C4.2 Flashcards
open systems
energy and matter can be exchanged in open systems like an ecosystem substance exchanged eg. warer, nutrients, gases
closed systems
only allow exchange of energy eg. bottle garden, grows because plans photosynthesize and other organisms respirate/ cellular respiration so water cycle is self containd process
principal source of eneergy sustains most ecosystems needed to produce glucose in photosynthesis
use sunlight inderictly feed on autotrophs so dependent on it
describe a basic food web
light -> producer -> herbivore (where energy and chemical elements are transferred) -> carnivore (where energy and chemical elements are transferred),
then energy and chemical elements are transferred from producer herbivore and carnivore pass through detrius to decomposer and finally only chemical elements or inorganic compounds pass back to the producer
what are some places which dont receve a lot of sunlight
caves and deep sea
describe cave and adaptations
streams entering cave bring dead organic molten supplies source of energy some caves do not receive any influx, energy is produced by chemoautotrop bacteria through chemical reactions with sulfides, methane or other inorganic materials as substrates
eg.olm= eyeless so other senses very well developed
describe deep sea and adaptations
marine and freshwater ecosystems light must pass through water to reach producers, transmission is not 100% only shorter wavelengths penetrate source of energy deep sea often originate from bacteria can use sulfides as source of energy to synthesize glucose
examples of adaptations organisms use in deep sea
some organisms use chemosynthesis to create food instead of photosynthesis
bioluminiscense communicate attract prey or deter predators
describe flow of chemical energy through food chains
energy enters as lights, flows as nutrients through food chains and usually leaves as heat
recycling nutrients
is a good example of interaction between biotic and abiotic factors within enviornment, nutrients absorbed from enviornemnt, used by living organisms returned to enviornment
describe nutrient cycle
dead leaves (other plants and animal matter) go to decomposers which breakdown organic matter which then end up as minerals and other nutrinets into soil which gows into plant growth
rocky subsoil goes into rocks browken down and water an air penetrate soil
food chains
show flow of energy through sequence of organisms producer= 1st and ends up with consumers
food web
represent complexity of feeding relationships, showing interacting and interconnecting food chains and many consumers they are
decomposer tasks
all chemical energy stuck in nutrients has to be recycled, the supply of energy to decomposers as carbon compounds in organic matter coming from dead organisms and matter eg. faeces, shed exoskeleton, dead plant materials