Ch 2 - Complexity of psychological development Flashcards
- Nature vs Nurture - Biopsychosocial model - Psych development across the lifespan - Critical and sensitive periods
Psychological development
an individual’s changes in functioning across multiple domains, including the lifelong growth across emotional, cognitive, and social domains
Cognitive development
The changes in thought processes that occur as we age. This includes a more sophisticated production of thought as well as the ability to comprehend and organise information from the internal and external environment
Emotional development
The continuous, lifelong changes in skills that allow individuals to control, express, and recognise emotions in an appropriate way
Social development
The lifelong changes in skills that allow individuals to effectively and appropriately interact with others
Hereditary factors
factors that influence development and are genetically passed down from biological parents to their offspring
Environmental factors
factors that influence development and arise from an individual’s physical and social surroundings
Genetic predisposition
the increased likelihood to develop certain traits, including diseases, if certain conditions are met.
Biopsychosocial model
a holistic, interdisciplinary framework for understanding the human experience in terms of the influence of biological, psychological, and social factors.
Biological factors
internal genetic and/or psychologically based factors.
Psychological factors
internal factors pertaining to an individual’s mental processes, including their cognition, affect, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes
Social factors
external factors relating to an individual’s interaction with others and their external environment, including their relationships and community involvement
Mental wellbeing
an individual’s current psychological state, involving their ability to think, process information, and regulate emotions
a long-lasting emotional bond between two individuals:
- Secure attachment - trust, value, emotional security
- Insecure attachment - craving/rejecting affection, anxiety, bad emotional expression
Stages of development in cognition
Sensorimotor (0-2) - object permanence, goal-directed behaviour
Preoperational (2-7) - egocentric, overcome centration, understand reversibility
Concrete operational (7-12) - understand conservation, classification, perform simple metal operations
Formal operational (12+) - produce abstract thought, reason and logic
Crises across the lifespan (0-12)
Trust vs. Mistrust (0-1) - reliable caregivers = trust, trusting relationships as adult
Autonomy vs. shame/doubt (1-3) - encouraged = autonomy, independence as adult
Initiative vs. guilt (3-6) - interact with others = independent thought, self confidence
Industry vs. inferiority (6-12) - feels proud of performances = industry
Crises across the lifespan (12-65+)
Identity vs. role confusion (12-19) - made clear = sense of identity
Intimacy vs. isolation (19-30) - sense of self/trust = intimacy
Generativity vs. stagnation (30-64) - sense of purpose & connect w/ society = generativity
Integrity vs. despair (65+) - satisfaction w/ achievements = integrity
the biologically programmed process of growth that has a fixed sequence and facilitates all aspects of our development as we grow
the brain’s ability to physically change shape in response to experience and learning
Critical periods
the narrow, rigid developmental period in
which a specific function or skill must be learnt
e.g. 1st language acquisition
Sensitive periods
the optimal developmental period for a specific
function or skill to be learnt in the fastest and
easiest way
e.g. 2nd language acquisition