Ch. 12 - Animal Reproduction & Development Flashcards
Non-animal: Asexual reproduction: benefits from stable environment since offspring are clones; sexual reproduction’s advantage is ___
___: separation of organism into two new cells (amoeba)
___: new individual splits off from existing one (hydra)
______: single parent breaks into parts that regenerate into new individuals (sponge/planaria/starfish)
fragmentation and regeneration
______: development of egg w/out fertilization; resulting adult is haploid (honeybees, some lizards)
______ – reproductive structure responsible for production of gametes. Male = testis, female = ovaries (______ sex characteristics)
- ______: indication of sexual maturity but not specifically involved in reproduction (e.g. breasts)
secondary sex characteristics
a. Ovary: ___, or eggs, are produced. Each female has two ovaries.
b. Oviduct: eggs move from ovary to uterus through oviduct (Fallopian/uterine tube); one for each ovary; swept by ___
c. Uterus: fertilized ovum implants (attaches) on the inside wall, ___, of uterus. ___
occurs here until birth.
d. Vagina: at birth, fetus passes through ___ (opening in the uterus), through and out of body.
ova fimbrae endometrium development of embryo cervix
a. Testis: each consists of \_\_\_ for production of sperm and interstitial cells (Leydig cells) produces \_\_\_ (testosterone = androgen) secreted in the presence of \_\_\_; sertoli cells stimulated by FSH surround and nurture sperm (also secrete peptide hormone \_\_\_, acts on PitGl to \_\_\_ FSH release); testis contained in scrotum-about \_\_\_ lower than body temp for sperm production.
seminiferous tubules male sex hormones LH inhibin inhibit 2oC
b. Epididymis: coiled tube, one attached to each testis; site for ___ and ___ of sperm.
c. Vas deferens: transfer sperms from one epididymis to ___.
d. Seminal vesicles: Two glands, during ejaculation secrete into ___: provide ___ (liquid for sperm),
___ as ATP, and ___ (stimulate uterine contractions that help sperm move into uterus).
e. Prostate gland: secretes milky alkaline fluid into urethra; neutralizes ___ of urine that may still be in urethra,
also ___ acidity. Also neutralizes ___ (too acidic from metabolic waste of sperm)
f. Bulbourethral glands (aka Cowper’s): secrete small amount of fluid of unknown function into urethra.
g. Penis: transport ___ (fluid containing sperm and secretions) into vagina.
final maturation storage urethra vas deferens mucus fructose prostaglandins acidity vagina seminal fluid semen
Sperm: compact packages of DNA specialized for effective male genome delivery.
a. Sperm head: haploid (23 chromosomes); at tip is ___ (a lysosome containing enzymes [hyaluronidase] which are used to penetrate egg-originates from Golgi body vesicles that fused together). Only ___ of sperm enters the egg.
b. Midpiece: flagellum (___ microtubule array), lots of ___.
c. Tail: remainder of flagellum; sperm is propelled by ___ motion of tail and midpiece.
nuclear portion
seminiferous tubules epidydmis vas deferens ejaculatory duct urethra penis
- Oogenesis: being during ___; oogonia (fetal cells) -> (mitosis) ___ -> (meiosis) and remain at Prophase I until ___ (one primary oocyte during each menstrual cycle-28days, stim’d by ___) continue its development through remainder of meiosis I within follicle (protects and nourishes oocyte) -> (completion of Meiosis I) secondary oocyte (___) + polar body (small cytoplasm; may or may not divide but products disintegrate) formed; now arrested at metaphase of meiosis II until -> ___
embryonic development primary oocyte puberty FSH most of cytoplasm ovulation
- Ovulation: releases secondary oocyte from ___ (caused by ___ surge). If fertilized by sperm -> (finishes meiosis II) ___ (diploid once completely fertilized) + polar body (degenerate)
vesicular follicle
- Spermatogenesis: begins at ___ within ___ of testes. ___ cells -> (mitosis) primary
spermatocytes -> (meiosis) 2 secondary spermatocytes -> (meiosis II) 4 spermatids.
seminiferous tubules
Sertoli cells: in seminiferous tubules provide ___ to spermatids as they differentiate into mature spermatozoa
(sperm). They complete maturation (gain motility and are stored) in the ___.
