C7 - Geologic and Ground Water Considerations Flashcards
figure 7-1 sa assignment na explanation
Storing, treating, or utilizing agricultural wastes and
nutrients at or below the ground surface has the potential to contaminate ground water
covers all natural and processed soil and rock materials
geologic material or earth material
Common examples of this property include mineral composition, grain size, consistency, color, hardness
(strength), weathering condition, porosity, permeability, and unit weight.
material properties
refers to the orientation and deformation
characteristics, such as faults and joints.
Geologic structure
is formed primarily in limestone terrain
and characterized by solutionally widened joints,
sinkholes, and caves.
discontinuities that are distinct breaks or abrupt
changes in the mass.
mass properties
include fractures of
all types that develop sometime after a soil or rock
mass has formed.
Structural discontinuities
common example of
a stratigraphic discontinuity
soil/bedrock interface
All water beneath the surface of the Earth is called
underground water, or subsurface water
Underground water occurs in two primary zones: an upper zone of aeration called the ___
vadose or unsaturated zone, and a
lower zone of saturation called the phreatic or saturated zone.
contains both air and
water in the voids
vadose zone
where all
interconnected voids are filled with water
saturated zone
the only underground water available
for wells and springs
ground water
Water in this zone
is available for transpiration by plants or direct evaporation.
vadose zone
Water in this zone cannot move back up to the soil-water zone by capillary action.
intermediate zone
This zone occurs in fine to medium
grained soils and in rocks with fractures less than 1/8
inch wide.
saturated zone
Water in the___ is under less
than atmospheric pressure.
capillary fringe
is a geologic unit capable of storing and
conveying usable amounts of ground water to wells orsprings
include sand and gravel alluvial
deposits on flood plains of perennial streams; glacial
outwash; coarse-grained, highly porous, or weakly
cemented sedimentary rocks (some sandstones and
conglomerates); and karst topography
Productive aquifers
Some unconfined aquifers result in flowing artesian
wells. This occurs when the water table locally rises
above the ground surface. ____ is the primary
control on most flowing wells in major valley bottoms.
is overlain by a confining layer of
lower permeability
confined aquifer
well in a confined aquifer that has higher than atmospheric
pressure is called an __.
artesian well
is the level to which ground water
rises in a tightly cased well penetrating a confined
are typically remote from any
given well location.
Recharge areas