CardioPulm Flashcards
Define: Afterload
The forces that impede the flow of blood out of the heart, primarily the pressure in the peripheral vasculature, the compliance of the aorta, and the mass and viscosity of blood.
Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output: Define and Normal Ranges
SV: volume of blood ejected by each contraction of L ventricle. Normal = 60-80 ml
CO: amount of blood pumped from left or right ventricle per minute. SV x HR = CO. Normal: 4.5-5.0 L/min Men (women are less). 4.5-5 L is normal blood volume…
Define: Venous Return
The amount of blood that returns to the right atrium each minute. Venus return MUST equal CO when averaged over time.
Define: Preload
The tension in the ventricular wall at the end of diastole. It reflects the venous filling pressure that fills the left ventricle during diastole.
Anatomic Dead Space Volume (VD)
air that occupies non-respiratory conducting airways
Expiratory Reserve Volume
max volume of air exhaled after normal tidal exhalation.
~15% of Total lung volume.
Forced expiratory volume
max air exhaled in a specified period of time: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd seconds of a forced vital capacity maneuver.
Forced Vital Capacity
volume of forced max air expired after a forced max inspiration.
Functional Residual Capacity
air in lungs after normal exhalation. FRC=ERV+RV.
~40% of total lung volume
Inspiratory Capacity
Max volume of air inspired after a normal tidal exhalation.
~60% of Total Lung Volume
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
max air inspired after normal tidal inspiration.
~50% of total lung volume
Minute Volume Ventilation
volume of air expired in one minute.
VE = TV x Respiratory rate (RR)
Peak Expiratory Flow
max flow of air during the beginning of a forced expiratory maneuver.
Residual Volume
volume of gas remain in in lungs at end of max expiration.
~25% of total lung volume
Tidal Volume
total volume inspired and expired with each breath during quiet breathing.
~ 10% fo total lung volume
Total Lung Capacity
volume in lungs after mac inspiration.
Vital Capacity
volume change between max inspiration and max expiration.
~ 75% of total lung volume.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Meds and Surgerys
Med: Ace inhibitors, beta lockers, digoxin, diuretics.
SURG: biventricular pacemaker, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Meds and Treatment
Meds to slow HR and stabilize rhythm. Lopressor, calcium channel blockers.
Surgery: septal myextomy, septal alcohol ablation, pacemaker, defibrillator.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy meds and treatment
Med: focus on improving sx. diuretics, antihypertensives, antiarrhythmics.
Surgery: ventricular assit device, heart transplant.
Atrial Septal Defect
DEF: hole in wall separating right and left atria. (foramen ovale)
- S/S: heart murmur, SOB, fatigue, swelling legs, lung infections, stroke, cyanosis.
- TX: surgery.
Coarctation of the aorta
- DEF: aorta i narrowed near ductus arterioles.
- S/S: pale skin, sweating, SOB. high BP in arms, low in legs. intermittent claudication, weakness, headache.
- TX: surgical repair or balloon angioplasty
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- DEF: blood shunted from pulmonary artery directly to descending aorta.
S/S: can be asymptomatic, tachycardia, respiratory distress, poor eating, weigh loss, congestive heart failure.
TX: diuretics and indomethacin, surgery.
Ventricualr Septal Defect
- DEF: hole in septum separating right/left ventricles. too much blood pumped to the lungs.
- S/S: cyanosis, failure to thrive, fast breathing, fatigue, swelling of legs, tachycardia.
TX: surgery
Tetralogy of Fallot
- DEF: 4 heart defects: (1) VSD, (2) pulmonary stenosis, (3) right ventricular hypertrophy; (4) aorta overriding the ventricular septal effect.
- S/S: synosis, SOB, fainting, clubbing of digits, heart murmur.
TX: surgery.
Cor Pulmonale
- AKA: pulmonary heart disease, hypertrophy of RIGHT ventricle (caused by altered function of lungs)
- S/S - SOB, palpitations, atypical chest pain, swelling of LE, dizziness, syncope.
- TX: diuretics/anticagulation, supplemental O2.
Coronary Artery Disease
- narrowing/blockage of coronary arteries.
- S/S - angina, SOB, may not be felt until lumen is >70% occluded.
- TX: improve lifestyle, DRUGS (anti platelet agents (aspirin), ACE inhibitors, angiotensin 2 blockers, statins), Surgery.
