Case Study Questions Flashcards
How did you regularise the tenders and what guidance did you refer to?
Firstly I checked the tenders for arithmetical errors and contractor qualifications that may impact the tender price.
Next I raised tender queries with the contractors to ensure they had priced for the full specification of works as some items had not been costed.
Contractors offered the opportunity to confirm their tender or amend it where errors were found, in line with the JCT tendering practice note (2017).
The tenders were then assessed on a lowest price basis.
What is a fire strategy?
A document that sets the basis for fire safety control measures for the design of a building.
What product was specified for the compartment wall firestopping and how was it installed?
Nullfire ablative coated batt and fire resistant mastic.
Surfaces lined with mastic. Ablative batt cut to size and friction fitted between the blockwork and timber truss and sealed with the mastic.
Why were the floor levels out?
There were no visible signs of any defects such as cracking so it is most likely that the floor was poorly poured during construction.
Why did you select a minor works building contract?
Due to the works being relatively straightforward and simple with only a few trades required. No requirement for sectional completion or named subcontractors.
Why was a 3mm gap required?
Due to my clients fire strategy and the ‘stay put’ policy. So smoke is prevented from entering residents rooms.
How does an integrated drop seal work?
Bar installed into the bottom of the door which has a push button on one end. As the door closes the button is pushed in which releases the drop seal.
What drop seals did you specify and why?
Lorient LAS8001 - Complies with BS 9999 for fire safety and used on previous projects for the client with no issues