Career, & Leisure Flashcards
Explain the deinstitutionalization of marriage.
Why would someone choose to be single?
Deinstitutionalization of marriage
- society is moving into a period of deinstitutionalizing marriage (no longer required or expected)
- Still social pressures
Choosing to be single (often just as satisfied with life-not related to negative outcomes)
- Financial
- Choice (difference in values)
- Asexual, aromantic, demisexual
- growing up seeing failed marriages
- marriage wasn’t part of “the plan”
- Hasn’t found a reliable partner
What is cohabitation and why would people do it?
What is common law?
Many people live together without being married.
- Increase in serial cohabitation (living together without marriage for a long time
Varies by culture & generation:
- some cultures say no!
- Older generations less comfortable
- financial
- life situations
- “Test run”
- Save money by living together
- fear of divorce
- don’t want marriage/can’t
Common Law
- couple has basic similar rights to being married even if they aren’t
- happens after living together for 12 months
ex. buying a house together then breaking up
- Divide responsibility/rights to house
What are queerplatonic Relationships?
- Often seen in the LGBTQ+ community
- Often, people might want this if they’re aromantic or asexual
- similar commitments to marriage but without sexual or romantic aspects
Pathways of Marriage
Stages in relationship?
What is the best attitude to have?
When are people most likely to get divorced?
*Divorce “danger zone” first 4 years (higher chance of divorce)
*U-shaped curve of marital satisfaction
- satisfaction is shaped like the letter “U” honeymoon period at beginning
- decline in marital satisfaction (choosing to have gremlins reduce satisfaction more)
- If they have children and children “leave the nest” satisfaction raises again (stink is gone!)
- When someone retires, there is an upswing of marriage satisfaction
- declines with health problems (relationship must change (people don’t love change))
*“Sweet spot” of attitude and disenchantment
- Better relationship health and coping= balance between optimism and realism
*Too optimistic: unrealistic
- leads to stronger negative feelings when things destabilize
- learned helplessness
*Too much realism: not enough optimism
What are the Relationship Phases according to Bernard Murstein’s Stimulus-Value-Role Theory ?
*Can be applicable to romantic or platonic relationships
- Stimulus phase: assessment - am I interested in them, are they interested in me?
- Value-comparison phase: Does this individual match up to me as far as interests, values and beliefs?
- Role phase: How can we incorporate each other into our lives? Can I make space for them in my life?
*Homogamy: In general, the people who are more similar to us are the people we are attracted to.
- Higher homogamy is a predictor of marriage success
Opposite don’t attract.
The Secret to Lifelong Passion
We don’t know! But we do have ideas…
- Engaging regularly with each other in interesting and exciting ways.
- Having growth experiences together
ex. reading together, communicating together being educated together….
Exchange Theory
- When they get something from the other person that they couldn’t get alone
(It’s like in bio-Facultative Mutualism!)
What are the divorce rates in Canada?
What are the common feelings associated?
Reorganizing life after divorce?
Divorce rates in Canada:
- Lowest it’s been in 50 years
- Deinstitutionalization of marriage effected this stat-less people are getting married
- Also common law breakups are not reported
Reorganization of life:
- Logistically: shared assets, shared people
-emotionally: built your life around other expectations for future… Must reorganize emotions
- More shared things more=complex divorce
Common feelings:
- relief
- increase in libido (testosterone goes up)
- Guilt and shame (internal and external-people around them)
Risk Factors for Divorce
- Negative vs. positive comments
When negative comments out way the positive. - Behaviour during conflict
- Behaviour gets personal during conflict.
- expressions of contempt (uhg), sarcasm, eye roles etc. - Sensitivity
- Not being sensitive to the other partners need for space
- Micromanaging, controlling, not giving space
Divorce in Middle Age
*Divorce initiation and outcomes
- when women initiate the divorce, there’s lots of self focused growth and optimism
- More rumination and vulnerability when women see spouse initiated divorce
*Higher levels of common feelings of freedom, independence happiness.
*Financial difficulties when reliant on partner’s income (no more sugar daddies) :(
How do you define“work?”
Point: Money and personal growth
- Getting something in return putting effort in
- People want work to provide for needs
- Helps them grow personally, and meaningful in some way
- Work is part of many people’s personal identities.
“I am….”
(damn it- I am a sea gremlin, monitor/educator)
Workplace Expectations
*There are generational changes in expectations for employers
- Report that it’s important that an employer meets and responds to worker’s needs
- More understanding now of burnout and work-life balance
- Setting more boundaries
Job Satisfaction
White collar vs blue collar jobs?
Work and home life.
What is it: + feeling that result from appraisal of one’s work
- Increase satisfaction in white collar jobs but not in blue collar jobs
- Job security
- differences in promotions
- White collar jobs salaries
- Blue collar less perks or benefits - paid hourly
- Physical decline effecting ability to work blue collar jobs
- Employee-employer relationships more complex
- “go to work and go home” isn’t the case anymore
ex. people can be fired based on social media posts - harder to leave work at work today (smartphones)
More frequent job changes because of these employer expectations
- results in less employee loyalty
Influences on Work Life Happiness
*Does your career match your personality?
- No= less happy
- Yes= More happy
ex. Having a job that requires lots of presentations when introverted.
*Does your work place satisfy you?
- Intrinsic career reward: workplace provides you with an internal benefit.
ex. fulfilling a passion
- Extrinsic career reward: Workplace provides you physical reward
ex. pension, good pay, health benefits
Do you feel efficacious in your job?
- Do you feel like you are able to do your job well?
Three factors:
1. Role overload: Being given too much to be able to do that job well. Too much to do to be able to do anything well.
2. Role ambiguity: You don’t know what’s being asked of you.
3. Role conflict: Can’t balance different parts of your life that are competing for time/energy.
Ex. Family work conflict
Retirement-Why do people retire?
- May be choice
- Could be due to health issues (forced retirement.)
- If they retire for health issues, it continues to decline after retirement, if not it doesn’t
- Can be good or bad
- May involve the loss of part of one’s identity (jobs make up a huge portion of our identity)
- Often involves financial decision-making (making less $$$, can they afford to live in the conditions they need/want)
Adjusting to Retirement
What factors are related to better adjustment?
- Adjustment is dependent on multiple factors
Better adjustment: - better financial security
- Better support network
- Better social network
- Better internal motivation
- Having hobbies
Health and adjustment
Many older adults seek part-time employment and volunteer work
- gives them something to do, maintains social and communal ties