C1-Psychodynamic Approach-Classic Study Flashcards
What is the classic study in the psychodynamic approach?(1)
-Bowlby(1944) CASE study on 44 thieves
What are the findings in Bowlby’s case study?(4)
- 6 personality types: normal=2, depressed=9, circular=2, hyperthymic=13, affectionless=14, schiz=4
- such separations from mothers were rare in other thieves- 30 non affectionless and only 3 had experienced separations
- in control group, no affectionless but they were more depressed
- remaining 27 thieves who had no separation, 17 of them had mothers who were emotionally struggling
What is the procedure in terms of initial examination in Bowlbys case study?(4)
- sample obtained through opportunity sampling
- each child given test by psychologist to test intelligence (Binet scale) and they noted the emotional attitude of the child and at the same time a social worker spoke to their mother
- both psychologist and social worker reported to Bowlby and Bowlby then interviewed the child and then the mother
- after examination: they considered school and other reports
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is retrospective data in methodology and procedure of the study?(1S+1W)
- collects more details to build up studies
- participant bias
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is validity in findings and conclusion of the study?(2)
- case study- detailed source of info
- several methods used to establish validity through triangulation
What are the sections in methodology and procedure in evaluation of the study?(5)
- retrospective data
- opportunity sampling
- location
- interviews
- ethical issues
What conclusions can be drawn from Bowlbys case study?(3)
- childs early years are important for character development
- persistent stealing is linked with an affectionless character which results from prolonged separation from mother
- earlier diagnosis is made, the better the treatment and prevention will be
What are the sections in findings and conclusion in evaluation of Bowlbys study?(4)
- biased sample
- cause and effect
- data was retrospective
- validity
What is the procedure, in terms of therapy in Bowlby’s case study?(3)
- many children continued to meet with Bowlby over a period of 6 months more
- mothers talked over their problems with a social worker
- meetings and discussions enabled detailed case history to be recorded and allowed psychiatrics to diagnose the childrens emotional problems
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is biased sample in findings and conclusion?(3W)
- not representative
- may not be generalisable
- may lack pop. validity
What is the case study of Harlow (1959) as alternative research to Bowlbys case study?(3)
- two wired mothers (one with food+ wire and the other with no food + cuddly)
- 8 weeks and monkey went to wired one for food but spent most of their time with the cuddly monkey. Don’t develop attachment to the person feeding them but the one offering contact
- motherless monkeys developed abnormally
What is the case study of Rutter and Songua-Barke (2010) as alternative research to Bowlbys case study?(3)
- 165 romanian children who spent early years in an institution compared to control group of 52 british children adopted in the UK
- at time of adoption, Romanian orphans lagged behind their british counterparts by some ages, they caught up
- those orphans adopted after 6 months showed disinhibited attachments
What are the alternative research studies in Bowlbys case study?(2)
- Harlow 1959
- Rutter and Songua-Barke 2010
What is the methodology in Bowlby’s case study?(3)
- opportunity sampling- Bowlby worked at clinic for emotionally disturbed children
- 44 thieves and 44 non stealing children (31 boys and 13 girls in each, 5-17 age range)
- case study method, Tavistock clinic
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is opportunity sampling in methodology and procedure?(1S+1W)
- more accesible-ethical
- more biased so lacks pop validity
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is location in methodology and procedure?(1S+1W)
- enabled control group to be identified
- temporal validity
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is ethical issues in methodology and procedure?(1S+1W)
- no psychological harm as they were used to the procedures
- non confedentiality or valid consent
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is cause and effect in findings and conclusion?(2)
- finding relationship doesn’t mean we can say one thing caused another
- other facts eg education and diet contribute to affectionless characters
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is interviews in methodology and procedure?(1S+1W)
- gathered detailed info, making it reliable
- social desirability bias, subjective, low control= no casual conclusions drawn
In the evaluation of Bowlbys case study, what is data was retrospective in findings and conclusion?(2)
- subject to bias and distortion so results may be invalid and not reflect reality
- only 17 thieves had suffered separation from mothers and 27 didn’t-cant conclude that material deprivation was only cause of validity