Ch. 2.1 The Glorious Revolution Flashcards
divine right of kings
monarchs considered selves to be only accountable to God, not their citizens
republic (declared in England)
natural rights
rights humans are born with
(a) attribute
“Louis’s (XIV) reign can be best summed up by a famous saying ATTRIBUTED to him: ‘I am the state.’”
(a) restraint
“They (James I and Charles I of England) believed they should be able to operate without any RESTRAINT from Parliament - to spend money as they wanted, to build fine buildings, or make alliances abroad if they felt like it.”
(a) consensus
“England’s lords and landowners came to a quiet CONSENSUS.”
(a) hypothetical
“In the real world, Locke felt there were problems in this HYPOTHETICAL idea of nature.”
(a) mutual
“Under this contract, the people and the government had MUTUAL obligations.”
(p) Elizabeth I
daughter of Henry VIII. English reign from 1558-1603. wise leader. consulted Parliament.
(p) Puritans
Calvinists who wanted to purify the Anglican Church
(p) Charles I
son of James I. absolute monarch of England. ignore Parliament
(p) Oliver Cromwell
military genius who created and led the New Model Army in civil war against English monarchy—> overthrow + dictatorship
(p) Charles II
Stuart heir to English throne after Cromwell’s death
(p) James II
brother of Charles II. succeeded throne. Catholic, which made Parliament unhappy. favored Catholics for good occupations/positions
(p) William of Orange
Dutch leader, husband of James II’s Protestant daughter Mary. raise army and kick out Catholic James. no bloodshed
(p) John Locke
philosopher. {Two Treatises of Government} believe natural rights. government protect rights of people and people act reasonably to gov’t.