8 - Data management Flashcards
Can you tell me three principles of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018?
- Lawfullness, fairness and transparency
- Purpose limitation *collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
- Data minimisation* (adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary)
- Accuracy accurate & up to date
- Storage limitiation kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed
- Integrity and confidentiality (security)
- Accountability processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data
How do you comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 in your role?
- Correctly dispose of sensitive and confidential documents i.e. shredding
- Comply with clients data protection policy
- complete client training
- Sharing of confidential data using secure databases and sharepoint
- Seek private rooms/areas to discuss confidential matters
- Check emails are sent to correct person
- Secure holdall for documentation, phone/laptop when on site
- Ensure identifiable docs, i.e. photos, drawings are kept secure
Give me an example of how you process and handle confidential information?
Use cloud-based storage systems, and have set up sites via my clients cloud for consultants to share project information i.e. property details, site photos.
Give me an example of how you ensure that data is kept securely?
- Use cloud-based systems
- Dont leave documentation on desks, or uncollected at printers
- Sensitive information encrypted or use Egress
- Discuss confidential information in private areas
- Ensure confidential notes are put in the confidential waste bin
How do you protect electronic data from viruses
- Dont click links from suspicious or unknown accounts
- Data management training
- Password protected accounts
- Act in accordance with IT policy
Which records are manually kept in your office and why
Floor plans and as-built drawings:
* Accessible
* Archived in locked room
What do the privacy and electronic communications regulations 2003 apply to?
If you:
* market by phone, email, text or fax
* use cookies or a similar technology on your website;
* or compile a telephone directory
(Sit alongside Data Protection Act and GDPR, gives people special rights in relation to electronic comms)
What is copyright?
Copyright is a legal right, which protects the copyright owner and/or the creator of a work, i.e. patents and trademarks.
Can copyright be transferred?
Owners of copyright can use, sell or license a work (to a third party)
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
- Provides the public access to information held by public authorities
- Public authorities have to publish certain info about their activities
- members of public are entitled to request info from public authoriities
Give me an example of a property information tool?
Gov.uk for land and property info, i.e. title plan, title register
What is a pivot table?
A PivotTable is a tool to calculate, summarize, and analyze data that lets you see comparisons, patterns, and trends in your data
What is a VLOOKUP used for?
A function that searches for the value you specify
It is a function that makes Excel search for a certain value in a column, in order to return a value from a different column in the same row
What type of documents can electronic signatures be used for?
- Acceptance or agreement
- Digital certificate
- i.e. payment cert, site inspection reports, appointment docs, PC cert
What is ISO 9001?
the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS).
Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
What is an electronic document management system (EDMS)?
A type of software that stores, organizes, and manages documents in the form of electronic files for an organization.
Why is quality management important?
- Ensures standard for performance, reliability and durability
- Instills confidence in customers and promotes trust
- Customer satisfaction and loyalty
- Ensure high quality service
- Enhanced productivity and efficiency
What is data redundancy?
The practice of keeping data in two or more places within a database or data storage system
Are electronic signatures accpeted by the Land Registery?
Prior to covid accepted wet ink.
But recently, new guidance accepting e-signatures dependant on the document
Can you tell me about the retention of files and the Limitation Act 1980?
The Limitation Act 1980 states that legal action must be brought within six years of the issue arising.
Businesses, then, have a responsibility to keep these documents for at least six years after they expire so they can refer to them if there’s a disagreement.
Tell me about how you extract data from a source regularly used in your role?
The contractors upload project information to the SharePoint, I download the appropriate information for the task I am undertaking and file safely within the organisational sharepoint under the project folder.
What are the limitations of primary data sources?
Time consuming
Difficult to obtain, especially if you need a big sample
Can be costly
What are the limitations of secondary data sources?
May have been collected for a different purpose
May not be up to data, accurate
May be biased.
How do you validate information?
Cross-reference data
Review source of data to determine reliability
Cross check any citations
What is the difference between a deed and a registered title?
The registered title refers to ownership of something, meaning you have rights, it can be partial or full and can be transferred/given to someone else.
A deed is the legan, written document that transfers a title from one person to another.
How do you source title information?
HM Land Registry
What are the differences between manual and electronic records?
Electronic records are stored electronically i.e on a computer, not a hard copy. Can be encrpyted but subject to cyber attack. Generally more secure than manual
Manual records, are a physical copy, i.e. paper. Can be locked away, but risk if left out
What is an index map?
An index map contains information on all land and property that’s registered or being registered with HM Land Registry.
What does encryption mean?
The process of protecting information or data by using mathematical models/code to scramble it in such a way that only the parties who have the key to unscramble it can access it.
What is a firewall?
A network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security policies.
At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public Internet.
What does BlockChain mean?
A decentralised and public database that provides a shared record of data that’s virtually impossible to change. Data is stored in blocks which are linked together in a chain, you can not alter data without consensus from the chain.
Used for cryptocurrency.
What is BIM and how can it be used?
Building information modelling
A process for creating and managing construction projects.
Can be used to help clients and project stakeholders make the right decisions at the right time.
Collaborative and coordination tool.
Can be used to identify design clash
Save money by producing efficient design
Can calculate material quantities
Assists employer to better understand the design
Explain the growing use of AVM’s in the industry
Automated valuation models.
Reduce human error, speed and cost, Consistancy
Ability to value at scale
Also impacted/supported by covid where travel/visits were limited
What are the requirements of ISO 9001?
specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS).
The ISO 9001:2015 standard requires your organisation address seven key areas to achieve continual improvement:
* Context of the organisation
* Leadership
* Planning
* Support
* Operation
* Performance evaluation
* Improvement
What does IS0 27001 relate to?
Information security management systems
Why is quality management important?
Improves operational consistency
Improved productivity
Reduced costs
Minimise inefficiency
Enhanced reputation
Better service delivery
Tell me about data storage methods on one of your projects
Is there any guidance on this?
Data Protection Act
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation