Cerebellum Motor Control - Ruff Flashcards
What are the three major functions of the cerebellum?
- Correcting or preventing motor mistakes
- Ensuring accurate and smooth movements (midline & appendicular movements)
- Associative learning system (cognition, language, etc.)
What are the major anatomical divisions of the cerebellum?
- Longitudinal zones
- Vermis
- Paravermis (intermediate zones)
- Lateral hemispheres
- Transverse divisions (primary fissure separates)
- Anterior lobe
- Posterior lobe
- Peduncles
- Posterolateral fissure
- Flocculonodular zone
What are the three functional divisions of the cerebellum?
- Spinocerebellum (Vermis & Paravermis
- Cerebrocerebellum (Lateral hemispheres)
- Vestibulocerebellum (Flocculonodular zone)
What functions does the Vermis assist with?
- Midline movements
- Speech
- Posture
- Stance
- Gait
- Visceral function
What functions does the Paravermis assist with?
- Appendicular movements
- Reaching
- Grasping
What functions do the lateral hemispheres assist with?
- Spatially and temporally complex movements requiring synergistic coordination
- e.g. playing the piano
- Cognition
What are the three components of the internal structure of the cerebellum?
- Cortex
- White matter
- Deep cerebellar nuclei
What are the three-four nuclei in the Deep Cerebellar nuclei?
- Dentate
- Interposed
- Emboliform
- Globus
- Fastigial
(Don’t Eat Green Frogs)
What are the layers of the Cerebellar Cortex from outer –> inner?
- Molecular layer
- Purkinje layer
- Granular layer
- White matter
What type of input fiber to the Cerebellar Cortex is afferent to the Granule Cells and comes from the pontine nuclei (cerebral cortex), spinal cord, and vestibular system?
Mossy fibers
(excitatory to granule cell)
What type of input fiber to the Cerebellar Cortex is afferent to the Purkinje Cells and comes from the contralateral inferior olivary nucleus?
Climbing fibers
(excitatory to purkinje cells)
Where do the efferent Deep Cerebellar Nuclear Cell axons travel to after they leave the cerebellum?
(motor cortex)
What three tracts send mossy fibers to the cerebellar cortex?
- Spinocerebellum (Clarke’s nucleus)
- Vestibulocerebellum (Vestibular nuclei)
- Cerebrocerebellum (Cerebral cortex via Pontine nuclei)
What cerebellar structure allows mossy fibers to enter the cerebellum/cerebellar cortex?
Cerebellar Peduncles!
The inferior cerebellar peduncle receives input from what tracts?
- Ipsilateral
- Dorsal/rostral Spinocerebellar tracts
- Cuneocerebellar tract
- Rubrospinal tract