CCC- Neglect Flashcards
Book- “The Man who mistook his wife for a hat”
What are some examples of how the patient had experienced neglect?
Had a stroke- affecting deeper and back portions of the cerebral hemisphere.
Concept of left space- doesn’t exist- no attention.
Would complain her food portions were small- but she would only eat from the right side of the plate.
She doesn’t understand what’s on the left- understands what’s on the right of her visual field- doesn’t occur what’s on the left ( completely neglected)
What is neglect?
Neglect is a heterogeneous syndrome due to variations in the location and extent of brain damage. This interhemispheric imbalance causes the left hemisphere to become more active after the right hemisphere lesion, which results in attention diversion and eye movements towards the right side.
What may patients experience who have neglect?
Shave/ put makeup on only one side of their face.
Eat off one side of the plate.
Read text on one half of the page.
Bump into walls/ ignore people on the left.
Be unaware of their difficulties “anasognosia”
What is Contralesional stimuli?
Information on the other side of where the brain injury is.
Can’t respond to information on the other side of the brain (so can’t respond to contralesional stimuli)
What is the most common cause of neglect?
Stroke- affecting the right side of the brain.
In a meta-analysis across 20 patients- where was the most associated area with neglect?
Parietal lobe
What would happen if you have an injury on the right side?
It would manifest as neglect on the left side.
What are the different tests for neglect?
Line bisection (mark the midpoint of a line)
Picture copying
Cancellation tasks
What would happen when patients were asked to draw vertical lines to dissect the horizontal lines?
They would mark near the right side of the line & also didn’t draw vertical lines on the horizontal lines on the left side.
What would patients do in cancellation tasks?
Patients would be asked to circle all the As.
Task would be made harder through having a more crowded array (more things to cancel)
Patients would get most the As circled on the right side- but would miss the As on the left.
Does being cortically blind on the left mean the individual experiences the same effects as neglect when completing tasks such as the ?
No- if they are cortically blind- they still will be able to do the tasks given such as the cancellation task.
They understand the left side still exists- so move their visual field to look at it.
Whereas- a patient with neglect wont be able to do this- they don’t understand that the left side exists.
What frames of reference does neglect operate on?
Examples so far- egocentric reference frames (things to the left of oneself).
Neglect also operates in “object-centered” reference frames.
(This tells us something about how objects are processed in the absence of awareness.)
Object centered neglect
If there is a picture of two separate flowers, how would that patient copy the image?
They would draw half of each flower (right side of each flower)
Object centered neglect
If there are two flowers joined together- how would the patient draw the image?
As the objects are viewed together (as one object) they will draw half of the image of the flowers.
What was studied on intrinsic axis?
Studies looked at rotating objects.
They look at rotating the objects- so the left side of the object isn’t corresponding to the left side of egocentric space.
Patient- extracts the axis and neglects whats on the left - regardless of where it is- even if not on the egocentric left.