Ch 11 Flashcards
Audience analysis
Identifying and adapting your remarks to the most pertinent characteristics of your listeners
Audience purpose
You have a reason for speaking, and they have a reason for listening ie child birth classes for expecting parents
Characteristics of your audience that can be categorized i.e. Age, gender, religion, etc. know who you’re speaking to and how to speak to them
Attitudes, beliefs, and values
Audience feelings about you, your subject, and your intentions
How do your listeners feel about your subject?
Is your subject believable? (Dental hygiene, do they believe in it or do you need to convince them?)
What does your audience value about your topic?
The occasion
Time, place, audience expectations
Speeches given before yours can set the mood orrrr the time of life you’re in (child, college, parent) financial aid speech applies to college
Stuffy room vs out doors, consider your surroundings
Audience expectations
Ted talks and college speeches are expected to be very educated, sixth grader not so much
Library catalog
Catalog of subjects, authors, and book titles
Reference works
Good for basic information, definitions, descriptions, etc. dictionaries and encyclopedias
Magazines, journals, newspapers. Good for up to date shit
Non print paterials
Audio and visual materials. Good source of high interest up to date shit