Ch 13-15 Flashcards
John Huss
Began at revival in Bohemia modern Czech republic. Follower of Wycliffe, considered Bible the only two authority for Christians, not priests but only God can forgive sin and salvation comes only through Christ were his beliefs. Preached at Bethlehem chapel in Prague. And 1415 church leaders some test to the Council of Constance in Switzerland to defend his beliefs. He was given a safe conduct guarantee that the council condemned him to death and burned him at the state. He said, “Lord into Thy hand I commend my spirit.”
Johann Gutenberg
Invented the movable type printing press in about 1440 in Mainz, Germany. He wanted to print the Bible so many people could read about gods gift. And 1456 he produced the first printed edition of the Bible. It is called the Gutenberg Bible in his honor. The printing press is said to be the most important invention in the history of the world.
Desiderius Erasmus
The most famous figure of the Northern Renaissance, a scholar from the Netherlands. He lived in study dollar Europe in Germany France England Italy and Switzerland. And 1516 he published the first printed edition of the new testament in the original Greek. He helped other scholars would use his Greek text to translate the Scriptures into languages people could read. He died in 1536.
Martin Luther
Graduated from the University of Erfurt in 1505, in the summer was struck down by lightning and he promised to become a monk.Then he became a professor. Realized a man is saved by faith and not works. He became saved. He wrote a list of statements called the 95 theses that he nailed to the church door at Wittenberg to challenge the Catholic church on their practices. This put into motion a huge change in history and led to the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
In 1517, a fryer who traveled to Germany selling indulgences. Indulgences were used to find church buildings and the promise was given to people that are buying indulgences would release people from all punishment for their sins and friends in purgatory would go right to heaven.
Pope Leo X
Permitted the sale of indulgences in Germany to reimburse Albert Brandon of Brandenburg who purchased the leading church office in Germany. Simony is this practice of purchasing a church office. He received a copy of loose Luthers cc and charged him with heresy and contempt. And 1518, he summoned Luther to Rome to answer the charges.
Frederick the Wise
The prince of Luthers part of Germany. He decided that Luther should receive a hearing on German soil with the Diet- churches officials in the Holy Roman Empire. He arranged a fake kidnapping of Martyn Luther and had him protected in Wartburg castle.
Charles V
Emperor who ruled from 1519 to 1556. He was from the powerful Habsburg family. He promised to give live there a fair hearing and guaranteed his safety to and from Worms. After the edict of farms he declared loser a heretic and no one was to give Luther any food or drink. He was taken prisoner and turned over to the emperor so both he and his books could be destroyed. With there was excommunicated by the Roman church and outlawed by the Holy Roman Empire.
Ulrich Zwingli
In 1518 attacked the sale of indulgences. Actually taught the Bible during mass which was not a normal practice. He attacked one Roman doctrine after another when he found discrepancies between them and the Bible. He sparked the Reformation in Switzerland.
John Calvin
French protestant forced to leave his native land and took refuge in Basle Switzerland where he studied the Bible and works of church fathers. He wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion which was a very important and influential book in the Protestant Reformation. Became an important leader in the reformation and people who followed him were called Calvinists
Petrobrusians and Waldensians
Named for Peter of bruit and Peter Waldo. They believed in the sole authority of the Bible for Christians.
The Weldons ENZ traveled as Pedalers selling goods and then would offer a rare gem and when a person asked about it they would tell them about the gospel.
Followers of Wycliffe
Any baptized members of the Roman church who disagreed with any official church opinion
Followers of John Huss
Gutenberg Bible
The first printed addition of the Bible in 1456. (The Vulgate)
The practice of purchasing church offices
Ninety-Five Theses
A list of statements written by John Luther that challenged the Roman Catholic Church and its practices.
Popular education
The education of all people rather than just a privileged few. This is what Martin Luther worked on after he left Wartburg in April of 1522. The emphasis on popular education distinguishes the modern age from all previous eras, and the reformation made the difference.
University of Wittenberg
Re-organized in the 1530s and became the first protestant university. Bible studies replaced the early study of scholastic philosophy and theology.
A group of Protestants, spiritual descendants of groups who during the middle ages had been called by that name. It means rebaptizer. They believed only believers should be baptized.
