Ch 12 Flashcards
Basic speech structure
Intro, body, conclusion
Working outline
Construction tool used to map out your speech. Follows the basic speech pattern but is a rough draft and can be changes and polished
Formal outline
Uses a consistent format and set of symbols to identify the structure of ideas
Speaking notes
Similar to working outline. Speaking notes are for you only and in a brief keyword outline only meant to jog your memory
Standard symbols
1 main point
Standard format
Using standard symbols to keep your outline orderly and easy to read
The rule of division
Formal outlines, main points, and subpoints always represent a division of a whole. Have at least 2 main points for each topic. Never a 1 without 2 or A without B
The rule of parallel wording
Main points should be worded in similar or parallel manner.
I. Capital punishment is not effective: it is not a deterrent to crime
II. Capital punishment is not constitutional: it does not comply with the 8th ammendmrmt
III. capital punishment is not civilized: it does not allow for reverence for life
Time patterns
Organizing plan for a speech based of chronology. First, second, then, last
Space patterns
An organizing plan in a speech that arranges points according to their physical location
Topic pattern
An organizing plan for a speech that arranges points according to logical types or categories
Problem solution patterns
Describes what’s wrong and proposed a way to make things better
Cause effect patterns
Similar to problem solution. First you describe something that happened and then discuss its affects
Monroes motivated sequence
I. The attention step draws attention to your subject
II. The need step establishes the problem
III. The satisfaction step proposes a solution
IV. The visualization step describes the results of the solution
V. The action step is a direct appeal for the audience to do something
A phrase that connects ideas a speech by showing how one relates to the other. They should relate to each other and the thesis