Capacitation – penultimate step in maturation of the spermatozoa while in the vagina, allows for ___
egg penetration
- Female Reproductive Cycle: ovarian cycle (___) + menstrual cycle (___).
a. Menstrual Cycle – divided into ___, ovulation, ___, menstruation (proliferative/secretory/menstruation) -______ initiate: monitor estrogen and progesterone in blood;
___ -> hypothalamus -> GnRH -> FSH and LH (via anterior pituitary-___) ->
Follicle develops -> FSH stimulate follicle to secrete estrogen -> lots of estrogen (___ on AP) -> LH Surge -> ___ (follicle is now ___-maintained by ___ [which along w/ estrogen begins to
decrease after ovulation], secretes -> estrogen + progesterone -> Development of endometrium (thickens in prepn for implantation of fertilized egg) -> NO IMPLANTATION OR IMPLANTATION (separate slide)
hypothalamus/anterior pituitary
low level
negative feedback
positive feedback
corpus luteum
(___ on AP from ↑e+p) terminates production of ___ (due to ↓GnRH from hypothalamus) -> Corpus luteum (no longer maintained by LH) ___ -> ___, no estrogen + progesterone ->
endometrium ___ during menstruation’s flow phase.
negative feedback FSH and LH disintegrates corpus albicans shed
If implantation occurs -> embryo (placenta) secretes ___ -> maintain corpus luteum -> Production of e + p remain ___ -> endometrium stays -> HCG is later replaced by ___ from placenta.
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Ovarian Cycle
1.___ : development of egg and secretion of
estrogen from follicle.
2. ___ : midcycle release of egg.
3. ___ : secretion of ___ and ___ from ___ after ovulation.
Estrogen –___ endometrium
Progesterone – development and ___ of endometrial wall
follicular phase ovulation luteal phase estrogen progesterone corpus luteum
Male Reproductive Cycle:
- GnRH -> FSH + LH (also called___ -> testosterone and androgens from testis).
- FSH and testosterone -> influence ___ to promote development of sperms (nourish sperm during development-spermatogenesis). Hormone and gamete production are ___ unlike female.
ICSH, interstitial cell stimulating hormone
sertoli cells
Four stages in growth and development of animal: ___ (sperm/egg formation), ___ (fertilization of egg until birth), ___ (puberty), ___.
- In mammals, development is two stages—___ followed by ___. ___ is an embryo that resembles the infant form.
gametogenesis embryonic development reproductive maturity aging process to death embryonic fetal development fetus
a. Fertilization: sperm penetrate plasma membrane of ___.
1. Recognition: before penetration, sperm secretes ___ that bind with receptor that reside on glycoprotein layer (___-zone pellucida in human) surrounding plasma membrane of oocyte ensures same species fertilization
2nd oocyte
vitelline layer
- Penetration: plasma membranes of sperm and oocyte fuse, sperm ___ enter oocyte.
- Formation of fertilization membrane: vitelline layer forms fertilization membrane ___ (due to ___: exocytosis of enzymes produced by cortical granules in egg cytoplasm during fertilization – slow block when seen in mammals)
- Completion of ___ in 2nd oocyte: sperm penetration triggers ___; ovum + polar body (discharged through plasma membrane) produced.
- Fusion of nuclei and replication of DNA: sperm and ovum nuclei fuse -> ___ (diploid-23 pairs in human).
nucleus blocks additional sperm cortical reaction meiosis II meiosis II zygote
b. Cleavage: rapid cell divisions without cell growth; each cell = ___ (less cytoplasm than original zygote)
1. Embryo polarity: egg has upper, animal pole and lower, vegetal pole (contain more yolk material which is denser than cytoplasm, ___; differentiates into ___ that protect+nourish embryo). Animal cell can divide through mitosis at a faster rate. (?)
