CH:13 Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Aversion therapy
a form of treatment using classical conditioning to cause an undesired behaviour to create an unwanted response, thereby reducing the incidence of the behaviour.
a learned connection between two (or more) objects or events – especially significant in classical conditioning
Classical conditioning
reflexive response elicited by previously neutral stimulus through repeated association
Conditioned response
Response that is taught to be associated with a stimulus
Conditioned stimulus
Stimulus that has been associated with a response
when a response no longer occurs. In classical conditioning, extinction occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented several times after the unconditioned stimulus (which acts as a reinforcer) has been withdrawn.
actual exposure of patient to feared stimulus at a level greater than usual
Graduated exposure
a form of treatment using gradually increasing levels of fear-provoking stimuli paired with induced relaxation, thereby reducing the incidence and level of phobic reaction to the stimulus
a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience
Learning curve
Neutral stimulus
neutral stimulus (NS) (in classical conditioning) the name given to the conditioned stimulus before it becomes conditioned. It is referred to as a neutral stimulus while it fails to produce a response
Pavlov’s research
Spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of an extinguished response after a rest period
Stimulus discrimination
when an organism responds to the conditioned stimulus but not to any stimulus which is similar to the conditioned stimulus
Stimulus generalisation
when an organism responds to a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus
Unconditioned reflex response
the response that occurs automatically when the unconditioned stimulus is presented. The UCR is a reflexive or involuntary response as it is predictably caused by an UCS.
Unconditioned stimulus
any stimulus which consistently produces a particular naturally occurring automatic response (e.g. the food in Pavlov’s experiments)
the process of learning associations between a stimulus in the environment (one event) and a behavioural response (another event)
Role of the learner
Passive - reflexive behaviour occurs without any deliberate action from the learner
Timing of stimulus
Stimulus before response (reflexive behaviour in response to a stimulus). Timing half a second apart
Nature of response
Reflexive - the learner has no control over behaviour
By pairing neutral stimulus with unconditioned stimulus