business unit 3 aos 2 definitions Flashcards
human resource management
the effective management of the formal relationship between the employer and employee
human resource manager
coordinates all activities from acquiring to terminating an employee from a business’s human resources
business objectives
the desired outcomes that a business intends to achieve
what drives a person to apply individual effort over a sustainable period of time
maslows hierarchy of needs
assumes that each of the five needs act as a source of motivation as long as they remain unfulfilled
physiological needs
basic human needs - shelter, food, satisfactory pay
safety needs
physical and emotional security - job security
social needs
sense of belonging and bonding - team work
esteem needs
respect and a sense of accomplishment - promotion and recongnition
self actualisation needs
personal growth and fulfilment - career advancement, development
goal setting theory
setting clear goals leads to increased effort and employee motivation
four drive theory
four fundamental drives that control motivation and emotions
drive to acquire
drive to learn
drive to defend
drive to bond
drive to acquire
desire to own material goods, status, influence
drive to bond
need to form relationships with others
drive to learn
desire to satisfy curiosity and learn new skills
drive to defend
need to remove all threats to safety in environment
performance related pay
means of rewarding employees through monetary compensation when they perform their duties in a manner that exceeds standards
career advancement
when a person takes a job with higher responsibility or increased opportunities to provide leadership
investment in training
the direction of finances into teaching employees skills
the assistance or services provided by the business to help employees to cope with difficulties that may impede their work performance
the penalty imposed on an employee which can range from a verbal warning to termination
on the job training
employees learn specific skills to perform tasks in the workplace
off the job training
employees learn specific skills in a location away from the workplace
teaching employees to perform more efficiently and effectively by increasing their knowledge and skills
process of providing employees with better knowledge as they gain more experience in their position
employee self evaluation
process where employees carry out a process of self evaluation based on agreed criteria
management by objectives
a process where management and employees agree on a set of goals for each employee, with all of these goals contributing to the business’s objectives as a whole
the formal assessment of how well an employee performs their role in the business over a period of time
performance management
aims to improve both business and individual performances through relating business performance objectives to individual performance objectives
employee observation
strategy where a variety of opinions on employees is sought with the aim of arriving at a comprehensive image of past and current performance
essay method
journal for each employee
critical incident method
similar to essay method but only with very good or very bad
comparison method
employees are ranked based on criteria
the voluntary ending of an employment relationship
when an employee voluntarily leaves the workplace and workforce
when an employee leaves the workplace and workforce, ending the employment relationship
when a person’s job no longer exists, usually due to technological change
voluntary redundancy
employees are informed of the situation and given the opportunity to nominate themselves
involuntary redundancy
when an employee is asked to leave the business against their will because their job no longer exists
when the behaviour of an employee is unacceptable and a business terminated their employment
unfair dismissal
when an employer dismisses an employee for discriminatory reasons
entitlement issues
the rights to benefits employees have when they leave the workplace voluntarily or involuntarily
transition issues
for retirement. above the requirements of the law
outplacement services
assistance given to employees exiting the business voluntarily or involuntarily
workplace relations
the interaction between employees and employers to achieve its strategic, tactical, and operational objectives
individuals who work for a business and expect fair pay and ethical treatment for their contribution
trade unions
organisations formed by employees in an industry or occupation to represent them in efforts to improve working conditions and wages
employer associations
organisations that represent and assist employer groups when making awards
log of claims
list of demands made by workers against employers
peak employer bodies
represent employer associations, usually affiliated with peak bodies
peak union bodies
unions affiliated with state bodies
legally binding document determined by the fwc that outlines minimum wages and conditions for whole industries
individual contract
covers those employees who arent under an award or enterprise agreement
penalty rates
additional wages paid to employees that work overtime
modern award
sets out minimum terms and conditions on top of 10 employment standards
enterprise agreements
collective agreement made in the workplace between an employer and union acting on behalf of its employees
method of solving disputes where a discussion between the two parties results in a compromise and formal/informal agreements
grievance procedure
formalised set of steps where the employer and employee resolve matters relating to complaints
involves a third party such as the fwc hearing both arguments in a dispute and determining the outcome
a process that occurs when a third party participates in the resolution of a dispute through discussion
confidential discussion of issues in a non threatening environment with a neutral third party that helps get to an agreement without suggestions
factors of the goal setting theory
clarity, feedback, task complexity, challenge, commitment