C P1 - Bonding, Structure and the Properties Flashcards
What is ionic bonding?
Ionic bonding is when an atom loses or gains an electron to have a full outer shell and become stable. This occurs between metals and non-metals.
What is covalent bonding?
Covalent bonding is when an atom shares electrons to have a full outer shell. This occurs between two non-metals.
What is metallic bonding?
Metallic bonding is when atoms share delocalised electrons. This occurs between metals and alloys.
If an atom has a high melting or boiling point…
…large amounts of energy is needed to break the bonds.
If a solid cannot conduct electricity it means that the ions…
…are held in a fixed position in the lattice and cannot move
What are the features of an ionic compound?
Ionic compounds are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions, and the forces are acting in all directions in the lattice
What does it mean if an atom has lots of delocalised electrons?
If an atom has lots of delocalised electrons, that means that it has a high electrical conductivity
What is an alloy?
An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements where at least one of them is a metal
Why are alloys harder than pure metals?
Alloys are harder than pure metals because atoms of different sizes disrupt the layers so they cannot slide over each other
Why do metals and alloys have high melting and boiling points?
Metals and alloys have high melting and boiling points due to their strong metallic bonds
Whey can pure metals be bent and shaped?
Pure metals can be bent and shaped because the atoms are arranged in layers that can slide over each other
Why are metals good conductors of electricity?
Metals are good conductors of electricity because delocalised electrons carry electrical charges through the metal
Why are metals good conductors of thermal energy?
Metals are good conductors of thermal energy because energy is transferred by the delocalised electrons
What are the limitations of the model of solids, liquids, gases?
The limitations of the model of the solids, liquids and gases is that there are no forces in the model, all the particles are shown as spheres, and the spheres are solid
What are polymers at room temperature?
At room temperature, polymers are solids at room temperature
How are atoms linked in polymers?
In polymers, atoms are linked by strong covalent bonds
What are the properties of small molecular substances?
Properties of small molecules include low melting and boiling points, do not conduct electricity, weak intermolecular forces which are easily broken
What are the properties of diamond?
The propertires of diamond are that they are very hard, they have very high melting point, they do not conduct electricity, they have stong covalent bonds
What are the properites of giant covalent strucutres?
Giant covalent structures needs lots of energy to break their strong covalent bond, they are variable electrical conductivity, they have high boiling and melting points due to their strong bonds
What is the size of a nanoparticle?
Nanoparticles are between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm) in size
What are nanoparticles used for?
Nanoparticles are used for healthcare, cosmetics, sun cream, catalysts, deodorants and electronics
Why can nanoparticles be toxic to people?
Nanoparticles can be toxic to people because they may be able to enter the brain from the bloodstream and cause harm
What are the properties of graphene and fullerenes?
Graphenes and fullerenes are excellent conductors, they are very strong, they contain delocalised electrons and they have strong covalent bonds
What are the properties of carbon nanotubes? (6)
Carbon nanotubes are very conductive, have high tensile strength, have a large surface area to volume ratio, it is used in the electronic industry, reinforce composite materials, can be used as catalysts and lubricants
What are the properties of graphite? (6)
Graphite is slippery, has a very high melting point, conducts electricity, the layers can slide over each other, has strong covalent bonds, has delocalised electrons between layers