Ch. 10 (Health Education) Flashcards
What are the goals of health education?
- improve health status (prevent disease)
- change health behaviors (encourage positive, informed lifestyle)
During health education…
What are the four steps in the teaching process?
- assessment (assess the learner)
- determining expected learning outcomes (setting goals)
- selecting content and learning strategies
- evaluating the teaching-learning process
During health education…
What are two theories nurses can use in assessing the learner?
- health belief model
- transtheoretical model of change
When assessing the learner in health education, what theory encompasses people’s beliefs about something that influences their behaviors?
health belief model
When assessing the learner in health education, what theory assess the client’s readiness for behavioral change?
transtheortical model of change
What are the components in the health belief model?
- perceived susceptibility to a health problem
- perceived seriousness of the disease level
- perceived benefits of making a change
- perceived barriers to taking the health-promotion action
- cues to action (events, people or things that trigger people to change behavior)
- self efficacy
What is the main component that influences whether or not the client is ready to make a change according to the health belief model?
perceived barriers to taking the health-promotion aciton
According to the health belief model, what are events, people or things that trigger people to change behaviors?
cues to action
can be external OR internal
What refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments?
What are the stages in the transtheoretical model of change?
- precontemplation (not considering)
- contemplation (seriously considering)
- planning (starting to change or will really soon)
- action (made behavior change and persisted, before 6 mon.)
- maintenance (6 mon. after started, continues indefinitely)
During the precontemplation stage in the transtheoretical model of change, what do we ask our client about?
why aren’t they considering to make a change?
What does SMART stand for in smart goals?
- Specific
- Measurable
- Realistic/Relevant
- Time-bound
What are the domains of learning in health education?
- cognitive (thinking)
- affective (feeling)
- psychomotor (acting/doing)
What domain of learning would focus on nurses teaching the client about something important and the client is able to restate it?
pure knowing
What domain of learning would focus on nurses telling the client benefits about the important thing?
emotional comprehension
VALUE - always in reference to affective