Capítulo 8 Quotes Flashcards
Tita and Esperanza were both born prematurely and this is one of the many similarities between them. They have the same destiny from the start.
Key words: Igual, manera
Al igual que Tita de una manera prematura
As Esperanza is the only daughter of Rosaura and Pedro she must take on the tradition
Key words: Única, amolar, familiar, madre
Por tanto Esperanza sería su única hija la más pequeña y para acabarla de amolar, ¡mujer! Lo dual dentro de la tradición familiar, significaba que era la indicada para cuidar a su madre hasta el fin de sus días
Pedro admits that he regrets marrying Rosaura
Key words: Precisamente, decisión, arrepentido
Precisamente por esa decisión que tomé y de la dual estoy completamente arrepentido
Pedro says it would’ve been better if he ran away with Tita
Key words: Ahora, mejor, huir
Ahora pienso que lo mejor hubiera sido huir con usted
Tita calls Pedro a coward and she is really angry. Pedro is a representation of weakness that the reader may see in themselves.
Key words: Cobarde
¡No sea tan cobarde!
Tita’s anger acted as yeast for the dough to rise. This food metaphor shows the power of Tita’s anger
Key words: Enojo, levadura, masa
El enojo que sentía por dentro actuaba como la levadura con la masa del pan
Despite all the other things that have led to Tita’s anger (e.g. her discussion with Pedro, the work in the kitchen) but the main cause was Rosaura saying that the tradition would continue with Esperanza
Key words: Gran, palabras, antes
En una gran parte por las palabras que Rosaura había pronunciado unos días antes
After Alex says he wants to marry Esperanza, Rosaura explains that he can’t as it is her destiny to look after her instead of getting married. Tita is angry.
Key words: Niñita, destinada, muerte, cabellos
No podía ser pues esa niñita estaba destinada a cuidarla hasta el día de su muerte, Tita sintió que los cabellos se le erizaban
Tita wants to prevent Esperanza from suffering like she did
Key words: Suficiente, impedir, hermana, nefastas
Ojalá que ella viviera lo suficiente como para impedir que su hermana llevara a cabo tan nefastas intenciones
Tita does not know why she feels so annoyed and upset during the time that is meant to be the happiest moment of her life.
Key words: Pensar, desagradables, momentos, felices
No sabía por qué tenía que pensar en esas cosas tan desagradables en estos momentos que deberían ser para ella los más felices de su vida
The first time the title in referenced in the novel. It refers to being on the brink of boiling point but not quite there yet. Most characters in the book have repressed anger due to tradition but the power of tradition and the expectations prevents the characters from reaching boiling point.
Key words: Literalmente, agua
Tita literalmente estaba «_space;como agua para chocolate»_space;
Chencha’s parents did not want her to marry Jesús but they went ahead with this forbidden love. Chencha has lower social expectations due to her class which means that the consequences for her reputation are not like those for Tita and Rosaura.
Key words: Opuesto, terminantemente, amores
Los papás de Chencha se habían opuesto terminantemente a esos amores
When John proposed to Tita she felt love for Pedro.
Key words: Recordar, fulgor, ojos, momentos
Recordar el fulgor en los ojos de Pedro momentos antes
Pedro broke the glass at the toast and this is foreshadowing of the fact that Pedro will be the one to break Tita and John’s relationship
Key words: Copa, fuerza, pedazos, ropa
Pedro golpeó su copa con la de los demás con tal fuerza que la rompió en mil pedazos y el líquido, de las otras salpicó en el rostro y la ropa
Pedro took Tita’s virginity in the dark room
Key words: Perder, conocer, amor
La hizo perder su virginidad y conocer el verdadero amor
There is strong light coming from the dark room. This light is Tita’s matches being lit by Pedro and burning strongly. Chencha thinks this light is the ghost of Mamá Elena.
Volutas fosforescentes
It is ironic as Tita and Pedro were scared of Mamá Elena so they go to the dark room but that room happens to be Mamá Elena’s favourite room. Mamá Elena still causes fear after her death.
Key words: Presencia, temor
Aún después de muerta su presencia seguía causando temor