Ch 14 - Innate Immune System Flashcards
Induced cell death
Inhibit viral replication
Synthesized when a cell’s PRR detects viral dsRNA and are released from the cell. Bind to neighboring cells and signal the cells to synthesize iAVP (inactive viral proteins). When those cells are infected by viroids, the iAVP turns to AVP which induces cell death. Result: prevents viral spread
Series of protein in blood and tissue fluids that can be activated to help destroy and remove invading microbes
Complement system
Chemical messengers: they enable communication among host cells to activate defenses
Innate response with the purpose of containing a site of damage, localizing the response,eliminating the invader and restoring tissue function
Inflammatory response
A type of immune cell that specializes in engulfing and digesting microbes and cell debris (phagocytosis). They are a type of white blood cell and examples are macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils
PRR (pattern recognition receptors)
Proteins in or on cells that recognize specific compounds unique to microbes or tissue damage
Innate defenses: think high-security building
- First line: prevents entry - security walls and barbed wire (skin, mucous and anti microbial substances like tears or saliva)
- Sensor systems: detect damage/invasion - security cameras (PRR, complement system)
- Innate effector actions: eliminate invader - security teams (phagocytosis, interferon ->antiviral proteins, complement activation, inflammation, fever)
_________ tag microbes for phagocytosis. They include complement component C3b and antibody molecules (they are the other side of Velcro for the phagocytes)
Macrophages, giant cells, T cells form a concentrated group around foreign material to wall them off and prevent them from spreading. Thisis known as a
Granuloma (part of the disease process of Tuberculosis)
Phagocyte: always present in tissues, can be activated to have more power, long-lived
Phagocyte: highly reactive, short-lived, must be recruited to the site of damage. Releases granules
Used opsonins to tag foreign pathogens to be eaten (phagocytosis)
Increasing passage of white blood (leukocytes) cells into infection site (leaky blood vessels)