What is cell structure related to
cell function
what are the levels of organisation
- chemicals
- cellular
- tissue
- organ
- system
- organism
what are the different type of tissues
connective nervous skeletal epithelial cardiac smooth
why are cells small
for passive diffusion
what’s a small uncharged molecule
what’s needed for effective diffusion
small volume and big surface area
what is the plasma membrane
the outer layer of the cell
phospholipid bilayer
embedded proteins, lipids, carbohydrates
controls substances, signals into and out of the cells
helps maintain cytoplasmic composition, cell volume
what is the functions of membrane proteins
a. receptor
b. enzyme
c. ion channel
d. gated ion channel
e. cell identity marker
f. cell adhesion molecule
what is a receptor
a receptor that binds to chemical messengers such as hormones sent by other cells
what is an enzyme
an enzyme that breaks down a chemical messenger and terminated its effect
what is an ion channel
a channel protein that is constantly open and allows ions to pass in and out of cell
what is a gated ion channel
a gated channel that opens and closes to allow ions through only at certain times
what is a cell identity marker
a glycoprotein acting as a CIM distinguishing the body’s own cells from foreign cells
what is a cell adhesion molecule
a CAM that binds one cell to another
what is the cell nucleus
- surrounded by the nuclear envelop
- perforated by nuclear pores- channels that regulate molecular traffic
- chromatin: the genetic material of the cell (DNA) wrapped around proteins
- nucleolus- contains the genetic material for producing ribosomes
what is the DNA structure
•nucleotides are the building block of DNA
•they have a:
nitrogenous base
pentose sugar
phosphate group
•changing the bases= chances the type of nucleotide
what are the two type of nitrogenous bases
purines- 2 carbon stains
pyrimidines- 1 carbon stain
what is the DNA structure
double helix
bases are orientated in inner part of and form weak hydrogen bonds
backbone is a repetition of phosphate deoxyribose (covalent strong)
what is the endoplasmic reticulum
•a network of sacs directly contacted with the nucleus
•sacs are continuous and inter connected- one single lumen/ cisternal space
• allows molecules to be selectively transferred between nucleus ER cytoplasm
Rough ER- ribosomes- production of proteins
smooth ER - packing the proteins in vesicles for transport, synthesis of steroids and lipids, Ca2+ storage
what is the Golgi complex
- system of cisternal that synthesise carbohydraes
- receives newly synthesises proteins from the rough ER and put the finishing touches on synthesis
- modifications: cutting, splicing, addition of carbohydrate
- finally pac