing, meals, Bible study, recreation and good Christian fellowship.
It stands for Young Men’s Christian Association
Who led in the founding of the international Red Cross? Who lead in the founding of the American Red Cross.
John-Henri Dunant
Clara Barton
Who is called the Prince of preachers and what was the name of his church?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Metropolitan Tabernacle
Identify these people
Sir George Williams
Florence Nightingale
Gipsy Smith
What marks the beginning of European influence in Asia
Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India
What Indian uprising led the British government to take control of India? What act established this control?
Sepoy Rebellion
India Act 1858
Name three early missionaries to India. Which is remembered as the Father of Modern Missions?
William Carey the Father of Modern Missions
Amy Carmichael
Henry Martyn
Who was the first protestant missionary to China?
Who founded the China inland mission?
Robert Morrison
J. Hudson Taylor
Describe how Japan was opened to trade and missions.
In 1854 Matthew Perry persuaded Japan to open it harbors for trade. In 1858 Townsend Harris negotiated a treaty that opened Japan to Christian missionaries. By the 1860s Japan began to assimilate much of western civilization
What country sent missionaries to Indonesia? What were the results of Christianity there?
The Dutch
Missions activity grew within the territory
What religion was dominant in the Philippines
Identify these things
East India Company
Hong Kong
What is the largest continent and what is the second largest continent?
In what African country was the gospel preached in the first century A.D.? Who brought the gospel to this country in the fourth century A.D.?
What area was one of the strongest centers of the early Christian church?
Northern Africa along the Mediterranean Sea
What discovery greatly increased the slave trade in Africa? Where were most of the slaves sold?
The discovery of the New World
the West Indies
Who is the most famous missionary in the 19th century? How many years did he spend in Africa? What three things did he believe Africa needed?
David Livingstone 33 years Civilization Commerce The Bible
What European countries established colonies in Africa? What two different opinions did Europeans have about Africa?
Germany France Italy Portugal Spain the Netherlands Great Britain One group thought that Africa should be exploited and the people should be nothing more than cheap labor. Others thought Africa was a country that needed the light of the gospel and Western influence
What two groups fought the Boers War?
Where did it take place and what dominion was finally established in 1910?
The British and the Boers
South Africa
They Union of South Africa
Why was Britain interested in Egypt?
The English were interested because of the Suez Canal used for trade.
What changes came to Africa during the 19 century?
Bloody tribal wars ceased, slavery was abolished, men realized the sanctity of human life, and Christianity was given an open door to evangelism.
Christianity brought written languages education books and hospitals
How have African Christians influenced Africa? Name one outstanding African Christian and describe his work.
They worked with linguists to translate the Bible accurately into languages of the African people.
They raised the literacy level and taught countryman to read them right by giving them the Bible and Christian books to read.
Leaders of some African nations were educated in mission schools by missionaries in African Christians.
Samuel Adjai Crowther
He was the first black Bishop of the Church of England. He started the first mission in Niger staffed by Africans. He established churches, elementary schools, high schools, and colleges in Africa
Identify these things
Sahara Desert savannas Nile river Cape of Good Hope Victoria Falls Liberia Ethiopia
How was England different from most of Europe in the 19 century and for what four things was England noted in the 19th century?
The industrial revolution of the late 18th century had made England the wealthiest country in Europe. It had a representative form of government and Christian heritage that it spread to other places.
England was known for its progress toward more representative government,
establishment of religious toleration,
growth of the British Empire, and
for the reign of queen Victoria
Who explored Australia New Zealand?
Captain James Cook
How did Britain first attempts to colonize Australia?
With convicts and debtors
How did New Zealand come to be under British authority?
People were sick of the Amarella tea and wanted British protection. 500 chiefs signed a treaty with the queen of England stating her sovereignty in exchange for protection.
What did the British North America act to do?
It made Canada a self-governing commonwealth
When did queen Victoria die and who succeeded her to the throne question
Edward VII