The Inquisition
1400-1600s The purpose was to investigate matters of alleged heresy and to meet out punishment for convicted heretics. The inquisitor would arrive to investigate someone and if they were found to be a heretic they were locked up and promised a trial. The inquisitor was the judge prosecutor and jury. The accused had no lawyer. Many times people were put into prison or condemned to death by burning at the stake, being beaten, or by drowning.
Council of Constance
1415 in Switzerland Huss testified about his Christian beliefs and was burned at the stake
Italian Renaissance
1300 to 1600 A rebirth of learning and study of the humanities like poetry, philosophy, history, grammar and rhetoric
Northern Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance spread into northern parts of Europe influence in countries like Germany, France, the Netherlands, and England.
Edict of Worms
May 26, 1521, furious Emperor Charles V declared Luther a heretic. Luther was taken prisoner and turned over to the emperor so he and his books could be destroyed
Johan Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press in Mainz, Germany
Gutenberg produced the first printed edition of the Bible the Vulgate
Martyn Luther began the Protestant Reformation by nailing the 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg
John Wycliffe
He challenged Roman church in 14th century England. He was a professor at oxford university and believed the church was distorting Christianity. He believed ordinary people should read the Bible for themselves and had the entire Bible translated into English for the first time
Pope wanted him arrested, and a revival broke out and people supported him, authorities backed away, his books were banned, he died and 1384, anyone who read the Bible in English after 1414 could have everything including their life taken away, in 1415 his writings were burned, and 1428 the pope had his remains dug up and burned as well
Feudalism in Germany
Peasants worked for lords with little reward
The Twelve Articles
A list of peasants grievances that was sent to Luther. He wrote both nobles and peasants to try to maintain peace
Peasants’ Revolt
In 1524 to 1525 peasants revolted in Germany against feudalism. Arson violence and robbery were very common. This made lords more tyrannical and feudalism continued
Territorial churches
All inhabitants of a particular territory should be required by law to become members of a certain kind of church at birth
State or established churches
Official government churches to which everyone had to belong. The standard way of life in Germany. If you disagreed you had to move to a territory where the church leaders agreed with you
Peace of Ausburg
In 1555 it gave official approval to the territorial, state and Stabley S-t church concept in Germany. Princes would decide which church could be in their territory – Roman Catholic or Protestant. Other denominations were not allowed. Church memberships were by birth not choice the protestant reformation began to fade in Germany.
The counter Reformation
this attempted to produce certain Limited changes within the Roman church to prevent any more Catholics from becoming protestants and to force protestants back into the Roman fold
Ignatius Loyola
In 1521 a Spanish soldier who repented for three days and felt uncomfortable. He decided to try to earn salvation by service to the Roman church and the pope.
Society of Jesus
Jesuits of 1540. The pope gave Loyola permission to start this religious organization. They grew from 10 members to 1500 members in five years. Their goal was to get protestants back into the Roman church. They used schools and education to do this.
The Inquisition
Fueled by the counter Reformation this movement used torture and terror to get protestants to confess. This virtually stopped the Protestantism in Spain. The Roman church still thought it was the kingdom of God on earth. Protestants restaurant to the kingdom.
Peace of Ausburg
1555 it sought to stabilize politics and religion in Germany by combining the two. It was a temporary truce. Changes in politics and religion affected each other. By 1600, about 9/10 of the Holy Roman Empire were Protestant.
Excluded by Peace of Ausburg and spread to Germany. Calvinist priest led people and find a league in 1608 that we’re prepared to fight. Catholic states responded to the league of their own and 1609.
The 30 years war
1618 to 1648 – one of the most confusing and disastrous words in European history. Mainly a Civil War in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire over religious and political issues. Spain France Denmark and Sweden also became involved.
Bohemia 1618 to 1621
This is where the 30 years war began 101 years after the start of the Protestant Reformation. Throughout the 1500s bohemian Hussites defend themselves from popes, emperors, etc.
Ferdinand II
1619 from the Habsburg family. Became Holy Roman Empire determined to return bohemia to Romanism by force. He wiped out political and religious liberty and by 1621 political and religious frustrations destroyed Bohemia.
