Causative Agent + Pathogenesis Deck Flashcards
causative agent of polio
polio virus
causative agent of influenza
influenza virus
causative agent of HIV disease
causative agent of COVID-19
causative agent of botulism
Clostridium botulinum
causative agent of tetanus
Clostridium tetani
causative agent of diphtheria
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
causative agent of gonorrhea
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
causative agent of hair follicle infections
Staphylococcus aureus
causative agent of skin/wound infections
Staphylococcus aureus
causative agent of scalded skin syndrome
Exfoliatin (toxigenic strain of Staph. aureus)
causative agent of food-borne intoxication
Enterotoxin (toxigenic strain of Staph. aureus)
causative agent of strep throat
Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Strep)
causative agent of rheumatic fever
post-streptococcal sequelae
causative agent of glomerulonephritis
accumulation of immune complexes in kidneys
causative agent of TSS
TSST (superantigen)
causative agent of scarlet fever
erythrogenic toxin
causative agent of flesh eating disease
SPEs called SPE-A and SPE-B
causative agent of tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)
pathogenesis of tuberculosis
invasion of tissue
pathogenesis of flesh-eating disease (strain)
toxigenic strain of Group A Strep.
pathogenesis of scarlet fever
invasion of tissue, followed by toxin production
pathogenesis of TSS
invade tissue, followed by toxin production
pathogenesis of rheumatic fever
post-infection sequelae
pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis
post-streptococcal sequelae
pathogenesis of strep throat
colonization of mucous production, followed by tissue production
pathogenesis of food-borne intoxication
invade tissue, followed by toxin production OR produce toxins which are then ingested
pathogenesis of scalded skin syndrome
invade tissue, followed by toxin production
pathogenesis of skin/wound infections
invade tissue
pathogenesis of hair follicle infections
invade tissue
pathogenesis of gonorrhea
invasion of tissue
pathogenesis of covid
pathogenesis of HIV
horizontal or vertical
pathogenesis of flu
pathogenesis of polio
pathogenesis of botulism
food borne intoxication = invade tissue + toxin production, or produce toxins which are then ingested
pathogenesis of tetanus
invasion of tissue, followed by toxin production
pathogenesis of diphtheria
colonization of mucous membranes followed by toxin production