CAL: Meat Inspection Flashcards
What actions should be taken if a calf with septic arthritis is brought to abbatoir?
- condemn at antemortem
- slaughter in lairage
- condemn carcase as SRM cat 1
- naval-ill common cuase in claves
How can you ID bovine lungs?
- marked lobation
- distinctive separation of cranial, medial and caudal lobes
- trachea characteristic high ridge in the ends of the cartilage (not present swine/horses)
How would you assess bovine lungs?
- visual inspection
- palpation l ungs and LNs
- incision trachea to main bronchi, medial lobes and associated LNs
path signs of pneumonia
- consolidation cranial/medial lobes with associated congestion
- small nodular lesions (2* bacterial infection)
- emphysema poss
How can parasitic cytsts be diff from abscesses etc.?
Thin walles, clear fluid and hydatic sand
- may have multiple scolexes (echinococcus granulosus)
hosts of echinococcus grnaulosis
- final hosts foxes and dogs
- intermediate any mammal (humans, etc.)
Are hydatic cysts zoonotic?
YES but via the DOG
- offals should be rejected cat 2
- inform the farmer too, will need to worm the dogs and prevent feeding on infected ofal/carcasses
category of traumatic pericarditis
- total condemnation if assoc with septicaemia /pyaemia
- category 2 (high risk)
potential implications of vegetative endocarditis
- embolic pneumonia - check for potential pyaemia, septicaemia
Category endocarditis
- local condemnation of heart cat 2
- total condemnation is embolic pneumonia or pyaemia generalised conditions present - cat 2
do animals often have clinical signs of amyloisosis of the kidneys?
give egs. of cat 3
- fatty liver
- amyloidosis kidney
most likely cause of small cysts like lesions on a sheep heart. Category? Zoonotic? final host?
- parasitic cyts
- cystercercus ovis (teania ovis)
- not zoonotic
- final host dogs
> cat 2 local condemnation of heart or
> cat 2 total condemnation if generalised carcasse affected
Is there a zoonotic risk with dictycaulus?
No direct lifecycle within the host
Category of lung worm
- local condemnation
- cat 3 low risk as doesn’t infect anything else
Thickening of pericardium, deposition of fibrin tags and areas of congestion in a cow.
- often localised lesion 2* to pleurisy/pnaemonia
- check carcass for lesions d/t generalised condition bacteraemia/pyaemia
- Cat 3 not risky for human or animal health
Where should lesions be checked for with tail biting wounds?
Along spinal cord/vertebral column
What category would the presence of a spinal cord make a carcasse?
Cat 1