Case 7- innate immune response Flashcards
The immune system
A system of cells, molecules and organs that provide specific (adaptive) and non-specific (innate) protection against foreign bodies such as micro-organisms, toxins and malignant cells or anything that seems foreign to the body (allergen)
Roles of the immune system
- Recognition- recognising that a particle is foreign and not part of the self.
- Reaction- containment and elimination of infection/ foreign body/ toxin.
- Regulation- keep immune response under control.
- Retention- exposure to infective agent results in long lasting protective immunity.
The study of the host defence (immune system) and what happens when the immune system goes wrong.
The immune response
The reaction of the cells and molecules of the immune system to the presence of a substance which is not recognised as part of the self
The ability of an organism to resist infection
Innate immunity
The innate immune response is activated immediately after infection and injury. Non-specific immune response reacts the same way to lots of different pathogens. The cells of the innate response alert the acquired immune response.
Acquired (adaptive immunity)
Specific to the pathogen, it also boosts the secretion of the cells and mediators in the innate response. The innate response produces B lymphocytes (which produce antibodies) and T lymohocytes.
Any molecule that can cause an immune response
An foreign molecule that generates antibodies, its a type of immunogen but not all immunogens are antigens. It is antibody generating. Usually proteins found on the surface of bacteria etc
A small part of the antigen to which the antigen binding site of an antibody or the T cell receptor actually binds.
Characteristics of the innate immune response
Reacts the same to all invaders. Immediate, can cause fever. Has no immunological memory, so will respond to the same threat in the same way over and over again.
Main features of the innate immune response
Physical barriers (skin, gut, eyes and nose), sentinel cellular barriers (phagocytosis and inflammation), complement and cellular induced innate response
Physical barriers- epithelial cells
The epithelial cells are held together by tight junctions, the tight junctions stop bacteria from entering the body.
Where are physical barriers found
Physical barriers are in any location that face the external environment such as the eyes, mouth, nose, lungs, reproductive system and gut.
Physical barriers- skin
Air movement across the skin can flush out the bacteria so they don’t linger. The skin has a high concentration of antimicrobial fatty acids within its structure which works against a range of gram-positive bacteria. The skin structure also contains anti-bacterial peptides which protects the skin from pathogens. The commensal bacteria outcompete pathogenic bacteria for nutrients and supplies, so prevents them from taking over.
Physical barriers- gut
The flow of fluid through the gut flushes out any lingering bacteria so they can’t grow or multiple. The stomach has a low pH, the acid makes it hard for bacteria to grow and multiply. The gut structure contains anti-bacterial peptides which neutralises the effects of pathogens. You have normal gut flora which outcompete pathogenic bacteria for their niche. Enzymes catalyse the breakdown of the carbohydrates found in the wall of some bacteria so they die.
Physical barriers- eyes/nose
Tears allow for the free flow of fluid to wash away lingering pathogens. Nasal cilia allows the movement of mucus. Lysozyme catalyse the breakdown of the carbohydrates found in the wall of some bacteria so they die.
Physical barriers- lungs
- Cough reflux- removes microbes and mucus from the respiratory tract.
- Mucocillary escalator- made of ciliated cells on the pseudostratified columnar epithelia. The cilia push mucus (which contains the microorganisms) up the respiratory tract and into the throat. It can then be swallowed and destroyed in the stomach.
- Mucus- traps pathogens (chemical barrier).
- Antibacterial peptides (IgA)- binds to the surface of bacteria and neutralises them, so stops them from growing and dividing.
Innate response- cellular barrier
After the chemical and physical barriers are breached you rely on the cellular response to destroy the pathogens. This includes the resident alveolar Macrophages. Macrophages can be fixed or roaming.
