Cartilage and Bone Flashcards
Matrix contains protein that absorbs water. (nose, larynx)
Hyaline Cartilage
Has collagen. Absorbs impact. (between vertebra)
Stretchy, has elastic fibers. (ear)
Elastic Cartilage
growth from outside in
growth from inside out
cells that are released by parathyroid hormone to strip calcium from bone into blood (resorption).
Caps/middle of bone
Epiphyses and Diaphysis
Marrow that makes bone, marrow that is adipose-rich and dormant
Red/yellow marrow
Bones made by intramembranous ossification
skull and clavicles
intramembranous ossification
Osteoblasts start to appear in mesenchyme. They lay down matrix, and form a “clump” of bone called an osteoid. Some get stuck in the matrix and become osteocytes. Blood vessels permeate the osteoid, creating woven bone. Compact bony collar forms.
endochondral ossification
chondrocytes appear and pattern the bone in cartilage. osteoblasts gather at the outside perimeter of the cartilage structure, and lay down matrix that sticks them to it and forms a compact bony collar. the chondrocytes start to die, and the osteoblasts find their way into the bone and create ossification centers (primary and later secondary) where they start laying down matrix, Blood vessels permeate the centers, making them into woven bone, which may later hollow out into a medullary cavity. This process is repeated in secondary ossification centers, if they are present. If they are, a plate of hyaline cartilage will remain between them and the bone’s center, called an epiphysial plate.
“bulge” in the bone (fracture)
partial break (fracture)
Steps of bone repair
A hematoma (blood clot) surrounds the break, and is later replaced by fibrocartilage. This fibrocartilage slowly ossifies into a compact bony callous, and osteoclasts are released to remodel the bone into a more normal constitution.
What does vitamin C do?
produces collagen which makes the bone have a higher CaPO4 ratio