Case Study Flashcards
Who did you report into on this project?
Bi-weekly reporting into key stakeholders including:
-my client representatives (director of learning disability, business development and service manager)
-local commissioners (Hertfordshire Council)
Report weekly to my client rep (Head of Asset Management and manager) on progress and financials
Business development and operations to develop scope
How many people were reporting into you?
2no. contractor leads - site manager and contracts manager
Case study: Who agreed the programme for this work with the contractor?
During the joint walkabout held in December 2019, I discussed programme with the contractor including understanding their lead-in times, predicted 4-weeks mobilisation, 3 months building work with completion at the beginning of June.
How was the contractor selected from the Framework?
At the time of purchase they was my clients only available main contractor, and have experience of similar delivery for my client and other organisations
Who agreed the scope for the works
I led a joint scoping survey with the contractor and my clients representative to ensure the scope was devised with the customers needs in mind. I prepared the scope and issued to my clients reps (business development and ops) for approval/feedback before instructing
Who negotiated the task order value?
I negotiated the task order value with the contractors contracts manager ensuring standard items were costed in accordance with the schedule of rates, and reviewing quotes for specialised items. This included a online meeting and email trails to ensure value for my client was achieved
Upon what information was this negotiation based?
Schedule of rates
Quote review
Scope of works from joint inspection
Quantities and measurements
What did the requirement of completion at the earliest possibility mean to you?
The client was unable to provide a definitive date, I therefore considered completion as soon as reasonably possible (without impact to the rest of the programmed works), and ensured I outlined a realistic timeline for the client based on resources, lead in times, decision making etc to ensure they understood what this would be
Why was there a delay to the budget approval?
On this occassion the Client had to keep re-arranging the risk panel meeting due to other priorities for senior management.
Did the contractors programme have any float?
The contractors programme did not outline any float
Did you consider the contractors programme reasonable?
I personally felt the contractors programme was too generous and cautious and could facilitate more works to be carried out simultaneously i.e. the staff and resident bathroom could be carried out simultaneously labour dependant. However I appreciated there was a lot of uncertainty in the industry at this time owing to Brexit and Covid
Case study: Did the contractor agree to the time saving potential of acceleration
Yes the contractor was in agreement. He accepted his original programme was generous and cautious, and accepted acceleration could be accommodated. Due to the long-term partnership, and sensitivity of this particular project, the contractor was keen to support my suggestion to reduce the programme
Did you have any influence of this delay? (re. budget approval)
The delay to the risk panel was outside my control, however I ensured the client was kept reminded of the original programme, and how the delay would impact completion by providing actual versus revised timelines
(Concurrent works) why did the contractor not include this in the original programme?
The contractor admitted he was being generous in his programming, there was a lot of uncertainty in the industry owing to Brexit and Covid
What would the actual time saving be?
We was able to save 3-weeks mobilisation, and reduce construction period from 14-weeks to 11.
What works would have been required during the occupancy of SH? (partial possession)
Lay paving slabs
Renewal of soffits and fascias
New garden shed
Timber sheds for washing machine and dryer
Secondary fencing
Was Option D ever a realistic option?
This could have been accommodated as agreed with both the client, key stakeholders and contractors as a last resort if delays outside our control were occurred due to the time pressures.
Access could be arranged to the contractors via the side gate, and external works were minimal i.e. paving, fencing, soffits and fascias. My biggest concern was the unknown of how this could impact the residents health, however day’s out with the support worker could be arranged to remove the impact.
How would you determine the point of achieving partial possession?
This would be determined by the completion of the internal works which we prioritised in the revised programme. The remaining works would be external only including paving, shed, fencing.
Give me an example of reducing the specification
On purchase of the property the walls and ceilings were wallpapered and generally in good condition however SH was known to have incidents of becoming fascinated with minor flaking, patterns and lines which would encourage him picking the decorations. To mitigate the risk of this, I had scoped to remove the wall paper and fully skim the walls and ceilings to obtain a smooth finish. This was time costly, and disruptive but could have been omitted if time pressures were priority.