- Polar and equatorial cleavages: early cleavages are polar, dividing egg into segments that___ (segments of orange); others are ___ with equator.
- Radial and spiral cleavages: radial in ___ forming (___) cells at animal and vegetal poles that are aligned together, top cells ___ bottom cells. In protostomes (___-determinate), cells formed on top are ___ relative to those below.
- Indeterminate and determinate cleavages: ___ (blastomeres can individually complete normal development if separated). ___ cannot develop into complete embryo if separated; each is differentiated into part of the embryo.
settles at bottom
extraembryonic membranes
stretch from pole to pole
shifted relative
deuterostomes inderterminate directly above spiral shifted
c. Morula: successive cleavage results in ___ of cells (~8+ cells stage) (first 8 cells are ___)
d. Blastula: cell division continues; liquid fills morula and pushes cells out to form circular cavity surrounded by single layer of cells. ___ is the cavity. (~128 cells stage). (get a good picture for this and make sure it distinguishes how the mammalian blastocyst has an inner cell mass)
- In humans the blastula is called the ___ and implants into the endometrium (development here)
e. Gastrula(tion): ___ into blastula, forming ___ embryo with an opening from outside into center
solid ball totipotent blastocoel blastocyst invagination two-layered
- Three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (3rd layer is formed between outer and inner layer of
invaginated embryo). Give rise to all subsequent tissues.
a. ___ – epithelial lining of digestive & respiratory, parts of liver, pancreas, thyroid, and urinary bladder lining
b. ___ – musculoskeletal, circulatory system, excretory system, gonads, connective tissue, portions of digestive & respiratory, notochord
c. ___ – Nervous system (brain and spinal cord), integument (epidermis & hair / epithelium of nose, mouth, anal canal), sense structures
(lens of eye, retina), teeth, neural tube
Note: some primitive animals (e.g. sponges, cnidarian) will develop ___, a noncellular layer, instead of mesoderm
- Archenteron: center cavity formed by ___.
3. Blastopore: opening into ___, becomes mouth (___) or the anus (___).
Extraembryonic membrane development – In birds, reptiles, and humans (called ___ develops as follows:
1. Chorion: outer membrane. Birds and reptiles: membrane for ___. Mammals: chorion implants into endometrium, and later, the chorion and maternal tissue form the ___ (a blend of maternal and embryonic tissues across which gases, nutrients, and wastes are ___)
- Allantois: Sac that buds off from ___ (cavity of gastrula forming primitive gut) that eventually encircles the embryo, forming layer below chorion. Birds + reptiles: initially stores waste products as ___. Later fuses w/ ___ -> membrane for gas exchange w/ blood vessels below. Mammals: allantois transports waste products to ___; eventually forms ___ between embryo and placenta: transporting gases, nutrients, and wastes. Becomes ___ in adults.
- Amnion: encloses amniotic cavity, a fluid-filled cavity that ___ the developing embryo, much like the ___ cushions internal organs in coelomates
gas exchange
archentron uric acid chorion placenta umbilical cord urinary bladder
- Yolk sac: In bird___ digests enclosed yolk. Blood vessels transfer nutrients to
embryo. In placental mammals, yolk sac is ___, as umbilical cord/placenta delivers nutrients.
yolk sac membrane
g. Organogenesis: cells continue to divide after gastrulation -> differentiate -> develop into specific tissues and organs. In chordates:
1. ___: cells along dorsal surface of mesoderm layer form notochord, a stiff rod that provides support in lower chordates. Vertebrae of higher chordates are formed from nearby cells in mesoderm.
