Cervical & Lumbar Exam Flashcards
Chief Complaints of the Cervical Spine
Posterior neck pain Upper trap/shoulder pain Pain between the shoulder blades Weakness Alterations in fine motor control Numbness: specific or generalized Ataxic gait
Things to Observe of the Patient’s Movements & Actions
General appearance
Abnormal pain behaviors
Mood & affect
Inspection of the Cervical Spine
Palpation of the Cervical Spine
Cervical point tenderness
Muscle spasms
Range of Motion for the Cervical Spine
Lateral bending
Sensory Testing Area for C5
Lateral upper arm
Sensory Testing Area for C6
Lateral forearm
Sensory Testing Area for C7
Middle finger
Sensory Testing Area for C8
Ulnar border of the hand
Sensory Testing Area for T1
Medial upper arm
Grades of Muscle Strength & Description
5/5: normal power 4/5: active movement against gravity with resistance 3/5: active movement against gravity 2/5: active movement without gravity 1/5: trace or flicker of movement 0/5: no movement
Muscle Strength Testing of C5
Muscle Strength Testing of C6
Wrist extension
Muscle Strength Testing of C7
Wrist extension
Wrist flexors
Finger extension
Muscle Strength Testing of C8
Finger flexion
Muscle Strength Testing of T1
Intrinsics (fanning fingers)
Special Cervical Spine Tests
Axial loading
Foraminal compression test (Spurling’s)
Hoffman’s Reflex
What is a positive Spurling’s sign?
Pain radiates to arm toward which head is side flexed
Describe Hoffman’s Reflex
Have the hand relax
Flick the end of the middle finger
(+) other fingers may flex
What does a positive Hoffman’s reflex reflect?
Presence of an upper motor neuron lesion from spinal cord compression
Reflex for C5
Reflex for C6
Reflex for C7
Reflex for C8
Range of Motion of the Shoulder
Flexion Extension Abduction Internal rotation External rotation Across the chest
Chief Complaints of Lumbar Vertebrae
Back pain Buttock pain Leg pain Weakness Numbness/tingling
Inspection of the Lumbar Spine
Muscle spasms
Palpation of the Lumbar Spine
Point tenderness
Trochanteric tenderness
SI joint pain
Range of Motion of the Lumbar Spine
Lateral bending
Tests for Gait
Tip toe walking
Heel walking
Tandem gait (drunk driver test)
Sensory Testing for L1
Sensory Testing for L2
Midanterolateral thigh
Sensory Testing for L3
Distal anteromedial thigh
Sensory Testing for L4
Medial ankle
Sensory Testing for L5
Dorsum of foot
Sensory Testing for T1
Lateral border of foot
Muscle Strength Testing for L1
Hip flexors
Muscle Strength Testing for L2
Hip flexors
Hip adductors
Muscle Strength Testing for L3
Hip flexors
Hip adductors
Muscle Strength Testing for L4
Hip adductors
Ankle inversion
Hip abductors
Muscle Strength Testing for L5
Ankle inversion Hip abductors EHL, toe extensors Ankle eversion Ankle plantar flexion
Muscle Strength Testing for S1
Ankle eversion
Ankle plantar flexion
Muscle Strength Testing for S2
Ankle eversion
Ankle plantar flexion
Motor, Reflex & Sensory of L4
M: tibialis anterior (ankle dorsiflexion)
R: patella tendon
S: medial aspect of the foot
Motor, Reflex & Sensory of L5
Extensor hallucis longus
R: none
S: dorsum of the foot
Motor, Reflex & Sensory of S1
M: Peroneus longus & brevis (ankle eversion)
S: Achilles tendon
S: lateral aspect of the foot
Special Tests for the Lumbar Spine
Babinski sign
Ankle clonus
Supine/sitting straight leg raise
Femoral nerve stretch test
What does a positive Babinski sign or ankle clonus reflect?
Presence of an upper motor neuron lesion from spinal cord compression
Describe a Femoral Nerve Stretch Test
Patient lies prone with the knee passively flexed to the thigh
What is considered a positive femoral nerve stretch test?
Anterior thigh pain
Reflex for L4
Patellar tendon
Reflex for S1
Achilles tendon
Special Tests for SI Joint Irritation
Describe Compression as an SI Joint Irritation Test
Patient lies with affected side up
Hips at 45 degrees & knees at 90 degrees
Downward pressure on the iliac crest
Describe Distraction
Patient supine with examiner on affected side
Examiner hands on ASIS with arms crossed
Application of pressure downward & laterally
Describe Faber’s
Patient supine with examiner on affected side
Leg of affected side bent with foot on opposite knee
Downward & lateral pressure applied