What happens when a pathogen has gone through the physical barriers
- Most pathogens gain entry through compromised epithelial barriers
- They are usually and almost immediately recognised by resident tissue macrophages within the submucosal tissues, which is just beneath the epithelial lining. They act as look outs or ‘sentinels.’ The first cellular barrier is resident Macrophages
- Once the macrophages encounter pathogens they are normally phagocytosed
Internalisation of particulate matter (normally viruses or bacteria) resulting in the death of the invader
How do Macrophages recognise the pathogen
The sentinel Macrophages contain pattern recognition receptors (PRR) which can be either phagocytic or signalling. They recognised pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMP) on the pathogen
Types of PAMP’s
PAMP’s include bacterial wall and pili components- Peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), Glucan and Mannose. They can also be flagella proteins which are found on some parasites and bacteria. You also have fungal wall components (Mannan, Glucan) and surface viral components (surface glycoproteins. Viruses have intracellular PAMPS which recognise viral RNA/DNA as they reproduce inside the cell.
Process of phagocytosis
1) Sentinel Macrophages are present in the submucosal tissue.
2) Pathogen breaches physical barriers and invades the underlying tissues
3) PAMP, for example Mannose found on the surface or inside of pathogens binds to PRR, for example the Mannose receptor on the sentinel macrophage
4) This induces cytoskeletal rearrangement, the macrophage sends out projections in order to encapsulate the bacteria
5) Binding of PAMPs with PRR induces phagocytosis, where the pathogen is internalised inside a phagosome. The Lysosome then fuse with phagosome to form phagolysosome. This releases reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the lysosome into the phagolysosome. This destroys the pathogen.
Complement pathways
A component of the innate immune system. Blood plasma proteins combat infections by opsonising or killing pathogens. Opsonisation can be done by coating it in C3B, beforehand if the pathogen is resistant to phagocytosis. Can also initiate an immune response
Changing the surface of a pathogen so it can be phagocytosed
Overview of complement pathway
The complement system consists of a number of small proteins (approx. 30 proteins) that are synthesized predominantly by the liver, and circulate in the blood as inactive precursors. When stimulated by one of several triggers, proteases in the system cleave specific proteins to release cytokines and initiate an amplifying cascade of further cleavages.
The end result of the complement pathway
- Membrane attack – by rupturing cell wall of bacteria.
- Phagocytosis – by opsonizing antigens. C3b has most important opsonizing activity.
- Inflammation – by attracting macrophages and neutrophils.
The three main complement pathways
1) Classical Pathway (Initiation Antibody Dependent) Triggers= Antigen-antibody complexes, pathogen surfaces.
2) Lectin Pathway (Antibody Independent) Trigger= Carbohydrates on pathogen surface.
3) Alternative Pathway (Antibody Independent and Spontaneous) Trigger=pathogen surface
How do the three complement pathways converge
The complement cascade is triggered by the C3 convertase. This converts C3 to C3b and C3a
The alternate pathways- initiation
It is initiated by the constant and spontaneous hydrolysis of C3 to C3a and C3b. C3a promotes inflammation and C3b binds to the amino acids on the cell envelope of the pathogen.
The alternative pathway- middle
Once C3b is stabilised on the pathogen surface, factor B binds to C3b on the surface of the pathogen, this is converted by factor D to C3bBb on the pathogen surface. C3bBb acts as a C3 convertase. This can convert C3 into C3a and C3b. The C3bBb complex is stabilised by properdin.
The alternate pathway- positive feedback
We get a positive feedback loop of C3 conversion to C3b. Large amounts of C3b are rapidly deposited on the pathogen surface by C3bBb. The C3b acts as an opsonin meaning that pathogens coated in C3b are rapidly phagocytosed by macrophages containing C3b receptor.
The classical pathway- trigger
The classical pathway is triggered by the C1 complex, which has the following domains: C1q /C1r /C1s which can bind to the pathogen via natural (mainly IgM) or adaptive antibodies on the pathogen surface or directly. They are not very specific and can only recognise general patterns on the cell surface. It’s a natural antibody meaning that it can interact with the pathogen. C1 can interact directly with the pathogen or via an antigen on the pathogen via an antibody complex.