- inflammation of endothelium lining heart and cardiac valves. caused by bacteria
- S/S: fever, chills, murmur, SOB, skin petechiae, blood in urine
- TX: antibiotics. surgery
Heart Failure
- heart cannot maintain normal cardiac output. weak ventricles. typically begins with LEFT ventricle.
S/S: SOB, swelling LE, S3/S4 hear sound, weight gain.
Tx: medication (including digitalis to increase strength of contraction), lifestyle change, surgery
Heart Murmur
- abdnormal swishing or whooshing. turbulent blood flow through a damaged or narrowed heart valve. hole in wall.
- S/S: cyanosis, limb edema, SOB, enlarged neck veins, weight gain, chest pain, dizziness/fainting
TX: medications or surgery
Hypertension Number Classifications
Normal - 160/100
Hypertension S/S and TX
- early sign S4 heart sound
- significant CNS symptoms, cardiovascular symptoms, and renal involvement.
TX: lifestyle mod, MEDS (diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin 2 blockers, vasodilators)
Myocardial infarction
- heart attack. causes irreversible necrosis.
- S/S: chest pressure, SOB, arm/shoulder/neck/back pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, palpitations.
- TX: med/surgery.
- inflammation/weakness of myocardium. can lead to s/s of heart failure.
- S/S: arrhythmias, chest pain, SOB, signs of fever.
TX: focuses on underlying causes.
- when pericardium becomes inflamed, the fluid between layers increases (pericardial effusion).
- S/S: chest pain, SOB, dry cough, anxiety, fatigue, fever.
- TX: severe cases will nee to prevent cardiac tamponade, when fluid in the pericardium creates pressure on the heart preventing proper filling with blood. tx removes fluid.
Peripheral Arterial Disease
- primarily caused by alter in the structure and function of the aorta and its branches.
- S/S: aching, numbness/pain (butt, thigh, calf, or foot at rest or when walking). distal hair loss, poorly healing wounds, hypertrophic nails.
TX: lifestyle changes, if intermittent claudication, tx includes revascularization procedures and surgery.
Rheumatic Fever
- inflammatory disease after untreated strep throat/scarlete fever.
S/S: inflammed joints, fever, heart palpitations, SOB, skin rash. - TX: antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- sudden failure due to fluid accumulation in the alveoli. severe SOB after original disease, fatal 25-40% of cases.
- S/S: SOB, rapid breathing, hypotension, confusion, cough, fever, extreme fatigue.
- TX: get O2 to lungs and organs. treat underlying condition.
- collapse/ improper inflation of lungs.
- S/S: cyanoisis, SOB, increase RR, increase HR.
- TX: deep breathing, positioning, airway clearance,
Bronchial Carcinoma
- lung cancer. smoking, second hand smoking.
- S/S: new cough, coughing up blood, SOB, wheezing, weight loss, bone pain.
- TX: surgery, chemo, radiation
- OBSTRUCTIVE lung disease, abnormal dilation of bronchus. irreversible. bronchial was weaken over time and allow for permanent dilation.
- productive cough hemoptysis (coughing up blood), weight loss, anemia, crackers, wheezes, loud breath sounds
- TX: meds (antibiotics, bronchodialators, expectorants, mucolytics.)
- inflammation of bronchi. hypertrophy of the mucus recreating glands, increase mucus, mucus blockage causing insufficient oxygenation. productive cough over 3 months within 2 years.
- S/S: increase use of accessory muscles, wheezing, dyspnea, cyanosis, increase pulmonary artery pressure. worse in morning and with damp weather conditions.
TX: warm moist air.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- group of lung diseases the block airflow by narrowing of bronchial tree. Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis. alveolar destruction, air trapping, INCREASED TLC, increase RV.
- S/S: mucus production, productive cough, wheezing, SOB, fatigue, reduced exercise capacity.
MEDS: bronchodilators, steroids, O2, antibiotics.
SX: lung volume reduction, bullectomy, lung transplant.
Cystic Fibrosis
- autosomal recessive genetic disease of exocrine glands. chromosome 7. body produces thick, sticky mucus causing lung infections, obstructs pancreas, and inhibits normal digestion/absorption of food.
- S/S: Salty tasting skin, poor growth/weight gain, greasy, bulky stools.
- TX: pancreatic enzyme replacements, mucolytics, bronchodilators.