C1-Cognitive Approach- Classic study Flashcards
What is the classic study in the cognitive approach?(1)
-Loftus and Palmers 1974 classic study
In the study, what is the procedure in Experiment 1?(3)
- 45 participants shown 7 clips
- all asked ‘about how fast were cars going when they ____’ and the gap filled by verbs like smashed, collided, bumped, hit or contacted
- DV=estimate of speed given by PP the used a questionnaire- asked specific questions about accident and 1 critical question that was changed
In the study, what is the methodology in Experiment 1?(5)
- lab experiments
- independent groups
- IV=different verb used, DV= estimate of speed
- 45 american pps shown 7 video clips
- split into 5 groups with different verbs
In the study, what is the aim in Experiment 1?(1)
-investigate the effects of leading questions on the estimate of speed
In the study, what is the aim in Experiment 2?(1)
-investigate whether leading questions alter an eyewitness memory of an event
In the evaluation of the study, what is reliability?(4)
- lab experiment- high controls
- can be replicated and checked
- low demand characteristics
- similiar studies with similiar results: Loftus and Zanni 1975 confirmed effect of leading questions- used ‘the’ so 17% recalled seeing a headlight where as ‘a’ 7% said yes
In the study, what is the conclusion in Experiment 1 and 2?(2)
- response bias= different speed estimates occured because the critical word influences or biased a persons response
- memory is altered= critical word changes a persons memory so they actually ‘see’ accident differently
In the study, what is the results in Experiment 2?(2)
- mean estimate of speed for subjects interrogated with smashed was 10.4mph and it was 8mph
- results show that the verb used in original question influenced whether ps thought they had seen broken glass
In the evaluation of the study, what is social implications?(2)
- way investigations are carried out means injustice can be avoided
- innocent project with state about 70% who have been sentenced due to EWT has been incorrect
In the evaluation of the study, what is fairly harmless?(4)
- avoided psychological harm by using film clips
- confedentiality followed
- no physical harm
- told about real aims of study
In the evaluation of the study, what is generalisability?(1)
-all american uni students so might not be representative of the general population due to age, driving experience, or educational achievement
In the evaluation of the study, what is useful applications?(1)
-police questioning witnesses need to avoid leading questions as they can be inaccurate so shouldnt be relied upon in court
In the evaluation of the study, what is ecological validity?(2)
- low because not a natural setting and pps knew they were taking part but in real life events there would be an element of suprise
- Foster et al 1994 found if pps thought they were watching a real life robbery and thought their responses would have been an influence on a trial, their identification of robber was more accurate
in the evaluation of the study, what is similiar studies?(1)
-Yuke and Cutshall 1986 found little effect of leading questions after 5 months - real life events
In the evaluation of the study, what is alternative evidence?(2)
- Loftus conducted memorable research involving cardboard cut out of bunny (Bran et al 2002)
- college students asked to evaluate material about disneyland and there was misleading info about bugs bunny or ariel.Ps assigned to bugs, ariel or controlled condition. Ps in bugs bunny or ariel group were more likely to have recalled shaking hands with characters compared to controls- shows how misleading info can create inaccurate memory
In the evaluation of the study, what is ethics?(3)
- didnt get fully informed consent
- knowing aims would have affected them
- some individuals who may have had a bad experience of crashes may show distress
In the study, what is the procedure in Experiment 2?(3)
- 150 pps shown short film that a car accident and asked questions about it
- ps split into 3 groups: ‘how fast were the cars going when they hit each other’ ‘ how fast were the cares going when they smashed into each other’ and third group wasnt asked about speed of vehicles
- week later all pp returned and were asked 10 questions including critical question ‘did you see any glass’
In the study, what is the methodology in Experiment 2?(4)
- lab experiment
- independent groups
- IV=different verb used in critical question, DV=whether pps recalled seeing glass
- 150 students split into 3 groups
In the study, what is the results in Experiment 1?(1)
-smashed verb estimated at 40.8 where as contacted was only 31.8 so verb had no impact