With whom in the client organisation did you discuss the scope reduction?
I discussed the scope reduction with my manager, although I recommended against it to mitigate maintenance issues on handover. My priority was to deliver a quality product suited to the client, on time.
Talk me through the omission of KPI monitoring, what did this involve?
The contractors under the MTC are measured on resident satisfaction, preconstruction, site management and financial management.
Fear of failing to meet the measures of the preconstruction KPI (CPP 20days prior to start) led to proposed delay in mobilisation.
The measures of the KPIs would majorly not be applicable due to the complexity and client requirements of the project. I gained my clients approval to omit the KPI, but would still review lessons learned on completion
Did omission of the KPIs negatively impact the projects performance?
No, the KPIs are majorly tailored to the standard specifications (i.e. 10 days kitchen, 10 days bathroom), this work was more specialised and therefore the KPIs would be unfair and unreasonable for the contractor to meet. The KPIs are used for improvement and feedback, there is no financial incentive, I was able to review lessons learned with the contractor, and regular site visits ensured the performance of the site was positive.
What works would have been required during the occupancy of SH? (partial possession)
Lay paving slabs
Renewal of soffits and fascias
New garden shed
Timber sheds for washing machine and dryer
Secondary fencing
Who quantified the works?
The Contractor based on a joint scoping visit involving myself and the contractor
Key issue 2 - why were estimates used?
The contractor was awaiting confirmed costs from suppliers, however I needed to present an estimated figure to the client as soon as possible for budget approval, I would firm up the costs once the actual costs were received
Who would you include on the tender list?
Due to limited time an open tender would not have been possible, I would therefore liaise with more experienced surveyors in the organisation to identify contractors they have knowledge of who experience of performing similar work of this nature
(Going out to tender) what time would be required to complete this option?
Approximately an additional 6-weeks, 1 to prepare the documents, 4 for tender returns, 1 week to review and decide.
How many visits did your fee proposal allow for?
I am full-time employed by this client, and am expected to carry out site visits as and where I deem required based on the project
Case study - Did you have other projects to manage at the same time?
Yes I was also managing some programmed works and void refurbishments
What were your key achievements?
Key stakeholders were impressed with the quality and turn-around time.
Resident enjoying his new home and living independently.
Improved commissioner relations supporting client expansion plans.
Client was impressed, and proceeded to give me additional void refurbs of a similar nature.
Was able to identify was to reduce programme.
Swift decision making.
Talk through the contents of your project plan for stakeholder management?
At the design stage of the project, I spoke with my client to understand the stakeholders involved in the project including their level of influence and interest in the project and to establish communication. It was agreed I would meet with commissioners fortnightly to update on progress, and all decisions would have to be finalised by business development (client)
Was your time efficiently spent on this project?
I would say so, especially considering the nature of this particular project. The project quality was a success, and I was able to early identify slippage. Ultimately the project was a success and had a number of benefits for my client.
How much of the contractors price was estimated?
This was generally the external works
Case study - partial possession - how would you have dealy with health and safety matters?
- Seperate access point i.e. through side gate
- Cordoned off areas
- Tools and materials to be kept in designated areas
- Customer to be taken on day trip where appropriate
Case study - Key Issue 2 (finance) - Option B (accepting contractors cost) - how would you have actually firmed up the costs if you proceeded with this option?
- Review cost plan
- Benchmark based on data from other projects
- Verfiy measurements
- Review quotes
- Assess breakdowns
Case study - Key Issue 2 - Option C Negotiation - how long would this process take?
- Scheduled a 2-hour meeting to review
- Confident we would be able to come up with a mutually agreeable resolution based on partnering relationship
Case study - Key Issue 2 - Option C Negotiation - what were the risks to the client
- Contractor could decline
- May be some compromise to ensure the arrangement works for both parties
- minimal time inconvenience/minimal delay
Case study - key issue 2 - solution - how would you prepare for this negotiation?
- Investigate and reviewed cost plan to identify works which could reasonably be undertaken under SoRs
- Identify goals
- self-assessed outcomes i.e. best solution, and meet in the middle solution
Case study - why did you advise you would not accept bespoke rates for standard items of work?