- ___: In ectoderm layer ___ notochord, layer of cells forms neural plate. Plate indents, forming neural groove, then rolls up into a cylinder, the neural tube. This develops into the CNS. Additional cells roll off top of neural tube and form ___ (which form teeth, bones, muscles of skull, pigment cells in skin, and nerve tissue)
neural tube
directly above
neural crest
Frog: amphibian
a. ___: sperm penetrates frog egg -> reorganization of cytoplasm -> pigmented cap of animal pole rotates
towards point of penetration while gray, crescent-shaped region forms opposite the point of penetration. Spemann found in early cleavage, each ___ could develop into a frog only if it had a small portion of gray crescent.
b. Gastrulation: blastopore forms at border between gray crescent and vegetal pole. During gastrulation, cells migrate over top edge (___-formed from same region previously occupied by
gray crescent) of and into blastopore in process called involution; blastocoel
disappears and replaced by a different cavity (the archenteron). (this is confusing, see
here for in depth explanation). Bottom edge of blastopore -> ___, side ->
c. Yolk: more extensive than sea urchin; cells from vegetal pole rich in yolk material form ___ near dorsal lip.
gray crescent individual cell dorsal lip ventral lip lateral lip yolk plug
a. ___ : yolk of bird egg is very large, not involved in ___ ;
cleavages only occur in blastula that consists of flattened, disk-shaped region that sits on top of yolk (blastodisc).
b. ___ : when gastrulation begins, invagination occurs along line called primitive streak (rather than a ___ ). As cells migrate into here, results in an elongated blastopore rather than circular as in sea urchins and frogs.
primitive streak
Humans and most other mammals:
a. ___: blastula stage consisting of two parts—outer ring of cells (___) and inner mass of cells
-Inner cell mass goes on to form the ___ and ___; ___ is what gives rise to the endo/epi/mesoderm.
b. ___: accomplishes implantation by embedding into endometrium; produces ___ to maintain e+p production from corpus luteum (which in turn maintains endometrium); it later forms the ___ (later forms placenta).
c. ___: within cavity created by trophoblast, ___ clusters at one pole and flatten into embryonic disc (analogous to blastodisc of birds and reptiles). ___ develops -> gastrulation -> development of embryo + extraembryonic membranes (except chorion)
blastocyst trophoblast embryonic disc epiblast hypoblast epiblast
human chorionic gonadotropic (HCG)
embryonic disc
inner cell mass
primitive streak
Factors that Influence Development
1. Influence of ___: cytoplasmic material distributed ___ in egg, non-uniform distribution of cytoplasm (think gray crescent in frogs and yolk in bird eggs) results in embryonic axes, such as animal and vegetal poles. When cleavages divide egg -> daughter cells have different quality of ___ (cytoplasmic ___). ->
Unique substances influence subsequent development of each daughter cell.
(Sea urchin: slice 8-ball embryo into two halves. Longitudinal -> embryo has cells from animal & vegetal pole -> normal development results. Horizontal -> embryo only has cells from animal OR vegetal -> abnormal development results. Confirms the cytoplasmic determinants affecting development. Spemann confirmed with gray crescent vs none cuts.)
egg cytoplasm
cytoplasmic substances
Factors that Influence Development
2. ___: influence of one cell/group of cells over neighboring cells; ___ (controller cells) secrete chemicals that diffuse among neighboring cells, influence their development (Dorsal lip [fxning as a primary organizer] of blastopore induces ___ in nearby cells); 2nd dorsal lip grafted to embryo -> two ___ developed.
embryonic induction
notochord development
Factors that Influence Development
3. ___ genes: control of development by turning on and off other genes that code for substances that directly affect development. ___ homeotic genes in fruit flies -> wrong body parts in wrong places. ___ (unique DNA
segment-180 nts) identifies a particular class of genes that control ___ (encodes homeodomain of protein that can bind DNA)
Cell is said to be ___ if its final form cannot be changed; cytoplasmic influences narrowed by successive cell division; determination likely later than earlier. Trace cells during development to build ___.
lineage map
Labor (three stages) – a series of strong uterine contractions
- Cervix thins out and dilates, ___ ruptures and releases fluids
- Rapid contractions followed by birth
- Uterus ___ and expels umbilical cord and placenta
___ twins result from more than one egg being fertilized;___ twins result from indeterminate cleavage
amniotic sac