cardiovascular 1 Flashcards
what are the two parts of the extracellular fluid and function
1) Blood plasma
2) Interstitial fluid - (site of metabolic exchange) - middle man - take fluid from capillaries to the cells as some cells don’t have direct access to the circulation (unlike liver (hepatocytes and heart cells)
- Exchange takes place between intracellular fluid and interstitial fluid
list 4 factors effecting diffusion rate
- Concentration difference
- Surface area
- Diffusion distance - very rapid over 5-7um not 1cm - need thing cell wall
- Permeability to that substance
interstitial fluid where released, where reabsorbed
- Released from the arterial ends of capillaries
- 90% reabsorbed at venous end of capillaries
- 10% returned to CVS via the lymphatics
what is needed for flow to occur and what can flow be altered by
- pressure difference
Therefore blood flow can be altered by:
1) changing the pressure difference across its vascular bed
2) or by changing its vascular resistance.
vessels in series and parallel how does resistance occur
largest pressure drop will occur in the part having the greatest resistance to flow: arterioles
parallel - resistance to flow in a parallel network of vessels is given by Ohm’s law - overall resistance for any parallel network will always be less than the resistance of any of the elements of the network
heart and circulation in a fish what is the greatest advantage and greatest disadvantage
advantage is that the blood passing through the gills is fully oxygenated when it moves into the tissues.
limitation is that in passing through the gills, blood loses much of its pressure developed by contraction of the heart
- This limits rate of oxygen delivery to the rest of the body as limits flow
what occurs with systole and diastole
Systole:•Muscle contraction → increased pressure→ blood flow from heart into blood vessels
Diastole:•Muscle relaxes → pressure falls below atrial pressure → ventricle fills through AV valve
what are the 3 things needed for effective functioning of the heart
1) conductivity
2) contractility
3) autorhythmicity
position of the heart, size of heart and shape of the heart
- Between 3rd and 6th rib
- 3rd, 4th or 5th intercostal space
- Slightly towards the left side
size - 0.6% of total body weight
shape - cone shape in horses and ruminants, more globular in small animals
pericardium how many walls and function
Inner wall - - Single layer of flattened mesothelium - Visceral pericardium (inner pericardial sac layer) •Outer wall - two layers 1. Inner parietal pericardium 2. Outer fibrous pericardium - hard to tear •Pericardial cavity - Occupied by thin film of serous fluid - lubricant Functions of the pericardium •Protective •Help maintain position •Minimise friction during cardiac cycle •Prevent over-distension of the heart
where is the site for performing pericardiocentesis
Typical site - 4th or 5th intercostal spaces
what is the auricle, where is it found and what is the most cranial part of the heart
auricle - blind diverticulum
right and left auricles curve around the origin of the pulmonary trunk
right auricle most cranial part of the heart
what is the left surface and right surface of the heart called and what parts of the heart are in those areas
•Left lateral surface of the heart (auricular surface)
- Left atrium and left ventricle
- Right ventricle and right auricle extend around the cranial border
•Right lateral surface of the heart (atrial surface)
- Right atrium and right ventricle
- Left ventricle and left atrium extend around the caudal border
what are the grooves within the ventricle and what do they mark
○ Left interventricular groove (or paraconal)
○ Right interventricular groove (or subsinuosal)
- mark the interventicular septum
what are the four main openings in the right atrium and where do they come from
1) cranial vena cava - drains neck, head, forelimb
2) caudal vena cava - abdominal viscera, hindlimbs, abdominal wall
3) coronary sinus - from heart itself - ventral to caudal vena cava
4) right atrio-ventricular opening - guided by A-V valve
small coronary veins and azygous vein where drain and when present
coronary - heart supply azygous - part of lumbar region, bronchial circulation and oesophagus right in carnivores left usually in pigs both in ruminants
what are the 3 vestigaes of the fetal circulation in right atirum
1) fossa ovalis - depression on interatrial septum
2) intervenous ridge (tubercle) - directs blood from cranial vena cava into ventricle
3) cista terminalis - muscular ridge on internal surface of right atrium
entry into the right ventricle what guarded by and what made from
- guarded by the tricuspid valve - prevent backflow of blood back into atrium
○ Three thin flap-like cusps - Cusps are composed of a layer of collagen fibres between two layers of endothelium
○ Free edge of cusp - restrained by chordae tendineae
○ Chordae tendineae arise from papillary muscles - Fan out to attach to the cusps of the A-V valve
where is the right septomarginal trabeculae found and what parts
right ventricle
2 functional components
1) inflow channel - 3 papillary muscles
2) outflow channel - (conus arteriosus) - directs blood into pulmonary trunk
pulmonary valve structure
3 semi-lunar valves
3 buldges in the wall of hte pulmonary trunk
left ventricle what valve guarding entry and structure
aortic valve what enter into and structure
atrioventricular (mitral) valve
