information about attempts in performing a motor action; can be before, during, after, + delayed after (memory)
inherent information
inside information in movement production
-sensory feedback
-depending on nature of movement + source of inherent feedback, knowledge about success of movement can be provided BEFORE completion
* information during movement execution is sufficient; predict an outcome before it occurs
* however- sometimes, evaluation is nonexistent or only possible upon completion
augmented information
information provided about action supplemental to inherent feedback
-from instructor, therapist, or coach
* scores or points of improvement after an athletic endeavor
* warning light on car notifying engine oil change or high temperature
* beeping to replace smoke detector battery
is all information relevant?
presented during the movement
presented after the movement
presented immediately after the relevant action
delayed in time after the relevant action
presented in a form that is spoken or capable of being spoken
presented in a form that is not capable of being spoken
feedback that represents an accumulation of past performance
feedback that represents each performance separately
knowledge of results (KR)
verbalized (or verbalizable) post-movement information about the outcome of the movement in the environment
-about the outcome
-terminal (after movement is completed)
-ex: did you catch the ball? You were x away from the target, etc.
knowledge of performance (KP)
verbalized (or verbalizable) post-movement information about the nature of the movement itself
-about the movement itself
-related to feedback given by instructors to reach target better
-may refer to parts of movement that aren’t being focused on
-ex: coach giving us feedback that we should’ve taken a step forward when shotting dart towards dart board; we didn’t recognize because we weren’t paying attention to it
types of KP
many types
-casual commentary from a teacher/coach to complex feedback from a computer simulator or via computer-aided instruction
-video feedback
-kinematic feedback
-kinetic feedback
Kernodle + Carlton, 1992
-studied effects of different types of feedback on performance; all seemed to improve over the test sessions
* KR- 1 group only got knowledge of results
* videotape- 1 group watched video replays of their own performance with no extra augmented information
* videotape + attention cues: 1 group received verbal cues to watch 1 particular part of movement during video feedback (told to focus on hips during throwing)
* videotape + correcting cues: 1 group received extra augmented feedback in the form of a specific error correction (told before they watched video to rotate hips from left to right during throwing)
-videotape + correcting cues AND videotape + attention cues groups had supplemental information- they performed significantly better than the groups without augmented information
-strongest results when video feedback was paired with error correcting cues
kinematic feedback
-information about motion, disregarding forces that produced them
-measures position, time, velocity, + patterns of coordination from movement
what does kinematic feedback measure
-patterns of coordination from movement
Cristea et al., 2006
-facilitates specific motor learning outcomes in rehabilitation, specifically hemiparesis patient’s
-arm-pointing task without visual feedback
-10 sessions, 1-month retention
* control with no additional information
* KP about movement end-point -> steadily learned + improvement aiming precision but not speed
* KP about elbow + shoulder velocities -> improved velocities
-study showed that augmented feedback may contribute to specificity of learning effects
kinetic feedback
information about forces that produce kinematic variables; muscular forces + duration of action of those forces
concerned with determining the causes of motion
kinetics information
-knowledge of the causes of motion/performance
-identification of the causes of poor performance
kinetic variables
forces between the feet + ground
motion description