Capítulo 7 Quotes Flashcards
The broth gave Tita her sanity back
Key words: cordura
Tita había recobrado su cordura
Tita could finally remember the first step of a recipe. This takes her back to the beginning of her life with her tears and the onion. It may symbolise a rebirth.
Key words: Receta, rememorar, picada
Por fin había logrado recordar una receta al rememorar como primer paso la picada de la cebolla
Tita’s tears cause a flood
Key words: Riachuelo, escaleras
Alarmado por el riachuelo que corría escaleras abajo
Tita asks Chencha to tell Mamá Elena that Tita will not return to the ranch. Tita knows her own mind now and has made that decision for herself.
Key words: Decisión, regresar, saber
Tita le comunicó a Chencha su decisión de no regresar nunca más al rancho y le pidió que se lo hiciera saber a su madre
Tita and John are going to get married. Now that Tita is sane, she is willing to marry John and start a new life together
Key words: Completamente, dispuesta, beso, compromiso
Estaba completamente recuperada y dispuesta a iniciar una nueva vida al lado de John. Con una tier o beso en los labios sellaron su compromiso
Tita doesn’t feel the same way for John as she does for Pedro but she wants to love John and hopes that he can light her matches one by one instead of all at once
Key words: Mismo, alma, enmohecida, hombre
Tita no sintió lo mismo que cuando Pedro la había besado, pero esperaba que su alma por tanto tiempo enmohecida lograra poco a poco encenderse con la cercanía de este hombre tan maravilloso
Chencha was raped by the bandits and Mamá Elena was hit on the spine which caused her to be paralysed
Key words: Violaron, fuerte, paraplejia
A Chencha la violaron
Recibió un fuerte golpe en la espalda y este le provocó una paraplejia que la paralizó
When Tita returns to the ranch there is a power shift as Tita won’t let her mother control her as she once did
Key words: Primera, mirada
Y por primera vez Tita le sostuvo firmemente la mirada y Mamá Elena retiró la suya
John’s warm embrace saved Tita from freezing. Links to Mamá Elena being a person with frozen breath that Tita should avoid. Reference to heat and warmth also links to John and Tita’s relationship and how he doesn’t make her matches wet.
Key words: Abrazo, congelación
Su cálido abrazo salvo a Tita de una congelación
Mamá Elena suspects that Tita wants to poison her
Key words: Algo, comida
Algo me están dando con la comida
The reason Mamá Elena thinks that Tita and John are trying to poison her is so that they can get married.
Key words: Día, mano
Poderse, libremente
Un día de estoy voy a pedigree su mano
Para así poderse casar libremente
Mamá Elena doesn’t like the bitter taste of Tita’s cooking because Tita cooks with her feelings and these feelings are transmitted through the food she makes.
Key words: Inmediato, sabor, amargo
Mamá Elena de inmediato detectó el sabor amargo
Mamá Elena died due to taking too much ipecacuana as she thought she was being poisoned. There is an irony here as Mamá Elena ultimately poisoned herself
Key words: Mes
Frasco, seguro
Al mes murió Mamá Elena
Encontraron el frasco de vino de ipecacuana y dedupe Ron que de seguro Mamá Elena
Tita found the true story of her mother’s forbidden love with José Treviño in a box of letters. Gertrudis is Tita’s half sister
Key words: Hija, padre
Gertrudis era hija de José y no de su padre
Tita’s father (Juan de la Garza) was unaware that Gertrudis was not his daughter and at the celebration of Tita’s birth someone told him the news and he died of a heart attack
Key words: Noticia, infarto
La terrible noticia le provocó un infarto
Tita felt deep sorrow and sympathy for her mother at the funeral
Key words: Entierro, realmente
Durante el entierro Tita realmente lloro por su madre
Pedro is jealous of John and Tita. As Mamá Elena is now dead there is a possibility that they could get married.
Key words: Familiaridad, se acercaba, hablaba
No le gustaba nada la familiaridad con la que John se acercaba y con la que Tita le hablaba al oído