Classical pathway- activation
- C1 binds to pathogen.
- This leads to activation of C1r which then activates C1s.
- The activated C1s cleaves C4 to C4b and C4a.
- C4b then binds to the pathogen surface.
- C4b then binds C2 which is cleaved by C1s to form C2a and C2b forming a C4b2a complex.
- C4b2a is a C3 convertase converting C3 to C3a and C3b.
- As the process works through positive feedback there will be lots of C3b on the pathogen surface, this leads to opsonisation.
How does the classical and alternate pathway converge to Lectin pathway
Alternative pathway= C3 convertase can cause C3Bb to bind to another C3b to form C3b2Bb.
Classical pathway= C3 convertase can cause C4b2a to bind to C3b to form C4b2a3b.
Both C3b2Bb and C4b2a3b are C5 convertases.
What is needed for a pneumonia diagnosis
New radiographic shadowing with no other explanation
Causative agent of most CAP
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Lectin pathway- MAC
Both C3b2Bb and C4b2a3b are C5 convertases. Meaning they convert C5 to C5a and C5b. C5a promotes inflammation. C5b binds C6, C7 and C8. C8 allows for binding of up to 16 C9 molecules to insert into the membrane of the pathogen forming a pore. The C5b, C6, C7, C8, C9(n) complex is known as the membrane attack complex (MAC).
Why is MAC dangerous
It directly kills the pathogen by forming a pore which makes the pathogen loose its osmotic stability as things move in and out of the pathogen
Complement control proteins
Attached to our own cells, prevent the MAC from destroying our own cells.
The two function of C3b
i) Opsonisation of pathogens – increased rates of phagocytosis in phagocytic white blood cells
ii) Generation of C5b and the Membrane Attack complex (MAC)
C3a and C5a- allergies
They are by products of C3 and C5 cleavage, they play a role in Chemotaxis and are Anaphylatoxins, they promote inflammation and recruitment of phagocytic white blood cells
Cytokine= IL-1beta
Causes Lymphocyte activation. Improves access of effector cells at sites of infection. It is pyrogenic (causes fever)
Cytokine= IL-6
Causes Lymphocyte activation. It is Pyrogenic (causes fever)
Cytokine= IL-12
Activates natural killer cells
Cytokine= TNF-alpha
Causes Lymphocyte activation. Increases vascular permeability, activates natural killer cell. It eases access of effector cells. It is pyrogenic (causes fever). Causes sepsis
Chemokine= CXCL-8
Encourages the recruitment of leukocytes to the site of infection
How is death caused in an immune response?
Due to an aberrant host immune response (immunopathology). An unbalanced cytokine response (cytokine storm) can lead to damage of the vascular barrier resulting in tissue oedema, capillary leakage, multiple organ failure and death.
What are interferons (IFN’s)
They interfere with viral replication by protecting cells from virus infections, they are a type of cytokines
Interferon A and B
1) Produced by cells in response to infection by viruses
2) Increase antigen presentation
3) Activate dendritic cells and macrophages
4) Activate NK cells to kill
Interferon g
Produced by NK and T cells, their main function is activation of Macrophages
How do cytokines have their effect
They produce a local effect through acute phase proteins which have the ability to produce systemic effects
Complement factors
protein components of all 3 complement cascades. Causes opsonise (promotion of phagocytosis), chemotaxis.
C-reactive protein
Can bind to bacterial and fungal cell envelopes. Can opsonise (promote phagocytosis). Causes classical complement activation.
Mannose binding lectin
Can bind to pathogen surfaces. Causes opsonisation and complement activation.
Critical for blood clot formation. Fibrinogen is converted enzymatically by thrombin to fibrin generating a fibrin based blood clot.
How does the body respond to viruses?
Activation of natural killer cells and cytoxic T cells,