Caries Diagnostic Tools Flashcards
rule in (sensitivity)
rule out (specificity)
Sensitivity is the ability of what
whats the formula
the ability of the test to detect caries when caries is truly present
TP / (TP + FN)
specificity is the ability of what
whats the formula
the ability to exclude caries when there is truly no caries present
TN / (TN + FP)
what does radiography show
and can activity be detected
shows difference in mineral content of dental hard tissue
mineral loss appears only when the tooth has lost a certain amount of mineral
very shallow initial lesions are not visible
activity cannot be detected
radiography usually shows false positive or false negative and cervical what
false positive
cervical burnt out
anatomical defect
radiolucent restorations
what is the ideal goal for longitudinal monitoring w a device - to provide what
(light and electric current)
numbers for lesion depth
light devices are based on the scattering and absorption properties of enamel and dentin
fluorescence of dental hard tissue
DIAGONOdent based on what
red light what wavelength
relationship of caries and fluorescence
numbers range from what
intensity is indicator for what
what is a limitation
red light wavelength: 665 nm
caries induced changes in teeth lead to increased fluorescence
numbers range from 0-99
intensity is indicator for caries depth
limitation - high false positives
vistaproof based on what and does what
number range
blue light at what wave length
based on fluorescence, captures fluorescent images
number range from 0-3
sound surface: 0-11
enamel caries: 1.2-1.7
dentin caries: >1.7
quantitative light induced fluorescence
demineralization of dental hard tissue results in loss of what
in-vivo vs in-vitro calculation of what
what camera and computer image analysis
loss of autofluorescence (natural fluorescence)
in vivo calculation of mineral loss
color microvideo charge-coupled device (CCD)
is porous enamel more conductive or mature
porous enamel is more conductive than mature enamel
is dentin more conductive or enamel
dentin is more conductive than enamel
visual tactile caries exams have acceptable balance of high proportion of what, while at the same time having low proportion of what
high proportion of true positives
low proportion of false positives
is visual exam or bitewing radiography superior in detecting shallow lesions
visual exams are superior to bitewing radiography in detecting shallow lesions
radiography is better at detecting what
radiography better in detecting deep dentin lesions in approximal surfaces
read over powerpoint again
observed proportion of agreement
do you want high or low chance-corrected proportion of agreement
want high