When the contractor agreed to undertake the works under the existing MTC it would be reasonable to understand that he then accepted the pricing terms of the MTC. The SoRs cover standard items of rates, and therefore these items could reasonably covered under the existing pricing agreement.
The contractor had claimed lack of resources and materials in the area, but my knowledge of the contractor demonstrated they did have workforce in this area.
Set poor precedent.
Agreed that complex, bespoke items could be claimed.
Case study - why did you advise you would not accept bespoke rates for standard items of work?
When the contractor agreed to undertake the works under the existing MTC it would be reasonable to understand that he then accepted the pricing terms of the MTC. The SoRs cover standard items of rates, and therefore these items could reasonably covered under the existing pricing agreement.
The contractor had claimed lack of resources and materials in the area, but my knowledge of the contractor demonstrated they did have workforce in this area.
Set poor precedent.
Agreed that complex, bespoke items could be claimed.
Case study - what was the contractors argument for not accepting bespoke rates for standard items of works
His initial argument was locating suppliers and labor in this area, when I negotiated acceptance of quotes and star rates for specialised and bespoke items, the contractor found this to be fair and was in acceptance.
Case study - what was the contractors argument for not accepting bespoke rates for standard items of works
His initial argument was locating suppliers and labor in this area, when I negotiated acceptance of quotes and star rates for specialised and bespoke items, the contractor found this to be fair and was in acceptance.
Case study - key issue 1 - how did you continuously review the programme?
I attended site minimum once a week, where I would compare progress against programme when on site for early identification of slippage, and to see signs of moving forward. Where delays were identified I would review programme with the project manager to review how we could get the project back on site.
Case study - can you give me an example of how you averted a delay?
-Once colour choice was chosen by the client and customer I ensured efficiency in delivery, the contractor contacted the supplier immediately to place the order and to confirm delivery date.
-The contractors programme showed the flooring was a week past the delivery date, I worked with the contractor to review so the flooring could start the day being installed on the day of delivery. The contractor was also generous in the flooring programme allowing approx 2-weeks, considering the resources on site, I worked with them to reduce this to 1-week
Case study - How did you achieve efficiency through acceleration?
The contractors programme was very generous with works spread out. Through acceleration by rephasing of works and additional resources on site, the time on site was better resourced and delivered
Case study - Talk me through how you achieved value for money
Ensured contractors worked in accordance with schedule of rates where possible
Reviewed provisional sums on an ongoing process, omitted and revalued as soon as reasonably possible
Review of quotes, provision of breakdowns to ensure clarity and value for my client
Case study - Achievement of value for money - can you illustrate with a specific example?
Contractor tried to use a bulk quote for all electrical works with no breakdown and provisionals which were unclear
Instructed to be revised with SoRs, electrical works were known so provisionals could be omitted. Breakdown to provide clarity.
Case study - key issue 2 - going forward how will you ensure requirements are made explicitly clear?
Firstly, worked with my employer to make some amendments to the contract to avoid ambiguity
On this occasion the works had informally been offered to the contractor before my appointment, but this highlighted to me that on future projects where there is ambiguity of the contract, I should discuss costs, supply, resources with the contractor upfront to ensure no surprises when it is too late to consider other options.
Case study - what would you do differently next time?
On this project I agreed communication plan with the client rep and contractor. As the project progressed, various client reps became involved and the communication plan was questioned. I have therefore implemented a project plan document to formally record the communication plan which is a live document my client can review.
This also list CVIs and RFIs so we are all aware of responsibilities and outstanding actions.
I explained to the client the risks of setting a completion date without consultation, especially when using the MTC contractors who have a programme elsewhere to complete. And ensure I am open and transparent with what we can achieve.
Case study - how did you act ethically?
Inclusive scope for the client rather than producing a generic bathroom for example.
open and honest with client, providing relevant evidence to support my decisions i.e. to justify the completion date
Good quality service to client, communicated clearly in a way they could understand while ensuring they had full receipt of info they needed while keeping clear records i.e. meeting notes