2 cusps and 2 papillary muscles arise from outer wall
3 semi-lunar valves
left coronary artery from left aortic sinus
right coronary artery from right aortic sinus
list the openings into the left atrium
1) 6 pulmonary veins
2) small coronary veins
3) left A-V orifice into left ventricle
what is the cardiac skeleton made up of and function
fibrous rings to which valves are tethered
1) ensure heart doesn’t tear with force of pressure
2) blocks electrical impulses so only one way for impulses to move through to ventricle via AV node - stops random contraction of ventricle when not filled
where are the valves of the heart positioned in terms of ribs
Left hand side - 3rd intercostal space- pulmonic - 4th intercostal space - Aortic - 5th intercostal space - Mitral - most caudal - hear heart sound the loudest Right hand side - Tricuspid valve
what are the 3 parts of the aorta and what comes off where
ascending aorta - supplies blood to wall of heart - left and right coronary arteries
aortic arch - 1-3 major branches (species variation)
1) brachiocephalic trunk
branches - left and right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery
2) left subclavian artery
descending aorta
left and right subclavian arteries what 4 main branches do they give rise to and what do they supply
1) vertebral artery - cervical muscle, spinal cord and brain
2) costocervical artery - muscles at base of neck, intercostal spaces
3) internal thoracic artery - thoracic wall
4) superficial cervical artery
how do ions move into cardiac myocytes and what ions are important to action potentials
1) receptor operated ion channels
2) voltage operated ion channels - once opened almost immediately inactivated
- depends on the entry of Na+ and Ca2+ into the cell
what are the phases of an action potential
Phase 0
- entry of Na through voltage gated sodium channels
• Phase 1
- Early repolarisation due to efflux of K+
• Phase 2
- Plateau due to entry of Ca through voltage gated Ca channels
• Phase 3
- Repolarisation with efflux of K+
• Phase 4
- Restoration with exchange of Na for K+
describe the refractory period in cardiac myocytes
cells in absolute refractory period fro most of action potential as Na+ voltage gates channels inactive quickly and don’t reactivate until voltage more -ve than -65mV - cannot be tetanized
-relativew refractory period can be present at more negative potentials as channels reactive and large stimulus can activate
where are pacemaker cells present, what does the AP depend on and characteristics of the AP
sinoatrial node and atroventricular node Ca2+, Na+ and K+ movement 1. Slow depolarization 2. Lower amplitude AP 3. Shorter plateau 4. Unstable resting potential
what is the ionic basis of the pacemaker AP
1) increased permeability to Na+ so RMP tends towards threshold
2) no voltage operated Na+ channels
3) depolarisation occurs due to entry of Ca2+ through VO Ca2+ channels
4) threshold for depolarisation more positive due to dependence on VO Ca2+ channels
autorhytmic tissues in heart, are they all the same, if not what does this mean
different rates of depolarization - faster decay - faster rate
SA node fastest rate of decay therefore set the rate for other tissues before they decay themselves - SINUS RHYTHM
purkinje cells histology
very large diameter, pa,e central area due to glycogen and marginalisation of myofibrils around the periphery
what does conduction velocity of an AP depend ion
- Shape of action potential: faster upswing generates greater local currents and more rapid conduction
- Diameter of muscle fibre- larger diameter eg Purkinje fibres lead to faster conduction
- Disease states ( with changes in plasma electrolyte levels) change ionic conductance ( eg hyperkalaemia in renal disease)
What are the 3 layers of the heart
1) Endocardium
1. Endothelium - layer protects blood
2. Inner subendothelial layer
3. Outer subendothelial layer
2) Myocardium
- Bundles of cardiac muscle cells
3) Epicardium
- Mesothelial cells of visceral pericardium
- Subepicardial connective tissue
Adipose tissue is found under the epicardium
how does cardiac myocotyes differ from skeletal muscle
- Intercalated discs, central nuclei (usually one but sometimes two) with perinuclear space, branched fibres, good blood supply (respiration is aerobic at all times)
calcium source percentages for cardiac myoctyes and what stimulates calcium release
○ 20% of the rise in intracellular Ca enters cell through VO (voltage operated) channels
○ 80% of the rise in intracellular Ca contributed by release from sarcoplasmic reticulum - initiated by Ca sensitive release channels- ryanodine receptor channels
what contributes to cardiac muscle refractory period and how does muscle relaxation occur
- Ca release from SR contributes to the plateau phase of the AP, and hence to the refractory period - ensuring tetanus doesn’t occur
1) Active pumps return Ca to : - Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Extracellular fluid
2) Calcium exchanged for extracellular Na
3) Intracellular Calcium concentration falls
4) Myocyte relaxes
length-tension relationship what generates tension and what effects does it have
1) intracellular Ca2+ levels
2) length of myocyte - overlap of thick and thin filaments (determined by amount of blood in ventricle)
- at certain length overlap is optimal however if increase more fibres no longer overlapping so can no longer increase tension
- normal cell length is less than maximal so can increase if need b e