Lands along the Rhine 1621 to 1625
By 1625 in Spanish troops had conquered this region as well
The danish struggle 1625 to 1629 -Christian IV
Christian IV, king of Denmark, supported by England and Holland became the champion of Lutheran Protestantism. Denmark finally was defeated in 1629
The Swedish struggle 1630 to 1632
It looked like Romanism was going to stamp out Protestantism for good but Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, great Lutheran warrior king, landed in Germany with a well-trained army he turned the tide of war. In 1632 Adolphus was killed and the Swedish army was destroyed in 1634.
The Peace of Westphalia
France allied with Swedish German and Dutch protestants and one victories over Austrian in Spanish Habsburg forces. The conference convened in Westphalia to end the conflict and the document was signed in 1648.
Emperor lost territory
In the north to Sweden and in the south to France. Holland in Switzerland became independent countries. The emperor last power in Germany altogether and protestant princes in Germany regained power. Calvinism added with Lutheranism and Roman is him as a church to choose from so Europe became a diverse place.
And oasis of peace known for neutrality in war and political freedom
Name given to Switzerland under the Roman empire. German tribes had settled here but we’re driven out by the Franks. How about a cup became part of the Roman empire when it began in 962.
War with the Habsburgs
Swiss cantons Schwyz and Uri didn’t want Austrian power to become too great but Habsburgs already controlled much of how Helvetia. In 1273, Rudolph I ruled over Schwyz and Uri. In 1291 the two cantons fought for freedom with Unterwalden.
Perpetual covenant
Defense charter in which Schwyz and Uri agreed to defend each other against foreign imposed rule
Swiss Confederation
The first name of Switzerland, Combining whites and Yuri and untraveled the cantons. Named after Sweitz. Defeated many Australian assaults and 1315 battle of more garden 1600 switch defeated and 20,000 Australians; 1353 5 more Cantons joined Switzerland and kept Austria at bay. During 1400s, Switzerland was powerful, entered Wars to gain territory
Switzerland one it’s complete independence from the holy Roman empire
Swista feared French in Italy;/13 cantons in Swiss Confederation
Swiss lost to French
Nation neutrality
Swiss decided to stay out of wars
Protestant Reformation split Switzerland into two religious camps; 4 civil wars happened
The Roman church court that was established to investigate matters of alleged heresy
The Inquisition
This person invented the movable type printing press
Johann Gutenberg
The statements by Martin Luther that begin the Protestant Reformation
The Ninety-Five Theses
This nation was formed from ancient Gaul
This “lady king” of Denmark ruled from Finland to Greenland, the largest kingdom in Europe at the time.
This nation lead the way in the great age of exploration
This English author and playwright may be the greatest writer the world has ever known
William Shakespeare
This person led the French during the hundred years war and was known as the “Maid of Orleans”
Joan of Arc
This country was led by William the Silent in its independence of Spain
The Netherlands
The line of kings that Henry II of England began
The nickname that Mary Tudor received for her persecution of English Protestants
“Bloody Mary”
The Roman church official he traveled to Germany selling indulgences
Charles V declared Martin Luther a heretic here
This religious group had the philosophy of “the end justifies the means “
This person translated the Bible into English for the first time
John Wycliffe
The Christian reformer in Bohemia
John Huss
He published the first printed edition of the new testament in the original Greek
Desiderius Erasmus
The Christian reformer in Zürich
Ulrich Zwingli
The Christian reformer in Geneva
John Calvin
He led the Scottish reformation
John Knox
He wrote the Book of Martyrs
John Foxe
The statement that best describes the influence of the Northern Renaissance
People began to realize that the most important book is the Bible
After reading the “Twelve Articles” from the peasants this was Luther’s response
Christianity must not be thought of as a revolutionary political movement
This statement best describes the results of territorial churches
Territorial churches prettiest cold formal churches that help no religious freedom
This statement best describes the significance of the English defeat of the Spanish Armada
England secured complete independence from the Roman church
This statement best explains what the signing of the Magna Carta established
Precedents of freedom by clearly defining the rights and privileges of the people were established
Know these locations
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, London, Dublin, English channel, Irish Sea, Wales, Thames River