Ch 19 - Revising and Editing for Usability Flashcards
What are the four levels of editing?
- Revising
- Substantive editing
- Copy editing
- Proofreading
What is the focus of revising a draft?
Try and see document from variety of perspectives. Review:
- Subject
- Purpose
- Readers
- Context
What is the focus for a substantive edit?
- Content
- Organization
- Design
What is the focus of copyediting?
Review the sentences, paragraphs, headings, and graphics.
- Concentrate on improving style and consistency.
- Ensure headings and graphics are appropriate and accurate.
What is document cycling and usability testing?
Cycling - passing document among coworkers for feedback
Usability Testing - uses actual readers and can use informal or formal methods:
* Can they find it? (read and locate)
* Can they understand it? (understandability test)
* Can they do it? (performance test)
* Is it safe? (safety tests)
In copyediting, name four things to check at the paragraph level.
- Clear topic sentence and enough support to back it up
- Need a transitional sentence at beginning or point sentence at end?
- Subjects aligned, or would given/new help?
- Transitions or transitional phrases needed between sentences?
In copyediting, name three things to check at the headings level.
- Properly reflects text that follows
- Enables document scanning
- Demonstrates clear structure and importance levels
While revising, name three things to check at the subject level.
- How has subject changed/evolved?
- Has the scope changed?
- Has the document strayed from the subject?
While revising, name three things to check at the purpose level.
- Where in document is purpose achieved?
- Has purpose narrowed or broadened?
- If it’s changed, what adjustments are needed?
While revising, name three things to check at the readers’ level.
- Additional need-to-know info needed to make a decision?
- Where are values and attitudes not addressed?
- Can the needs of secondary, tertiary, gatekeepers be better addressed?
While revising, name three things to check at the context of use level.
- How will document look in different media/screen sizes?
- Do any reader economic limitations or ethical issues impact the document?
- How can respond better to personal, corporate, industry related issues that shape readers understanding?
While revising, name three things to check at the context of use level.
- How will document look in different media/screen sizes?
- Do any reader economic limitations or ethical issues impact the document?
- How can respond better to personal, corporate, industry related issues that shape readers understanding?
During substantive edit, name three things to check at the content level.
Look for gaps or digressions.
- What additional facts, data, examples, proofs, or graphics fill the gap?
- Is more research needed to support points?
- Is any information included that’s not needed to make a decision?
During substantive edit, name two things to check at the organization level.
- Conforms to genre (unless helpful in achieving purpose)
* Has identifiable introduction, body, & conclusion
During substantive edit, name two things to check at the organization level.
- Conforms to genre (unless helpful in achieving purpose)
* Has identifiable introduction, body, & conclusion
During substantive edit, name five things to check at the design level.
Does page layout and graphics enhance readability?
- How can text be made more readable for situations and places where people will use it?
- Can design better reflect readers’ values and attitudes?
- Does it properly reflect the five design principles: balance, alignment, grouping, consistency, and contrast?
- Do titles and subheads best signal purpose and structure of document?
- Do graphics support text and clarify difficult points?
What is the focus for proofreading?
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Word usage
What is a comma splice?
Two or more distinct sentences joined only by a comma.
What is a run-on sentence
Sentence composed of two or more distinct sentences
What is a sentence fragment?
Incomplete sentence, usually missing a subject or a verb.
What is a dangling modifier?
A modifier (usually in an introductory phrase) implies a different subject than the one in the sentence’s subject slot.
What is a subject-verb disagreement
A singular or plural subject does not agree with the verb form.
How are apostrophes and commas usually misused?
apostrophes - confusing possessive and contractions
commas - adding unnecessary pauses
What is a pronoun-antecedent disagreement?
A pronoun doesn’t agree with noun used earlier in sentence.
What is faulty parallelism?
A list of items is not parallel in structure
What is pronoun case error
The case of a pronoun is incorrect - usually due to confusion between “I” or “me”.
What is shifted tense?
Sentences inconsistently use past, present, and future tenses.
What is a vague pronoun?
Unclear what the pronoun refers to.
What are items to consider when editing for transcultural readers?
- Use short, direct sentences that follow subject, verb, object order.
- Use positive sentences and minimize negative ones.
- Use a limited set of words
- Avoid humor/jokes
- Minimize jargon/slang
- Check sayings, cliches and idioms
- Avoid obvious metaphors
- Check slogans
- Check product names
- Use a test reader from the target culture