Castration Flashcards
What are indications for castration?
Behavior, testicular pathology, improves meat quality
What age is best to castrate a horse? A farm animal?
Horse: 1-2yr
Farm: earlier is better (<4mo)
Why are younger animals better candidates for castration?
Easier to restrain, decreased risk of complications
What species is most susceptible to tetanus?
Promotes appetite and weight gain in farm animals
What NSAIDs do you use for farm animal castration? Horse castration?
Farm: meloxicam
Horse: bute, banamine
What demographic requires a surgical approach to castration?
Older animals
What are bloodless techniques for castrating ruminants?
Banding and Burdizzo
What do you suture the cord with?
2 absorbable
What do you suture the vessel with?
2-0 absorbable
If you have to tie the limbs down, what do you tie them to?
Back to the horse itself
What local anesthesia should you use for castration?
How do you have to alter your local anesthetic dose for farm animals and why?
Sensitive - dilute to 0.5% or 1%
What is the complication rate for using emasculators?
What emasculators crush w/a self-retaining ratchet and have a separate lever for cutting?
Reimer emasculators
What tool twists and stretches the spermatic cord until it breaks to minimize hemorrhage?
Henderson castration tool
What emasculators simultaneously crush and cut the spermatic cord?
Serra and White emasculators
Henderson castration tools seal cord and remove the testicle in a _____ technique
Bloodless castration tool that crushes the cord within the scrotum to result in testicular atrophy
Burdizzo emasculatome
How do you sedate a horse for standing castration?
a2 +/- opioid + local anesthesia
Blocks skin incision and scrotum as well as the spermatic cord itself
Local anesthesia
What are pros of recumbent castration?
Better visualization and safer for surgeon
Scrotal approach 1cm off median raphe through skin and parietal tunic
Open castration
Which castration technique has a higher risk of hydrocele formation and why?
Open - parietal tunic can seal and accumulate fluid within it
Incise through scrotum and parietal tunic but also transecting parietal tunic with the spermatic cord
Semi-closed castration
What castration technique is most commonly done in horses?
Closed castration
Incise only through the scrotum and strip the scrotal fascia and scrotal ligament
Closed castration
What muscle gets cut along with the spermatic cord and parietal tunic in a closed castration?
Cremaster muscle
What kind of procedure (in regards to sterility) is a closed castration?
Clean procedure (but not sterile)
How does local anesthesia affect blood pressure response to surgery?
Decreases it
How does local anesthesia affect cremaster muscle tension?
Decreases it
How do you incise the scrotum?
Caudal to cranial pole 1cm on either side of median raphe
What is the proper positioning for an emasculator?
Nut to nut perpindicular to cord
What is the rule of thumb for how long you have to hold the crush of an emasculator?
1min/yr of life (minimum 3 min)
How will the surgery site heal?
Second intention healing
How does hydrotherapy improve post-op recovery?
Helps w/inflammation and swelling
When should a horse be forced to exercise again and why?
24hr later - promotes drainage and minimizes swelling