C Flashcards
It is a foundation of knowledge that must be ingrained in every professional’s mindset. Having this knowledge ingrained in their general work habits allows them to function seamlessly while reducing the risk of inflicting harm onto themselves or to others.
Occupational safety
It is a governing body founded in the United States responsible for ensuring and monitoring the implementation of work standards in all fields, including the medical field.
The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
It is a set of standards providing employees, including clinical laboratory personnel, a safe work environment. Many programs and guidelines are based on this act, and is the basis for many of the implemented policies in the Philippines.
The OSH Act (Occupational and Safety Act)
It is one of the standards stemming from the OSH Act
Occupational Safety and Health Standards in 1978 formulated by the Department of Labor and Employment.
When was the Occupational Safety and Health Standards formulated by the Department of Labor and Employment?
Who formulated the Occupational Safety and Health Standards in 1978? [PH]
Department of Labor and Employment.
When was the Occupational Safety and Health
Standards amended?
What passage is the another revision followed?
RA 11058
It is also known as the OSH Law
Republic Act No. 11058
This act requires employers of all establishments to provide their employees with a safe work environment, affording the working people with full protection from all hazards in their work environment. This act also ensures that the provisions of the Labor Code of the Philippines, all domestic laws, and internationally-recognized standards on occupational safety and health are being fully enforced and complied with by the employers, and it shall provide penalties for any violation thereof.
OSH Law / Republic Act No. 11058
What department implements the rules and regulations set by RA 11058?
Department Order 198-18
A framework used in occupational safety and health professionals to select ways of dealing with workplace hazards.
Hierarchy of Controls
This prioritizes intervention strategies based on the premise that the best way to control a hazard is to systematically remove it from the workplace, rather than relying on workers to reduce their exposure.
Hierarchy of Controls
Hierarchy of Controls, from from most to least effective:
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
- Work practices
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Hierarchy of Controls: Physically remove the hazard
Hierarchy of Controls: Replace the hazard
Hierarchy of Controls: Isolate people from the hazard
- are those that involve making changes to the work environment to reduce work-related hazards. These types of controls are preferred over all others because they make permanent changes that reduce exposure to hazards and do not rely on worker behavior. By reducing a hazard in the workplace, this can be the most cost-effective solutions for employers to implement.
- Ex. Chemical Fume Hoods & Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)
Engineering controls
Hierarchy of Controls: Change the way people work
- are those that modify workers’ work schedules and tasks in ways that minimize their exposure to workplace hazards
- Examples include: Developing a Chemical Hygiene Plan & Developing Standard Operating Procedures for chemical handling
Administrative controls
Hierarchy of Controls: Protect the worker with personal protective equipment
Hierarchy of Controls:
* are procedures for safe and proper work that are used to reduce the duration, frequency or intensity of exposure to a hazard. When defining, it is a good idea for the employer to ask workers for their suggestions, since they have firsthand experience with the tasks as actually performed. These controls need to be understood and followed by managers, supervisors and workers.
* Examples include: No mouth pipetting & Chemical substitution where feasible (e.g., selecting a less hazardous
chemical for a specific procedure)
Work practices
It is a term used to describe the safe handling of biological substances that pose a risk to health