Ch. 1.2 The Civilization of the Greeks Flashcards
Greek city-state
ruler who seizes power by force and not subject to law
government by the people or rule of the many
rule by the few
direct democracy
form of democracy in which citizens participated directly in decision making
organized system of thought “love of wisdom”
Socratic method
Q and A format to draw out knowledge from pupils
(a) goal
“Above all, the polis was a community with a common identity and common GOALS.”
(a) adult
“A polis was made up of three groups: citizens with political rights (ADULT males), citizens with no political rights (women and children), and noncitizens (slaves and resident aliens).”
(a) foundation
“Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle established the FOUNDATIONS of Western philosophy.”
(p) Pericles
dominated Athenian politics from 461-429 BC
(p) Socrates
known from pupils’ notes on him. stonemason whose true love was knowledge.
(p) Plato
Socrates’s student. wrote a lot. {The Republic} ideal government: three classes 1. philosopher kings. 2. warriors. 3. everyone else.
(p) Aristotle
student of Plato. three good forms of gov’t: monarchy, aristocracy, constitutional government (this is best)
(pl) Sparta
Greek city-state based on military. oligarchy headed by two kings
(pl) Athens
Greek city-state. flourished. ruled by king—>aristocracy—>direct democracy